What is prison like in your cunt...

What is prison like in your cunt? I just spent 6 months in prison for making death threats and cocaine possession and although it was boring and full of dangerous criminals I didn't think it was that bad. I made loads of friends

>TV in cell
>Phone in cell
>Food boring but ok
>Once a week you got to order whatever you wanted from a shop
>Tea, coffee, milk sugar provided daily
>Could work to earn money
>Drugs easy to get

The only bad thing was there was no smoking but only vaping and everything was stolen if you left it out

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bamp for third world shitholes

dunno never been to one

What did you do to get sent to prison?
Did you "accidentally" get some some formaggio focaccia off the tubes?

made death threats like an idiot on FB against someone i was already banned from contacting whilst coked up then got caught with a large amount of coke

Never been but it looks like this so it wouldn't be enjoyable.

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My dad spent a few years in prison and it was pretty terrible

We didn't have much money so he had to eat the terrible prison food, and also prisons here are overpopulated so even though my dad was not violent he had to share a cell with murderers and gang members. Sometimes 3-4 people in a single cell.

Also he had to spent a few months with a sick African that was constantly puking and had all sorts of diseases.

Violence was apparently not that hard to avoid if you stay away from Muslims and Eastern Euros but he did have to choke out a Romanian guy once after he was constantly stealing his stuff.

He didn't do anything, he's a larping weirdo.

From what I've seen on tv it's utter misery, full of gypsies and probably if you're not part of some gang you're gonna become a bitch. If you have money for bribes you could get drugs, cell phone and things like that.
The EU has been saying the conditions are appalling, but nobody cares.

You can't get a phone or internet in Dutch prisons.

You can pick food from a menu.
You can spend money in prison for things like treats, a playstation and other stuff. People just play games during prison, like card games, board games, pool and the usual.

That sounds shit. I was in a jail in a part of England that is still mostly white and blacks and muslims had no power whatsoever. It was mostly Gypsy travellers who were the problem.

All the more based then

It's really bad from what I've heard from my cousin's friend, mostly hygiene issues. Btw do guys actually get raped there?

lol i got in trouble for brewing alcohol 1 day before i got out

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Not here.

In English jails being a sex offender gets you beaten and stabbed they are kept separate

>Governor, after smelling fermenting liquid me and SO Lilly searched cell

Having money is power in jail whoever you are

are you from /brit/?

I wouldn't be to worried. Most likely I'd get sent to forced psychiatric treatment instead of actual jail. And I've worked in psychiatry for many years so I know some tricks of the patient trade from patients who like me because I am appararntly one of the few "good" workers in psychiatry where most workers are considered "bad" by patients. I've got over 10 patients telling me this so i take it I'm a good guy.

yeah i used to post there regularly

Gang warfare and rape.

Did you slide them some tim tams on the dl or something? Why'd they like you so much?

Here faking insanity is a bad idea because if you are sentenced to treatment they can keep you for as long as they want and you can spend a long time in a secure hospital.

He probably listens to their problems and doesn't masturbate over medications and diagnoses like most psychiatrists. A little drug abuse on the down low is never a slight though.

Prison rape is mostly a myth, at least here in leafland. Lots of sex goes on in prison, but the vast majority of it is consensual. A lot of people in prisons suffer from mental illness, and the mentally ill are more disposed to homosexuality.

Rape is looked down on by most prisoners just as it is on the outside. They hate people who get sent to prison for rape, and they also hate prison rapists. That said, guys who get raped in prison will not get any sympathy, they will be seen as bitches.

I only spent 6 months in prison but if you were even suspected of being a rapist or anything you would be in danger. Prison rape is very rare here. But we split sex offenders and normal prisoners apart.

there is a reserved place for every anglo.

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I had a friend who went to Canadian jail for assault and said it was chill. He just smoked dope and fooled around when he could. Guards were corrupt and would beat people on occasion though.

Yeah, extremely rare, but not totally unheard of. I was in for over 3 years of a 10 year sentence.

Are gypsies known to be big prison rapists?

Why do Americans start fucking each other in the arse as soon as they are locked up? Fatty prison stories all sound like a cheap hc gay flic.

what did you use to brew?

In English jails you get a kettle for boiling water and the worst thing you can do is fill the thing with water and sugar, boil it then throw it on someone. I actually gave some guys some sugar in prison who were planning on doing it to a guy who was in for terrorism but they moved him before they could do it. Kind of glad now I could have got fucked for that even though it would have been great to absolutely burn a terrorist horribly. The sugar makes it stick to you and melt the skin

Started it from another brew, just added sugar, orange juice, apples and a bit of yeast

Prison rape is very real in the US. Read this link and if you want more morbid details find the link in the article to the pdf of the full report.

where do you get yeast in prison?

I've heard a lot of American prison rape is racial. It's all about blacks humiliating whites, whites humiliating hispanics or any other combination of races. If you are white in most American prisons, you have to become a skinhead or try to pass as latino.

Her vagina.

kitchens used for baking

I don't know and I don't want to know.

>most American prisons
I don't think rape is a serious danger in most prisons necessarily, but in the worst cases it gets really bad.

Lel, if it's that easy to get all the ingredients then it's quite a miracle the whole prison isn't a giant brewery.

yeah i remember you

Don't know but I'm pretty sure they're nicer than the countries our immigrants are coming from

It is a place degenerates and people of antisocial behaviors learn discipline. Time is spent dedicated to work, and contemplation of bad decisions,

lol buzzkill

It's really common here the ingredients aren't hard to get you don't need yeast you can just use a bit of an old brew as a kicker to start it.

you get access to alcohol?

You need your ID card to do anything in jail here and for 6 months all I could think about was using it to take coke and when the day finally came it felt good lmao

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i'd be put into a mental hospital rather than a jail due to my history, but i will likely never commit a crime

What? No just an old batch of brew

but who was first brew
also nice digits

fuck off cokelad dont u shit up /brit/ enough

>gets arrested again

im no expert but im fairly sure u can make alcohol with just sugar, orange juice, water and fruit

>not being in jail

have u even lived

Different fag but I've been to jail three times, each one less than 24 hours, and it was pretty lame. I've been in Birmingham City jail in Alabama just like MLK though.

This. I listen to my patients. When a bipolar anarcho communist patient waltzes out and talks about the illuminati and 9/11 being an inside job i ask questions and listen. Being on the hacker known as 4 CHAN for over a decade a lot of the "redpill" or "conspiracy" theories I see here is the same stuff patients often talk about.

My bluepilled npc coworkers immediately go "shut up, you are crazy. There is a reason why are in here" etc. It's amazing how easy it so be liked when you actually listen to people and honestly I've learned so many cool things from patients that I feel more in common with patients than I do with coworkers.

thats not jail its just being held by police

Yeah I've never been to prison or actually completed a sentence in local jails.

You sound like a fucking moron. If you are a genuine mental health care professional that's worrying.

>a lot of the "redpill" or "conspiracy" theories I see here is the same stuff patients often talk about

Yes. And it's nonsense. And a lot of it is written by people with paranoid delusions.

How long has he been there? Did other prisoners beat him?

I am professional. I only lend them the ear but I don't chime in or agree. So you think you get good relations with patients if you outright refuse to listen to them? Good luck giving them medicine when they spit them in your face and are a total asshole to you because you are an asshole who won't listen to them. For the mentally insane, it's their truth. And I find it better to listen and ask questions instead of just shutting off my ears and say "shut up, you are crazy". I was like that to begin with but I ended up is so many unnecessary fights with patients that I rather listen and learn. That way they feel like someone is listening to them and I dont have to deal with a shit flinging patient.

>Sometimes 3-4 people in a single cell
oh no how horrible
I've been to childrens camps that had more kids sharing a single room

They move him every few weeks. Other prisoners want to kill him and try to do it. I wanted him to be burned lmao.

>It's amazing how easy it so be liked when you actually listen to people
it's the best way to make friends

my therapist is like this and i've made a lot of slow progress over the years just because i feel like i can actually talk to her

We have 2 people maximum in one cell. And it's bad enough for snoring and noise and farts lmao.

our prisons are like hotels

I'm happy for you to have a good therapist who listens. If there is something I've learned over the 4 years in psychiatry so far is that most people suffering with mental or psychotic problems just want someone they can talk to. Who won't alienate them or make fun of them. I like to believe I do a good job and I'm happy to hear there are more people in psychiatry who listens. In my ward I feel nobody listens to the bipolar patients and just get angry at them because they have a thousand things to talk about. Instead of refusing them, I make deals. They talk to me 15 minutes and then we have 15 minute break. And often they will follow the deal which means less mental encumbrance on my head and they get to emtpy themselves without making me tired and angry. I'm not perfect but I try my best to listen. But sometimes it's just to much and I've met nurses and doctors from other wards as patient at my ward and coworkers from my ward as patients at other wards. Not sure how many more years I can take but I'm okay currently.

Japanese prisons are very strict, just like Japanese society. So Japanese prisons are not that good. Long term inmates often develop mental disease.

i'm sure just being in a mental institution (it sounds like that's where you work) all day is stressful in and of itself, even without all the stress of dealing with patients. i'm just in an outpatient program, so it's a lot more relaxed, although sometimes i hear people yelling in therapy sessions

Who were you sending death threats to?

whats the point of listening to a nutcase

To make them feel like someone is listening to them. I've seen what patients who feel unheard can do. Everything from attempts of throwing feces in your face to tossing cup of hot coffee on you to just straight up pissing on the door and laughing as you are cleaning up their mess. I've dealt with enough shit from patients so I find it better to listen and save myself the possible trouble I can get.

We do talk shit about most patients at the institution I work at. But it's not meant in a bad way. It's a way for us to stay sane. It's not uncommon for a female patient who refuses to go back to her room to scream "HELP I'M BEING RAPED" followed by banshee screeches which scares the other depressed patients. You hear and are so much crazy shit daily that I'm not sure I can make it past a decade in this like of work.

we send our criminals in a boat trip then we leave them in international waters
Of course its a cousts so there are warden houses to accumulate as least 20 crims then semd them, its literally just a building with rooms and metal doors, nothing expecial
they provide them food and a bathroom