Nooooo you can't let your cats roam outside free, they kill b-birds!

>nooooo you can't let your cats roam outside free, they kill b-birds!

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>t. toxoslave

>hey man, careful with that pitbull on the playground!

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>calls cat owners "toxoslaves"
>is a literal slave to his d*g who has to get up at midnight to let it outside to take a shit and go outside in the pissing rain to take it for a walk

>has to waste at least an hour each day taking his smelly beast for a 'walk' and then pick up his shit

Who's the real slave here?

cats are much superior

really you shouldnt let cats outdoors unless youre in a city where the only birds are pigeons

I eat those at fairs lmao

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>a kike shilling for c*ts to create more toxozombies worldwide

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>rat owning freak

I'll tell you to have sex, but you stand no chance.