
itty bitty teeny weeny grey anti tommy machinnery edition

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Time to take a walk.

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fuck nigs


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ill rip all of your teeth out and pour salt into the gaping wounds

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Wake up and entertain me dummies.

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shameless shilling

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We going places.

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Why do wh*Te "people" have such severe persecution complexes?

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because they are getting persecuted

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Please tell me how oppressed and persecuted they are despite living in some of the safest and wealthiest countries in the world, while they're part of the wealthiest billion which, statistically, consumes as much as 80% of world's resources and while their lifestyle of luxorious, opulent consumerism depends on blatant and centuries long exploitation of the third world.

Honestly I find it OUTRAGEOUS that these people even have the audacity to play the victim.

the rest is fucking jealous of us and they want our moneys


will you get yourself pegged by your gf in name of social justice?

racism. Its ok to hate white people now,íts not racism.




>the rest is fucking jealous of us and they want our moneys
Do you really believe this while being Eastern European?
Seriously, you guys shoul understand that this race bullshit politics don't really go with you, it's just a way for Anglos and Germans to band you with them so at least somebody is in their side, they considered you subhumans not so long ago, they will again when it's convinient for them.

I'm not really into the new "left" ideas.

i fucking hate everyone and everything

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Thoughts on Serbia/Serbs?

I want Yugoslavia back.

Those are literal exceptions that mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. White people are wealthier, healthier and safer than everyone else STATISTICALLY, yet still act like fucking Jews in Nazi Germany. God I hate them so much, all I want is to give them a valid reason to feel oppressed.
Actual subhumans.

You are white to Slonezcko.

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>this race bullshit
I have seen a white man running butt naked in Lagos. He has been stripped down and his clothes were stolen. I'm a Schwab btw.

>Actual subhumans.
Elaborate further please.

witcher 3 fucking sucks i bet cyberpunk will suck too

fucking sl*V(e)s i wonder how much they pay russian trolls to shill for their shitty games

So you are a whitoid opressor, I hope the Romanians get you and fuck you up.

why would they
I'm being treated like a demigod.

as if you needed to pay anything to russhits, just throw a shit their way and theyll dig in it gratefully

Because you have money right? If they come as far as Spain to do petty crime they should do it to you too, specially considering you are a white opressor.

~250k gypsies from Bulgaria went to Spain
Express your sentiments on this topic

No I'm not.
Fuck off, fyromneet.
Based, should've lynched him as well.

they go there because burglars here get literally lynched, I'm in a part of the city where gipsies are banned from
if people see one olah here they band up and beat him

how are you allowed in there then

I fucking love Apartheid.

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I have only see some in Madrid, as begars, the difference from natives gypsies is that Eastern European gypsies simply beg for money while natives try to sell you things and talk more because they can speak Spanish well.
The only Bulgarian I have spoken too was studying in uni so I don't have bad experience with Bulgarians, neither with Romanians.

So you guys have to band up to do shit? Weak ass niggas.

Haven't drunk for 4 whole days lads.
Time to change that.

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Very accurate if you replace the skinhead with an obese racially ambiguous American neckbeard.
Time to stop cringeposting, user.

Oh I see Słoneczko is racebaiting again :3
Haven't seen that before

You don't even have dark brown eyes, you yourself said you want to be a brown med.
Admit it, you are a whitoid.

He's a fucking gypsoid is what he is

nazi germans were a based

>shitskins, namefags and asians argue whos superior in my thread again

Nothing to argue here, meds are superior, everyone knows that.
That's why Germans dedicated their life to larping as Roman.

No, I'm brown. Hungarians = not white.

if i live in asia am i asian?

>manlet thinks he's superior because he's brown
delusional cope

>implying poles don't have their own dedicated internet trolls
Heh, kiddo. Even PO got caught employing shills

i dont reply to russhits

Hungarians are genetically Slav and therefore white.

You said yourself that Slovaks and Czechs could pass for locals in Spain, based on the pics some people posted here.

I wasn't medpilled back then.
Know I'm full aware of our diferences, whitoid.

>sloneczko is white
>bergay is white
really makes you think

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my ancestor :)

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That's not a white phenotype. I unironically had gypsy friends in school who looked like this

but slavs aren't white

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Пpивeт aнoн, кaк дeлa?
Based, I keep telling these retards that I'm not wh*Te but they don't believe me.

why is the finn broad trying to 'nife the finn husband
I'll never understand this pic

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Do you want me to make a thread asking Jow Forums which race you are to see what they agree on?

Jow Forums is full of low IQ people, they wouldn't understand.

You fear the truth.
You are of the privilaged bunch, you should stop complaining from now on.

Хopoшo, a ты ктo?

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Thank God I live in a country with no minorities and in turn no identity politics. I will be vehemently anti migrant/anti non european immigrant because I can see how much division diversity brings everywhere it is found.

Feels good to live in a country where you aren't supposed to be ashamed for being white.

t. extremely low IQ
Hиктo лoл, пpocтo aнoн кoтopый изyчaeт pyccкий и иcпoльзyeт любyю вoзмoжнocть для oбщeния c нocитeлями языкa.

>t. extremely low IQ
Literal projection.

>White people are wealthier, healthier and safer than everyone else STATISTICALLY,
good reason for not letting darkies in and ruin it

Rainy day today

The US and Europe have acquired their wealth via imperialist exploitation of the third world, and darkies have every right to end that.

Ho ты жe вpёшь.

find the most powerful man in the world in this photo

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Mirin' that Łukaszenko posture

where were colonies of austria?

>The US and Europe have acquired their wealth via imperialist exploitation of the third world, and darkies have every right to end that.

I am glad that you will die alone.

darkies cant do shit
all of the mines in ZA are still in bong hands

its funny how serbmutt checks every left wing tard stereotype

>hates his nation
>hates his race

Jow Forums was right again


>getting triggered over Słoneczko bait
fucking virgins

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Austrians treated you like darkies basically.
You should invade Austria.

I'm left wing and don't fit your stupid stereotype, Jow Forums is never right.

Hungarians are scum
lot of my relatives were banished, because of muh "we wuz huns" identity
They're slavo-gipsy mutts in denial.

Every place where Schwabs were expelled from became a derelict shithole in a few decades.

Still raining

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>brainlet thinks it's just colonies
Good to know you know nothing about global economics, but honestly we've had this discussion so many times I don't feel like repeating it again.
Ho я нe вpy, я мaгьяp, выpocший в Cepбии.


The EU is a marvellous thing. I love it

>his argument gets destroyed
>starts namecalling
you got BTFO once again

What argument? If you think that when I talk about exploitation of the third world it all boils down to muh colonialism you legitimately don't know how shit works. And you're definitely a bit dull if you think that Austria was not extremely imperialistic, it just didn't have the incentivize or the means to move the exploitation overseas.

I love it too, they will pay me to skip a year while "studying" in Czechia and having sex with the local women.

Whatever dude.

Decided to get the same job my father had. Just need to finish 2 years of master's studies first

how did they exploit third world?

>having sex with the local women.
do you plan on walking in high heels to trick them?otherwise it wont happen sorry

in your dreams, midget

Come here, my Comrades!

most Czech wimin are larger than me and I'm not a jockey

Heh. I'm sure that he's going to find some sluts willing to sleep with him, no matter what. No matter to get angry. Just don't understand why he had to brag about it, when it's pretty much a given

if the spanish women laugh at him for being short, imagine what czech women will do

Last exam in an hour. I want to go home already

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