Why are white women so perfect?

Why are white women so perfect?

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cuz they cute

well if we're taliking about genetic...

No white women are the second least attractive race only above black women


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I can't see the perfection in that pic

I want to pump a brown baby into her.

maybe you are blind

how do i stop being so intimated by wh*Te women, they are so fucking intimidating like when ever i walk near them they talk so fast and always look very busy.

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>brown hands typed this

Disney princess face, I rarely give out 10s but that is a 10

white women look like animal.
deep eyes is so scary.

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that's a jew

you can even tell by the lizard like features

this guy gets it, white women are actually fucking scare and kinda hot

i cant get myself to ever to talk with them because they are so intimidating


white women have ugly nose and scary deep eyes.

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Generally it’s loser that go for them

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this looks so much like the girl version of me its scaring me

Emily Rudd


looks like a toddler

Asian men look like white women are strong men. Because Asian women are the most feminine of all races.

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t. chang

she is qt, wtf are you talking about retard

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flat face is cute.

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>Asian woman are most feminine
>White males are most masculine
I've figured it out

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Black men are the most masculine.

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NEEDS blacking asap

This women look like men.
so scary!!!

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Japanese women are the only attractive Asians, but they are still behind white qt's

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Nah, they're just beasts. Plus they're ugly as fuck

anime character have flat face and short nose.

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They're not ugly at all, just not on level with white women

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Pale women are generally seen as unattractive though compared to darker ones

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white women cosplay is ugly.

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Pale women are seen as pure angels. Brown skin is ugly

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t. White roastie

Kill yourself

But right is attractive enough, she just doesn't have any makeup. Left is the average Brazilian thot.

ugly nose and scary deep eye.

Show me a white women who is even close to this

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Stop acting like you don't want to better your race by getting a white women

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White women are subhuman

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Easy, pic related is miles better looking than any 9/10 brown or asian girl

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The brown girl is a 9/10 the one you posted is a 7/10

>white women thread
>post pictures of Slavic women
Really makes you think, huh?

She immediately loses 3 points for her ugly skin color

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name? Is she an amerimutt?

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horrific bug eyes and flat cheekbones