/desi/ alone and suffering edition


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Who the fuck is this woman and why do you keep spamming her?

I want to die.

That's was really good

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Lurk moar
Me too

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some attention whore posted pics of herself asking "omg bois do i look indian? *blush* people say i doooon't lol teehee"


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>putting the edition in the subject line
>giving attention to an attention whore
Back to plebbit with you OP.

I don't like reddit though

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I want a Brown gf so bad...

Me too

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There are 3 indian religious philosophies

where self and god mean inherently existent entities:
1. There is god (with or without self) (typically Hindu)
2. There is a self but no god (Jainism and Pudgalavada Buddhism)
3. There is no self nor god (Buddhism and Charvaka)

Note: The proponents of no self do not deny that there is a sense of self in perception and language. They just dont say its actually refering to a real thing.

Note: god means not a big man in the sky but a substantial ultimate reality which underpins all phenomena - whether it is formless or with form is a different debate.

The first splits into 4.
1a. There is self and god - they are separate (Dvaita and all abrahamic religions fall here)
1b. There is self and god - they are identical ergo there is only really god (Advaita and arguably Sarvastivada buddhists though they wouldn't call it God)
1c. There is self and god - they are the same but in a qualified sense (ie only god really exist but god is actually characterised by multiplicity of entities and phenomena) (Vishishtadvaita, Shuddhadvaita and arguably Sikhism)
1d. There is self and god - they are both different and the same - self is something separate from god but that could not exist without it. (Dvaitadvaita and Achintya Bheda Abheda)

3. Also splits into two.
3a. There is no god or self in absolute terms but conventionally a self exists and be used as a conventional substrate to pin prescriptive morality onto (Madhyamika and to a less stressed extent Theravada)
3b.There is no god or self in absolute terms. There is a conventional self which is arbitrary and because all things are sort of arbitrary you can't really know so just do whatever you want and enjoy life (Charvaka)

note that these divisions are very fuzzy around the edges. particularly the 1a-d which have various iterations that basically assent and then disagree with each other almost spontaneously. 1b is sometimes accused of being 3 and 3 and 2 often slip into 1 territory.

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She needs to ditch the creepy lenses

I think they're real
How could you tell its contacts

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Have you read the gita?
How did you find it? I'm thinking of getting into it but I'm kinda reluctant because it will just be "dude do ur dharma and don't ask shit" lmao

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this is now a mauka thread



Fuck off dude, you don't need to shill /cric/ here

lmao why you peeps shilled yesterday

I don't care about sports and I visit /sp/obviously so idk what you're talking about

I don't visit*

Gita is good
But the underlying message is wrong.

There is no brahman, only shunya

I like this album. :)

Are you indian/south Asian?

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Half pajeet

Potater head

Yesterday was fun.

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Hope its your dad who was Indian

Why does that matter though?

In any interracial marriage if the dad is white the child is gonna come out fucked up look at people like elliot Rodgers
Only beta white males marry non whites and only Chad non whites marry white women

My mum isnt white
Stop browsing Jow Forums and believing stupid nonsense

What's your moms side

Indian "intellectuals" everyone.

When did I claim to be one you dumb motherfucker