Why are they so racist?

Why are they so racist?

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we aren't

Not racist at all, why?

why shouldn't we be?

because you're black

Because they are high culture civilized men.
I admire French and Italian

Don't act as if we blacks aren't racist

I wish I was born in France or North Italy
Such a dream countries

>only whites can be racist

look at this fucking retard

>hundreds of threads racist towards italy
>hurr durr why italians so racist

we are BLACK so we can't truly be racist


take a look at your flag you filthy subhuman

We are. Not personally, but most yes. I don't know why to be honest, we even have a general good education on history.

Because blacks are subhumans, look like eggplants and smell like shit, also they turn to crime easier and are overall dumber

That’s a lie that only Asians believe Kim

They know they are niggers so they take out their insecurities on other niggers

Funny because Italy wouldn’t be anywhere without the moors.

what did you mean by this

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They aren't, also muslim and african inmigrants treat ethnic Italians like shit.

You'll find out soon

They aren't really. Italians are generous people

Begone Turk.

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How can Italians be racist towards Turks or MENAs in general? I doubt they can't distinguish them from themselves

>implying italians aren't already racist towards southern italians

Brown blood

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