
my best friend
old :

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first for karabo.ga

First for greekpucci

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Why can't macedonian "men" have sex /balk/?

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Once Macedonia unites with Albania and Kosovo, Macedonians will form roughly 1/5 of the population of this new coastal 7m+ state. What will be Macedonian demands for flag, name, capital, political representation and so on to feel comfortable?


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no, actually VMRO in the past were Bulgarophilles but it got infiltrated bu serbomans and we wuzzers so the former leader left and formed a VMRO Peoples Party, but the party is irrelevant now. He was for the name North Macedonia since the conflict begun.
And SDSM were Bulgarophobe commies that gave citizenships to shiptars from kosovo and that is how they are around 25%.
it doesnt make sense at all now, they switched like the democrats and republicans did in america.

too white

the absolute state of the eternal albo

Quit hogging the kak da ebe6 book and hand it over.

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