Culture Pals /cp/ genera

Summer qts Edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs from around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia(ew) , China(yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them.
Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban?
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tfw one of the qts that I thought could potentially replace current qt ghosted me

Why did she do that? On WhatsApp?

Yep, she has read receipts turned off too. Pretty disappointed because I thought I would use her to get over my current qt, who has basically lost feelings for me.

I need to get in a relationship asap

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same desu

Irl one not useless E-dating

that’s not really true

same desu

You may go just for fun.
I'd say that the greater problem is that a huge percentage of "people" enrolling into this field are naive fairies, who's fallen for "deepness" of this discipline. So when they face some person who's shitting in his bed not because he's got some stomach issue but because he's so sad and opressed that to wake up from the bed would be a huge achievement - they're like "oh, could you please give me somebody more positive-oriented I can't work like that".
On the second place in the list of problems goes the fact that such "science" is just way too young and immature: few decades ago electroshock was the best cure for any problem, prior to it there was The Holy Inquisition, you know.

Pls explain,I asked a female about it and she said its true

>"science" is just way too young and immature:
if we don't give them stuff to try things on, how would it progress?
but you're right, it's to my own expense.
I can't treat it like a refuge and I need to be aware that despite the studies and degrees, these people are still human and can't tell me why I am shitting in my bed. (figuratively, of course)
thanks again, comrade
I am pessimistic about many things except this but now, :')
but not putting too much hope on something is better than thinking it would save me when it can't.

i am qt russian girl, anyone want to suck my girl dick?

Yes. It would be my honor

Yeah, but only if you shave your body hair

Also do you think is true?

I will in a few minutes. I’m making tacos

gib :')

I can't give a good answer because the only relationship I had was with an e-qt and I was 25 at that time so, that's really late.
my fren however, had a serious relationship at 23 or 22? and they broke up many times and kind of became stable when she was 25ish.
She said that if she were younger, it would have been more difficult coz emotions are harder to control plus, there's still a lot of growing up to do.
btw they're still together now.

>tfw no 1st world gf yet

I want to cry
I wish i could cry right now

smear onions on your eyes

No I cried it's okay

I’m just saying losing your virginity isn’t going to magically make you good with girls. If you just interact with girls and be around them you’ll be fine

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If I say to a girl "please never leave" me what are they gonna think?
Mind you I've known them for a long time

"Please never leave me"*

Second that. Also it belongs to Occupy yourself seriously: only a very dumb girl will fall for somebody who's desperately seeking for relationships - you must have "something", a goal, a mission, whatever it is, you should be seriously into smth (it could be just your job, it's normal, just be really involved in it), so she'd be really interested in accompanying you on your way. Ideally she should also have smth serious in her life as well, but for centuries females were seriously undereducated and trained to be "an application", and many are ok with it nowadays still, so it may happen or may not.

Just to mention, a penpal of mine who's a psychologist says (to clients) that happiness is not important in life, what's important is experience (whatever it is) and knowledge (of any kind).

>if we don't give them stuff to try things on, how would it progress?

Yes, that's truth.

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"i should leave"

Stop fucking with me dude, seriously
I agree but we try to gain experience and knowledge to be more happy dont we

Sounds like a bad idea

Long story short: happiness is a social construct.

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I guess I fucked up
Time to kill myself

No don’t

>dopamine, serotonin and endorphins being released and the workings of our central nervous system is a social construct

Read the manual first, smth like this maybe

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I wish that was me desu

Ok, if you want to use the rhetoric of neuroscience (which you think you know from videos on youtube): people who could train their organism to either not to be so heavily dependent on those hormones or to produce them without too much of external simulations are superior compared to those who're constantly seeking for something they think would make them "happy". In short: you are "happy" NOT when you have everything you need, BUT when you don't need more than you already have.

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I really like you user

how to deal with not being a 10/10

Making up for it in personality,humour,hobbies etc

Wait for another decade or two when this dumb fashion will change.

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I'm feeling better now

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Good! What did you do?


Do not stop lifting, lazy bastard.

Cried and fapped
He use to be really popular here a few years back.

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I seriously need to get back at that