90% of people in Germany make less than €3,500 monthly wage

>90% of people in Germany make less than €3,500 monthly wage
How do Germans cope with this. That’s poverty tier.

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Rent and houses are much cheaper in Germany.

4k a month is ok
It's certainly not what one would want, but you can live comfortably on that.

The european union makes it very possible to keep cost of living relatively low.

I thought Germany was a great place?

50% of people in Germany have a net worth of €17,000 or less.

Even my dumb illiterate mom has 90k in her 401k retirement account lmao.

and 100% of people in Germany have a bigger dick than you Zhang.

average american is in debt

We have the 3rd highest purchasing power in the world I think

Attached: aztw74towfly.png (786x768, 132K)

This is what redpilled me. I thought Germany was a great place but it appears to be shittier than here.


By having very low cost of living. Our food prices are so low that even Eastern Europeans cross the border to do their groceries here. Also having no student loans helps

Because you have a lot more millionaires relative to your size.

Thats not what purchasing power means. There is no way millionaires could skew the average of a country with 82 million people by any significant amount

>This is what redpilled me

You realize that both Canada and the US have higher GINI coefficients, lower social mobility and worse inequality levels than Germany?

>How do Germans cope with this. That’s poverty tier.
To be honest 3500 euro a month sounds pretty decent for one person.
I get a bit jealous when I see how much Americans make in comparison, but then I see them in worse living conditions and luxuries than us, so I just assume that Americans need way more money for the same standard of living.

Attached: 1541831701375.png (595x439, 70K)

Excluding mortgages, the average American has 40k in debt.

My salary is 650 Euros and I do just fine. If I didn't have to pay rent I'd be living pretty decently.

That's because money like that of your mom is being counted in wealth comparison statistics whereas the contributions of Germans to their state pension system are not, even though they are equivalent to several €100k wealth.
X pension points does not compute.

>better life bullshit index(TM) made by the high priest of neoliberals


>lower social mobility than Germany
Your country is still run by aristocrats that literally keep you niggers down. The class system in Europe is still very strong and almost India tier, not so in North America.

Why are Americans so bad at personal finance?

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I'm sure that number is incorrect but regardless Europeans don't make anywhere near what Americans earn. The reason our countries are rich is due to much higher taxes. If we had your tax rates on our incomes, our countries would have North-African levels of development.

The class system is mostly a Brit thing.

Median wealth is around 40-50k I think.

The number isn’t bullAnd it’s before tax so what you get is lower.

this is before taxes, right?
cause then i make more than average

From docu

>The class system in Europe is still very strong and almost India tier, not so in North America.

Absolutely delusional, every society has stratification bu by any viable metric North America has among the worst inequality levels in the Western world. Canada and the US are the countries that invented legacy admissions for colleges, literally birth rights for college spots. Meanwhile in Germany any working class child enjoys free access to healthcare and a completely free college education.

>it's before tax
In that case it is bullshit. €3500 bruto is not very hard to earn. I don't have education and am €700 short of that

are you just butthurt or something? I cant compare Germany to Canada because your country apparently is too irrelevant for those statistics but look at the US

Attached: ST_2017.04.24_Western-Europe-Middle-Class_0-04.png (309x615, 40K)

Actually yes. Look at equatorial guniea. A few millinoaires make it look good in purchasing power but 60% of people their live below poverty line.


>falling for the germoney is rich meme
Lmao the average German will never afford a house and will have to collect bottles to survive as a pensioner
only companies and their owners are rich in this country

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>only companies and their owners are rich in this country
And our ruling class of boomers that started amassing houses by giving firm handshakes to the bank

Why are GERMants so obssessed with the US

I mean, if I had to pay 10 bucks for a steak then I might need your wage levels sure.

>I get a bit jealous when I see how much Americans make in comparison
>Europeans don't make anywhere near what Americans earn
Always take into account the cost of living. Yes you can make $90k/year in silicon valley as a software engineer in your first year. But a two bedroom appartment in San Francisco costs around $3.5k per month. In Berlin it's 50% of the wage and 15% of the rent.

You are comparing us to equatorial guinea now? come on man...
They also only have about 1 million people so its easier for outliers to skew statistics

You can't get a good steak for less than €15, or else you're getting something shitty like a flank 'steak'.
And if you talk about butcher prices those are higher too. Americans as a whole pay much less for beef than we do.

Germany is worse, college spots are reserved for those that live in better neighbourhoods. Most of your Turks don’t even graduate highschool mate so no opportunities for your low class.

It’s not.

I saw it last night. I can’t be bothered to scrub for the image. Just watch it and you’ll be surprised how shit Germany is.

didnt mean to offend you jose. its just the closest country to canada

>Asspain is almost on pair with Belgium

But San Francisco is an extreme exception. Most of the US has large cheap houses and gas prices are 70% lower.

Attached: gallery-1440617303-love-abode-infographic-house-sizes-around-the-world-1.jpg (640x757, 86K)

>Always take into account the cost of living.
What makes you believe the average American pays much more than we do? Their 'cardboard' houses are cheap, their fuel and energy prices are low, most things are extreme levels of economy of scale there.
Silicon valley, New York City, DC, etc might be expensive as hell but most Americans don't live there and are just somewhere stuck in a mid-income area. They have much more money to spend than we do.

Germany has more millionaires while in e.guniea it’s just the government and their families. Germany’s purchasing power is indeed inflated by the rich when 90% of workers in your country earn less than $52,000 USD before tax annually.

>Germany is worse, college spots are reserved for those that live in better neighbourhoods.

Lmao. There is no such thing as 'better neighborhoods' dude. This is a third world/north American thing.

Cost of living in western europe is rising extremely fast while wages are still on the same level as 30 years ago

I make €3400/month before taxes here in Sweden. Pretty average salary for someone my age (25). It's more than enough, I waste a ton of money every month.

Yeah because w*llonia is albania-tier.

>Lmao. There is no such thing as 'better neighborhoods' dude.
You can't be serious.

>a fucking LEAF compares Equatorial Guinea to one of the richest western countries
You’re a fine specimen

you still dont know what purchasing power means

You have cheap alcohol too, some finns take ship to germany to buy alcohol tough estonia and latvia are more popular places

>Germany is worse, college spots are reserved for those that live in better neighbourhoods. Most of your Turks don’t even graduate highschool mate so no opportunities for your low class.
bullshit, stop talking out your arse

Why are you lying?

Wallonia drags Belgium down

this makes no fucking sense

you unironically believe that the bottom 10% of americans, who live in literal slums, live better than the top 10% millionaries in Brazil, Turkey, Mexico, Portugal, Russia and Israel?

Why are euros seething so much? This isn’t even a bait thread. I’m surprised how shit Europe is.

Again, this does not factor in what the taxes bring to the people and the buying power.
Your reasoning is flawed, or deliberatly short-sighted

Can you provide a citation for those ominous colleges that reserve spots for students from certain 'neighborhoods'? How would a college system that is 99,5% public even get away with that?

Many people have not given up on Europe yet, it is just cope and delusions.

The top 10% of your country aren’t millionaires jose.

Germany isn't cheap, it's the nordicks where alcohol is ludicrous expensive.

3500 are 2k net
thats more than enough for a single household, hell you cann even save at least 500€ every month, while in US/CA you gotta pay 1k alone for rent

Class racism. Also source is docu but they just mention highschools.

Germany is cheap. They have some of the lowest store prices for groceries and more importantly: consumer electronics.

Canada is obviously one of the best countries in the world but so are we lmao. You seem rather butthurt if youre OP

We have among the lowest food prices in Europe thanks to our hyper competitive super market sector.

>top 10 percent of millionaires
The top 10 percent of the US doesn't consist of millionaires, much less so in any of those countries.

I earn above the average and all I can safe per month is around 100 - 200€. Around 60% of my money goes to the state, insurance, etc. Then I have to pay rent which is expensive around Munich.

Over 30 years old and me and my girlfriend who also works fulltime can't afford to get kids. That's life in Germany. But at least we can feed Million people that came from Africa.

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I expected more better results from Germany. Guess the anglo-sphere countries are really the best the world has ever produced.

I was specifically talking about achohol.

>muh dick

The UK is the most miserable of all western-European countries when it comes to socio-economics, social mobility, quality of life, etc

Thank you Karl.

I would say only Canada and Australia are on our level. The rest isnt too far behind but still


You are delusional

I said Anglosphere. UK is even shittier than Germany and I’d kill myself if I lived in that depressing shithole.

Basicall this, your monthly saving rate depends upon your rent
The closer you live to the cdb the less disposable income after fixed cost and rent you have
But 3-4k before net is sufficent for decent living

>live in Germany
>get a remote software engineering job with an American tech company for a six figure salary

It would be the best of both worlds.

Yes, SF stands out for high wages and high cost of living. Median wage in the US is $47k and they have to work about 1750 hours per year on average to earn that in contrast to our 1350 hours per year. And 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.

Purchasing power parity.

Real income in Germany has been rising over the last years. In America it fell.

how does the top 10% of the population of a country doesn't include it's millionaires

are you fucking retarded, even if that were true, are you stupid enough to believe it's the same in Turkey, Brazil, Israel and Russia?

loook at this dude

Canadians are richer than Germans on average. The only thing we need to fix is immigration and increase automation output.

>best of both worlds
Higher taxes, equal to higher cost of living, shitty European weather.
Not exactly

why? NZ and the UK are worse and the US is such a clusterfuck of a country that you cant really make a comparsion

>Class racism
This doesn't answer my question. How exactly does a college and educational sector that is 99.5% public get away with class-based discrimination? Every single form of inequality you can find in German is 10 times worse in North America. In Germany college admission is 100% based on grades. It's private universities in Canada and the US that make up ridiculous and obfuscating application procedures so that dumb rich kids can get into elite schools because they are good at sea horse polo or some bullshit sport that can only be practiced at some fancy private high school. This is a process in Anglo-Saxon countries that is deliberately designed to legalize nepotism and academic aristocracy.

>equal to higher cost of living
its less in germany, far less from my experience

The top 10% of your country aren’t just millinoaires. You happy joes? It’s the same for all those other third world countries.

The UK alone has like 8 out of the 10 poorest regions in Western Europe.

It does but barely anyone in the top 10% is a millionaire. Even the top 1% in Brazil only has an average net worth of 530k.

We have almost no actual industry. There's only resource extraction and finance.

There’s shitholes everywhere, Hans
That being said, do you really think it’s necessary to argue with some uneducated, idiotic fucking leaf on Jow Forums of all places?
One or two posts are enough to see if you’re actually going to be listened to or dismissed based on some skewed idea this idiot has made himself of Germany.

They cannot be reasoned with

>get a remote software engineering job with an American tech company for a six figure salary

Employers of foreign workers in Germany are subject to German tax rates and social security contribution. Also 'fake freelancing' aka being a de facto employee to a single company that pretends to be and independent business is outright illegal.

From your experience as what?
Americans pay like €0.80/L for their fuel, have much lower VAT (or none at all), shop at Costco where you buy food in pellets and most houses there are cheaper too.

The US yes but Canada has no ivy leagues or private universitys and ours are some of the best in the world and entirely grade based. The difference is that in Canada you get a spot regardless of where you live while it’s the opposite in Germany.

>shitty European weather
Its nice here in the south desu. I feel for you tho

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