Culture Pals /cp/ gener

Cookie edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs from around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia(ew) , China(yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them.
Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban?
Want to banter koreaboos?

Sign up at:

Website with pastas and scripts:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:!QgY0QCaR!w6gTFL2egnqpOgzHeIPXjw

qtcrawler script: (embed)

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Other urls found in this thread:

girl from bumble canceled on me last minute time to kms

That’s why you shouldn’t use it

I'm a girl and it was bumblebff

>monday morning

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Post profile

u first

No u

we're the only ones here just post and delete

no :(

what state


how old are you

You first



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hi how are you

Where have you been?

Hi. Can't sleep and have to wake up early.
How bout you?

Playing football manager and watching a vagrant travel in Japan + fell asleep during the day because tired

>Can't sleep and have to wake up early.
That’s the worst. I got back home from a flight at 3:30am the other day, and had to be back at the airport at 8am. It sucked

That's terrible lad

It was. I hate going to sleep late. Sleep is so important to me

Where are all the frens

why do they this

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What do you think about black men?

It’s because you’re yellow. They want your penis

serious questions!

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Just don’t cheat

too insecure he denies reality about how he actually looks. poor guy.

are you yellow

I wish

What the fuck is that thing

Fucking Pika. Shut your gf up already. Find a job for her or whatever.

His gf doesn’t work?

1. I'd be seriously surprised if she does.
2. Being a blogger is not a work, and never will be.

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I'm looking for your prof but you can't search by state

I could not imagine having a gf who didn’t work
You can if you type in the state to the search keyword bar

I did! and the most recent online 28 yr old male who comes up with the keyword "virginia" was online 1 month ago!

there is one other but.. :3
not from US but from UK and is a pal :')

I'm not sure what you mean

did u checked on “display my profile on searches”?

>had to send a snap of me speaking Korean
So cringe, what enjoyment could she get out of that

i tried to search virginia and then 28
the results showed a 28yo pal from the UK.

about to make a profile
teach me the ropes
do i have to use a real picture of me
what are the do's and don't's

regards 28 year old kissless virgin

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need to use your real picture
find your good angle
choose good lighting
use a prop pet or whatever in the picture (cat/dog/bird/lizard/bear/)

do not send Hi/Hello as a first message.

>tfw no 1st world gf yet

I look reasonably good. Just worried about muh anonymity.

yeah but who cares, are you someone important

>Just worried about muh anonymity.
many here were worried about having someone they know recognize them but they got over that eventually.
one tip is to not use pics on your social media on here. use other stuff so they find nothing when they reverse image search.

There's no way any government entity doesn't already know you and could find you at any moment
I'm worried because I wanna work for the government one day, and you need security clearance, and I've said nigger on the Google Hangouts app, so I probably won't get approved

>I've said nigger on the Google Hangouts app,
you just admitted it here so that's another point against you.

I don't use any social media incidentally.
How do you advance from interpals to some more advanced chatting software? What do the qts use these days? I got Steam.

whatsapp is the popular choice
How do you advance from interpals to some more advanced chatting software?

Honest answer
Be good looking
hab good flag

Semi-bullshit answer
Be interesting
Hab good personality

Best answer
good face
good flag
interesting personality.

Kakao talk for the Korean qts
Line for the Japanese qts
WhatsApp for everything else
I also like Snapchat cause I like getting their cute vids and pics

wot are some good flags. any western one will do?

have you been having any success? can't imagine phili flag is that attractive.

Got a lot of views from girls lately idk whats going on
Hit up a few of them and they were nice, but it went nowhere

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>can't imagine phili flag is that attractive.
yeah, true
I rely on the "personality" bit.
I signed up last year and have talked to interesting people (got a few on whatsapp) but didn't lead to "qt" status.
I think things will be different for you.

>wot are some good flags. any western one will do?

Is it true that the girls are all autistic? interpals has been shilled hard in a thread on /trv/.

>Is it true that the girls are all autistic?
a good 75% is
or 80%
But it takes one to know one :3

Anyone else just given up on looking at Thailand profiles because of how many of them are trannies?

are you implying that's a bad thing

Time to check out Thailand

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Demons keep putting lust for trannies in my mind but I don't want to be a faggot and go to hell.

If I ever go to Thailand, I'll just have to do as the Romans do

it's called bangKOK for a reason not bangKUNT

Most women will not care about americans. Or I am just a fugly white boi :^) kms


really wish I was a normalfag with a qt gf and friends

same ;_; have friends but no gf

Well most people I know met their gf through friends
Are all of them socially retarded autists too?

Burgers get flag points.
There are burgerpals with qts


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I have no idea how you're supposed to meet women. I haven't had a girl be interested me irl for years
I did pretty decently with girls in high school, but afterwards I lost every social aspect in my life and haven't hung out with someone in probably 3 years

I guess you either meet then through mutual friends or work/school
Yeah,same had a couple of girls interested in me but I was a retard who was scared of intimacy and now I have no one

I saw a weird one. A korean girl that posted a big wall of text a guy sent her talking about black people. She says she wants to "make him famous" for his "aryan pride" but in the text he asks her why she wants to talk about black people so much and he seems kind of matter of fact about it rather than ideological.

that sounds like my life

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I think friends and family are how most normies do it.
Tell your parents you are disappointed in them for not arranging you a marriage.

I'll never have an arranged marriage, I find it to be pathetic
Id rather die alone

tfw no Russian qt

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can somebody screencap her profile pls
i want to read her profile but kind of scared she’s going to talk to me

From my POV what is pathetic is how much time we Westerners spend trying to find a partner and engaging in pointless sex (or how much time we spend being incels).
Arranged marriages ASAP are the way to go.

I dont even care where she will be from anymore

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Yes, most of them are.

Great. I am ugly and horrible personality :D

I mean if you just want a fuckhole and kid machine then yeah arranged marriages are good but the thrill of falling in love and having a passionate relationship isn't what you will get from an arranged marriage,it will be more of a business deal type thing,a transaction than a marriage
Idk if I could properly express what I mean

That's called courtly love. It was made up by some poorfag musicians so they could fuck noblemen's daughters.

Pretty based if you ask me


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Holy shit wtf is up with her
>Tfw no insane jap gf

pikachu, a portugese dude from this board has one.

Want to visit Japan and get a Japanese qt desu lads

Want to visit the US and get you desu lad

wow me2

Just had a great fap session everyone

wtf why didn't you invite me bro

round 2 lets go

I think I'm having an anxiety episode
I'm feeling very anxious since yesterday and I can't get anything done because of it
Listentinf to this song on repeat like a fuckinf retard

>qts say like let's meet and make babies as many as possible
>delete their accounts all of a sudden

why do women do this? it hurts

They're just as autistic as we are
Also aren't you a girl? Wtf there are 2 koreans here?

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