>y pipo be like "Yes, I'd like some black pepper on my avocado, im feeling spicy tonight"
Y pipo be like "Yes, I'd like some black pepper on my avocado, im feeling spicy tonight"
>ypipo bela uh ah ma skin the sun too spicy
>y pypo be like "why yes i've got post traumatic stress disorder because i put too much balsamic vinegar on my organic salad and i had to eat it like a fucking animal... need prozac to not hang myself"
hmm I'm not convinced, gonna need an american to weigh in on this topic.
the worst part about these threads is it's usually some far-left white loser who probably wishes he was born brown making them
Don't worry we really do
ah, there it is
>the worst part about these threads is it's usually some far-left white loser who probably wishes he was born brown making them
kek this is me
>Why yes, we are far-left white losers who wish that we were brown, what gave us away?
>whyt ppo b like omfg my ass is gaping, pls no am gonna die im alergic to carrots pls taek it out my anus
I once got tears in my eyes from watching those nazi compilation videos on youtube
>waitu pipurru be like "holy SHIT dude! this is so authentic and ethnic!"
Rom, Rom, Romdiredom!
the irony of this meme is of course that white people have turned hot sauce into a meme, are actively working on creating hotter peppers, and do things like eat the hottest peppers in the world just for fun. how did this disconnect between black twitter and reddit pepper culture occur?
Dunno, not like blacks are eating spicy shit all the time, either.
It's just the usual gypsy tataro-bulgarian who's autistically obsessed with defending Germany and the EU. In his mind, the only way to defend Germany and the EU is to adopt a twitter-esque leftist stance.
I'm aware of his existence yeah
God dammit you fool go back to Jow Forums
You faggots are pathetic. Is this really suppose to trigger anyone?
>inb4 soyak green copy text
>inb4 ironic soyak green copy text
Get a life losers.
You alright, you delusional Albanian monkey?
>anything right-wing means I have to go on Jow Forums despite leftist garbage being everywhere on this board
yeah, no.
White = Western European
No man can feel nothing seeing this
I'm not analbanian, nor any other sort of ottoman diaspora. I just find your behaviour pathetic. If you had any sort of backbone, you wouldn't feel the need to be such a literal lapdog for the krauts and their contemporary version of the EU project.
>y pipo be like "yeah , so what if i smear peanut butter around my genitalia and wait for my dog to come around?"
>Y!?!pipo be like “Gee wilkers, Henry! You’re penis is so big! How many inches is it? 6! I don’t think I can fit it in my vagina!”
I dont like germs tho, you delusional sperg
>whypeepo be like: "i watch football, hockey, baseball and nba at the local bar where they serve this killer IPA microbrew"
Black pepper is really spicy tho, especially the freshly ground kind. I 'ate when I bite into large grain and fuck up my meal
>honky be like "this is my dog's room, he loves watching honey boo boo in his tv...oops i need to prepare his vegan snacks or he'll shit in my mouth while sleeping again"
>ypeepo be like: “I normally just tip 50%, but because our server, Kaylisha, filled up our mocha lattes often and didn’t put salt on our $70 avocados like we asked her not to, we’re going to tip her 80% of the bill.”
>ypeapoh b lyke: father grounded me, I can't come to the cottage cheese wine and water fest
>why yes i am a brown subhuman in need of taste dampening condiments
White bitches be like "I got a pocket pocket full of sunshine woeee"