A pakistani missionary is going to my church tonight, what should I say amongst the crowd to offend the fucker...

A pakistani missionary is going to my church tonight, what should I say amongst the crowd to offend the fucker? Indianons help me.

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a pakistani missionary? for what?

his experiencies and difficulties in that country, he is also married to a brazilian missionary

Scream Allahu Akbar and then drop-kick him

stop going to church, you're not going to heaven anyway

kill yourself

Kill yourself

Why would you wanna offend him?

speak to yourself, degenerated amerifat
t. disgusting pakis, cope moar
this is my welcome to brazil

That's not a welcome. That's a rude thing to do.

call his wife a dirty fat whore for marrying a paki

Don't offend him, since you're a good christian :)

You need a holy water enema, as you are clearly possessed by a demon of immense faggotry

Do what your religion says and kiss his feet, Meccaco Christ-kike

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Me on the left.

So he is Christian, not a muzzle?

Ha, as if anyone would want to be welcomed to your monkey country

hi is vari beşt poot phetişipst
male/female nod imburdant

Fuck off dude, respect others

What a disgusting person you are

Why not be nice and loving to him? Why would you try to bully?? I don't get it?

update: the missionary is actually BASED, I also got surprised pakis are as dark as africans
PAKI BVLL got him a ginger wife, which he met and propose her in marriage through facebook. KARA BOGA is real, i love pakis now