How much money do you have?

How much money do you have?

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21000€ in stocks
5000€ in my giro account

can't complain

a bit more than 200$

Like 2,500 USD


18k $ on my bank account

stock isn't money, retard

>zero and I'm 100% dependent on my older sister who buys me food and our parents who pay for our place, how did you know

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few grand. I haven't worked for a couple years so I've just been floating on grants.

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might get a summer job idk yet

that is a very nice sister and parents user you need to thank them

14 000 euro

About $4k

45k USD in cash. 20k holding in crypto, and I'm still not selling. Would be living paycheck to paycheck if my parents didn't let me stay with them rent-free, though.

stocks are very liquid. You can sell them instantly.

negative 35k
I have 8k in cash though

6k USD liquid
give or take 700k USD in assets

>give or take 700k USD in assets
a house?

or two

4500 USD

these threads depress me... how u ppl have so much money t.t

i have $13 in cash, and about -$2000 between a credit card and my bank account.

About $6500 USD. I've never gotten into stocks or anything like that.

I have enough to pay rent and buy food/alcohol. Idk what my actual bank account balance is though. Probably not very high, but my debit card hasn't been declined yet so I must have something.

I have exactly 7 zl in my bank account which is around 1,50 euro

You should; cash is a terrible investment. Even with low capital and with little time to research the market, you can always just invest in a couple of general ETFs (e.g. SPY) without losing too much from auxiliary costs (e.g. commission).

>stocks are very liquid. You can sell them instantly.
Not always true

About 20K dollaros. If shit hits the fan it would take well over a year before I start starving.