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International #1071
Your country
All real French died in WW1
Slovenia has no Balkan genes. Very few speak Serbocroatian in Slovenia
Your cunt
Damn hoes can't resist BBC ( big british cock )
If English had grammatical gender, I'd figure the countries would be gendered like this...
Apparently our government is increasing the gf supply
I'm going WMAF. Does Jow Forums approve?
/nocturne/ anciennement /fr/ - le francofil
Why do Brits use the wrong names for these two things?
Wake up
Your cunt
/carib/ + island friends
Why cant they swim?
Is there any cunt who won't turn us down like lepers?
What was your upbringing like, Jow Forums?
Haha look his friend's name means "a big penis" and the legionnaires try so hard not to laugh haha
Why do they hate each other so much? They're basically the same
Bunch of thunder in my hometown, I'm scared
Would you prefer girlfriend from your own or foreign country?
Why are black people so cool?
Baby pics of Jow Forums thread
Argentina hate thread
Repulsive "people"
Væ jess í spík verí gúdd eingliss, háv did jú nóv?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
English "cuisine"
Why did Turkey get involved when the Greeks on Cyprus started killing Turks but did nothing when the Serbs started...
Sverigetråden - Eliasupplagan
User, how good is your Spanish?
Why is India the same color as Russia and slavs??
Why don't they just speak English ?
STOP MAKING URANUS PUNS. Do you also believe that the Hungarians aren't tired of the Hungary/hungry pun...
/ita/ - il filo
America? More like Americhina
Do women in your country expect to have their ass eaten?
Are Italians considered white in your country?
ITT: Post American things
Are they human?
Dont you wish for a simple village life style without all the degeneracy and half a virgin waifu?
Poor girl... get wrecked by the police
This is how my dick looks like...
Second most commonly spoken language
Why all of the countries Neighboring France are such Subhumans?
Have you ever noticed
1. ur cunt
Immigration needn't be a negative
Are Danes insects?
What are the Hindu equivalents of Greek gods?
We're all living in Amerika
This is the shield of Europe
Spanish surnames
Your cunt
I like this country
Do Indians really do this?
Whats the distribution of wealth like in your cunt
Do women in your country think that they're being oppressed by fetuses?
/fr/ - le francofil
Wtf I hate the US now!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Country
Is he the most relevant president of the USA since FDR?
Wake up
Redheads will die out in our lifetime
The most famous man in the world is a soccer player from a literal who country
Why do africans consider this appealing?
Finland is Scandinavian
Who has, or had these?
/dixie/ — Western Turkey & Friends
Despite having 13 wives in his life, Muhammad had no male heir
What's it like being a white person in Africa?
These are our names for European countries
He lives in an overcrowded shithole
Dutch people invent a pan to make good stews, known as a 'Dutch oven'
Fellow eurofags, post your currencies before the euro. Other countries post their old cash I guess
Racism in your country
You are driving in America
Fish bites a 5-year old in Finland
Your DNA results are ready!
/cum/ + enemies
/v4/+sea creatures
Facial reconstruction of what Jesus may have looked like
My dog died
Is it true that the modern Greeks are Turks and the ancient Greeks were Nordics?
Do you have beaches for nudists?
Culture Pals /cp/
Which BRICS country would you live in if you were forced to?
Sweden population: 10 million
/balk/ meetup edition
Your average monday in America
Why those n*ggers keep claiming Flandre?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
/ita/ il filo
Kurva anyátok
ITT we imitate users from other cunts and guess the nationality
Me eating your chocolate bar
My country just had fucked up elections. Anybody know this feel?
What does Jow Forums wear?
Do you love Ukraine?
What are some unique things to experience in morocco?
Why do they have a loser mentality?
60% of people are renters
Are all women in all countries dumb and vain or is it just my gf that is like that?
What is your favourite country?
/Antifaschismus/ nie wieder /deutsch/
Why are we so popular and famous in the world?
Do americans really do this?
/fr/ - le francofil
Does anyone miss int-chan
Would you like these borders?
NOOOOOO you can’t just march into Belgium and eradicate the subhumans
Theres literally nothing wrong with spending all your money on ubereats
Sverigetråden - My upplagan
Switzerland belongs to Portuguese and Balkan BVLLS
One shot at life
How shitty are schools in your country?
Oh! Another "Thumbs up if you are watching this video in 2019" comment. I should like the comment so everyone can see it
Your country
Greek niggas be like this is the perfect place to build my house
Tfw day 4 on NoShit
Why are you not wearing a maid dress right now? explain yourself
Why do unitedstatians dress so poorly?
Perfect world cannot exi-
How is weather in you're country?
Receives critical acclaim from all over the world
Why do white people make this face???
Wtf is wrong with the west?
Your country
Lebanon has no Arab genes. Very few speak Arabic in Lebanon
He don't believe in god
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw math exam tomorrow
Your flag
Do Americans really do this?
I want a Japanese gf
/ita/ - il filo
This Brazilian girl wants YOU to impregnate HER!
It's time to move to Mexico
When I was in Spain, the milk tasted weird
/meddl/ ehemals /deutsch/
Is this the most based country on earth?
/fr/ - le francofil francophone
Do NOT hack elections, poison brits and build a “gas” pipe to Germany
Only people who are terrible at math may comment in this thread
I suffer in America
1. That the Swedish scandinavians succeeded in all nation building because of their racial superiority
1: your country
Ffs even chinks can manage basic english
The terrorist republic of Iran announced that it is going to abandon the nuclear deal and will significantly increase...
The Swedes conquered all of Europe
Based & redpilled
These guys are much whiter than Balkanians but also Central Europeans...
What do you call "ultrasound" in your language, Jow Forums?
How should France make itself great Again?
Do whites really not know what fruit is?
Fine Swedish cuisine
What is the most culturally European and least Americanised country in Europe to visit?
Do Nordics mix with Balkanians in your cunt?
When the euro make its debut as a currency in eastern europe?
Why did germans declare me sabhumen and kill my relatives
1. Country/flag
Tfw 19cm but thin
Her attacker shot her in the bottom as she shielded her children from his bullets
Korean fellows are far more superior than those of china or japan
/ita/-il filo
How do we save Italy's economy?
Ah yes time to take the first bath of the day. One down two more to go
German black girl fucked ilbe guy in Japan
I don’t give a damn about Finland and its inhabitants
My girlfriend cheated on me with an Abo named Gordon
Sadiq khan is a terrible mayor !! because of him london or some say londonstan became a dangerous taliban ridden enclave
We must destroy the illegitimate state of Israel
1. cunts
White people can be live in everywhere with no concern about any racial assaults
The Finnish girl's "horse on a stick" -hobby
Did you knew that original inhabitants of Europe had black skin?
/deutsch/ - Montagsausgabe
Should i get a kebab for lunch?
Explain this, Germany
Why do they have the pepsi logo on their flag?
My online journey of Russia begins. This is a small town in a random place I don't know
/luso/ Fio Hetero e Feminista
How do you deal with romance in your country?
Italians can be white. Im Italian and if I stay out of the sun, I'm very pale. I don't tan very dark either...
What's your experience migrating to a country with different culture and language?
What is it with Americans and cult-like worship of the flag as if it’s a sacred object...
Question for mexican pros
He did nothing wrong
What's the most third world region in your country?
Be student in Montreal
Can germans understand dutch? can poles understand other slavs?
Me? i'm smart but lazy
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Brazil India friendship thread
What's it like having a job?
My online journey across Bulgaria continues. as I travel onward, I only find destruction, extremely poverty and misery...
Kurva anyátok
So is it true that modern brits are really proud of British empire...
What's went wrong?
ITT: We draw other countries' outlines and other anons try to guess them. I'll start with something easy
/desi/ alone and suffering edition
Apple peel stuck between teeth again
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2207.62
/cum/ + friends
Why are north Europeans so closed mind?
Countries With the Ugliest People
How could India lose him?
A perfect girl doesn't ex-
Which one of these nations is more sociopathic, from your perspective?
If you're a man from any of these countries you should seriously consider booking a trip to Brazil to come impregnate...
Nooooo you can't let your cats roam outside free, they kill b-birds!
Redpill me about American right wing militia
What could have been
Final battle
Wherever I go, I must also kill innocent animals
Redpill me on this cunt
Why don’t Russians ever take responsibility for their actions?
Same race
Korean study thread
AmeriMUTT midwestern girls are the best
This was the German "empire" OH NO NO NO NO...
Show me propaganda against your country
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wagieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
When she casually kisses your penis through your boxers
Depressing Stories about your Family
/lat/ - hilo latino
There's nothing wrong with feminism
USA bad guys
Opinions of Mexican-Americans?
Is RT a reputable news source?
Why are they so fat and stupid?!?
/cum/ + friends
ITT: prove that you’re white
Southern Cone stronk
30% of people in the Netherlands live in subsidized housing
Why are anime nerds such fascists?
What is your plans for summer?
How do you cope with knowing there are so many pretty girls in the world?
This is the next prime minister of the United Kingdom, say something nice about him
Raped? Portugal kept outposts in the Indian subcontinent until 1961...
Which country's culture requires a high IQ to fully understand?
Can you handle dating a sexual and passionate Italian, Spanish or Greek woman?
European niggas be like yeah I'm afraid of social interactions hahahahaha
Your thoughs on modern day society?
Canada is the shittiest country in the world
Power out hahahahajaja
Based on this pic and your main childhood era here, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
/fr/ anciennement franco
What do you think about it?
From today’s power outage in Argentina
Hilo latino
Why are they so fucking stupid?
/cum/ + friends
Do they all secretly want to be Latinos, like Brits really want to be Americans?
What do non-Americans think about the War of Yankee Aggression?
I just researched about Ecuador
Why are millennials checking out of society?
Yes that will be $4.56, how could you tell?
How you doing Hong Kong bros?
The thing I love the most about our Spanish neighbours is their nice asses
What is the deal with Latinos and DBZ?
What do trannies look like in your country?
Why do you hate Brazil so much?
Say what your favorite food from the flag above you is
Why do asians do this so much?
How does one acquire a Costa Rican gf?
Do British people really
U.S General
1-Your country
Mfw shitaly will leave the eu before Britain
What is this called in your country?
Why do they hate each other?
Another Jow Forumstard busted for plotting a mass shooting
Every time i write something with a hint of ''le autism'' i get this
European civilians?
How has your day been Jow Forums?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ita/ il filo
Australians, what do you think about Brazil?
/Pornfag invasion of Jow Forums/
Why yes I am an italian girl, how could you tell?
Do americans really do
Culture Pals /cp/ gener
Northern Ireland Population 2019: 1,992 Million
Why is central/eastern Europe so irrelephant?
What does Jow Forums think of Mexico and Mexican culture?
Do you have good genes? Everyone in my family has Alzheimer
Do people do this in your country?
Where can I find Jewish girls?
Do latinos and whites have good race relations in your cunt?
ITT: compliment the country above you
He died for our sins
Don't approach me sh*talians, or else I might do it
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are Southern Europeans viewed as more attractive than Northern Europeans?
Shhhhh Jow Forums, my dog is sleeping!
Brazilians rejoice, I'm writing a paper on your country for a summer class...
The Nordic Countries
I'm assembling a team
In Brazil, prison inmates can reduce their sentence by four days for each book they read and write a report on
/v4/ + friends - latinos
Argentina, I
Are South Americans more proud of their Conquistador or Mesoamerican ancestors?
Oswald Mosely
G-d bless America
The last thing a mart sharter sees before his empire crumbles
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Ivanka and Jared earned almost 200 mln dollar in 2018
Are they friends?
Can someone explain me why are they all so butthurt about Japanese governance...
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Ita il filo
Sverigetråden - Stalinupplagan
Why do latinas work so well with white men?
/fr/ - le francofil
Do any of you have active IG, twitter, or sc accounts?
Do you guys have pool parties in your country?
Swedish women are made for portuguese BULLS
/lat/ - /conosur/ - /esp/ - /hisp/ - /chi/ = hilo latino
One chance at life
80% of all opiods produced in the world are consumed by Americans
Man I wish I grew up in a nice area in America...
What country is your ideal gf from?
A question to the Spanish, on which countries of your former empire are you especially proud? Who is your favorite son?
What have they contributed to humanity besides tacos?
Kurva anyátok
Give me one good reason we shouldnt cut the world population back to 7. million and geneticly modify woman to have 2...
Your ethnic
Are you happy with your country's civ 6 leader?
Did you go to college? What did you major in?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
I can't believe Europe is this dangerous
They think they are different from the rest of Latam
What animal in your cunt (or state/region/province if you live in a larger one) would you consider to be the most...
Mfw a white american complains about immigration
Every Indian film is bollywood
How do you go from this
Do americans really do this?
"russians are slavic people"
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
It is perfectly normal for an Italian to tell you in polite conversation that you have gained weight...
Edizione furente
Do my butt for free, Janny
Our model will be a third world chink dictatorship that is also one of our former colonies
Would you take a pill that turned you into a 195 cm muscular Black man with a 24 cm penis?
Perfect phenotype??
This kills the non-Anglophone
/mgtow/ ehemals /deutsch/
How far back can you trace your ancestry, and where did that person live?
/brit/ + /shit/
Meanwhile, on French /tv/
/ita/ il filo
Post your room
What a big baby
Are Iberian genes the most superior on Earth? I think so
Summernight /brit/
Post a your body
What car does Jow Forums drive? I'm buying a car soon, not sure what but probably an older Volvo
Why are they so racist?
Venezuela has has daily power outages
How is your relationship with your parents?
Press F
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Has your father ever told you he loves you
One power outage just cut power to LITERALLY ALL of Argentina
/v4/ + the gang
Culture Pals /cp/ genera
90% of people in Germany make less than €3,500 monthly wage
How much money do you have?
Y pipo be like "Yes, I'd like some black pepper on my avocado, im feeling spicy tonight"
1. Cunt
Would you want a strong gf?
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Ahlborg upplagan
Look like this
If you want to know what true third world looks like...
Italians be like "Yes, I'm 38 and still live with my parents"
ITT: we celebrate Warwick Davis's birthday
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2207
Would you describe this tummy as being:
Paintbucket thread
Are you for nuking western Poland?
You wake up in Bulgaria
Post your female ( or male if female) self
Kurva anyátok
What age did you realise that the nazi were faggots?
You english suck
Ethnographers of Jow Forums
/deutsch/ heute ebnfalls /mgtow/
Dream thread
I'M ABOUT TO DO IT!!!!!!!!
Why is india still doing so badly while china improved their standard of living over the time
Asians are the natural allies of Europeans in the upcoming race war
/ita/ il filo
Americans can't read cursive
Have sex
Why do they like video games so much (csgo, dota, tf2) if their PC's can hardly manage to play them
Do Americans Really?
Religions of the World
What's your favorite Napoleonic battle?
Fuck women, fuck feminists and fuck everyone who defends women desu
Italian landscape is so beautiful and comfy, don't you agree Jow Forums?
Do you want to find love in Bergen Norway?
Saint Petersburg, Russia is the best city Slavs have ever built
I'm a kitty cat :3 mewo
1. Your cunt
Faggot country full if bitch-ass niggas
Tfw no office lady gf
NOOOOOOOO of course I can suffer in first world! So what if I make 10 grand a month after taxes...
The gigachad's name is ernest khalimov
Do you want to find love in the Russian Federation?
This Indian cricketer looks African american as fuck...
Why are Swedes so superior?
Italy was
How long till Hiro bankrupts Jow Forums and 4chaneel
ITT: Countries that deserve destruction by firebombing
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Russians are mong-
Do you love Ukraine?
Are Japanese men hyped for Olympics 2020?
European capital of culture 2019
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
Roman thread
Sverigetråden - Skogsupplagan
1 your country
Yo South American anons, what's going on with the electricity there? Argentina lost power, Brasil?
/ita/ il filo
I just sharted and i am EUROPEAN
Post your ancestor house
Official frens of italy power ranking:
Hong Kong
Racemixing si ba-
What are somalis in your cunt like?
Why do German girls do this?
Reminder that if you are German your great grandfather was a Russian soldier who raped your great grandmother
Do people from cold countries like Norway eat ice cream?
I suffer in France
Attractive girl
Western Europeans ranked by most NPC to least NPC (personal opinion):
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
England was
ITT: We are Korean
The "durag" that Black Americans wear looks identical to the Confucian scholar hat
Csináljunk egy nagy közös magyar threadet a próbálgatások helyett!
Belgium is a shit country full of niggers and muslims. I WILL move away from this fucking country once I have the money
Why are wh*Te "men" too beta to wear gold? Is it because they're too poor, or just too weak?
What is your opinion of russia?
The most perfect country that will ever exist
/morgen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Who is the Billie Eilish of countries?
Diagnosed cancer, estimated living time 2 years
What ethnicity is this?
Could they pass as a local in your country?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
/cum/ + friends
/ASS/ (American Street Shitting)
Have sex
Liquorice is filth and anyone who likes it needs psychological help
Now thats BASED!
ITT: We try to criticise Russia without getting banned
Putin owns Jow Forums
What is life like in northern Chile?
ITT: shitholes that require a mouseover to be identified
Is your country a shitty tourist resort for foreigners to pee and puke on?
How are funerals like in your country?
Why can't they speak Arabic like a normal person?
* causes thousands of Medshit and other European subhuman suicides *
Italians of Jow Forums, rate my pizza. I did it yesterday, it was my second attempt
Are Asian women good in your country?
Based or nay?
Las grandes pollas españolas
Was it kino?
Haha you western europeans are cucked! At least here in based Poland, Bulgaria or Portugal we don't have muslims!
Really makes you think
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
NOOOOO you can’t just genocide inferior races
Are replica watches common in your country?
Do "white" Americans exist?
How do you think of Japanese Otaku culture?
Official Jow Forums Africunts tier list
Your country was built by slaves!
Draw the shape of your count from memory
/lat/ hilo latANO
Your ethnicity
Is it true you can go throught a lifetime without having to learn a word of english in estados unidos?
Is this a thing in your country? What do you call it?
Who is telling Americans to call me a soulless subhuman NPC chinkoid?
"As for the Americans, they have no ideas. The freedom and liberty of the individual is but more antiquated...
What does Jow Forums think about Mexico and Mexican culture?
Have you taken the latina pill yet?
What is your civilisation user?
Should I lie about not being Syrian online?
/cum/ + friends
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
The real divide between civilised and uncivilized world
You're now leader of smallest country
Am I white Jow Forums?
If Argentina fixed its economy and crime problem permanently would you migrate here?
Americans, tell me about your favourite gun
Lesbian Couple in Brazil Cut off Boy’s Penis; Stab Him to Death
Why yes, I am Russian. How did you know?
"dude we are so anti-leftist"
Dear Italy and other med countries
Cat (بِلِّی)
America lost it's soul
This is who is posting Jow Forums shit on Jow Forums
Damn, America look like THIS?
South American Indigenes
/ita/ - il filo
Swedish niggas be like 'yooo this sandwich lid too spicy*
Is it true that he is loved everywhere in the world?
Hello guys ask me anything about my shithole
Saturday night
How many Japanese women will get pregnant from white foreigners after the 2020 games?
How would you hug a Canadian?
/nachtschicht/ bald /deutsch/
Let's see which country has the best taste in anime lewds (no gay or NSFW shit, please)
Whats in for dinner int?
Why are white women so perfect?
Why do Americans pretend to have freedom of speech?
When he doesn't live in the capital
Do Norwegians really do this?
1-Your cunt
Ask something to someone of Peru
What's the most bullied part of your country?
White boi worship thread
/cum/ + friends
Would you racemix with a French person?
No wars
Why are we so great?
Dark skin is the sign of life power. Tate a look at the weak and plain white girls. They're pale...
ITT: Famous scientists/inventors from your cunt
I voted for the most retarded person on planet Earth, slut-shame me Jow Forums
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Do am*Ricans really do that?
A black girl accosts you on the street
It's Saturday night... Why aren't you out there trying to find an olive-skinned Mediteranian Goddess user?
Can your stupid asian women do this? Didn't think so
Why aren't the Spanish white?
What do non-Americans think of American food?
Reasons to love Israel
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Are you getting ready for bed?
Itt: we laugh at Euros while they sleep
Reasons to love Russia
What is more common in your country? Taking a shower or taking a bath?
Thoughts on the french language?
Why are they so great?
Reasons to love France
Do they teach about him in your country? Could the average person recognize him?
Which part of Germany is most based?
Why is Jow Forums so angry all the time?
/ita/ - IL FILO
Why is this board obsessed with Portugal
/duisburg/ nicht /deutsch/
/balk/ Macedonian incels edition
Pedophiles are sick freaks and they should be given the DEATH penalty
Are women soft and fertile in your cunt?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What is prison like in your cunt...
Not some fashion expert but, why is fashion so much shittier now than it was in the 50s and before?
Could me and my friend pass as locals in your country?
polish niggas be like “hallo my name is Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz”
A pakistani missionary is going to my church tonight, what should I say amongst the crowd to offend the fucker...
Do you miss the 90s?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship