Explain this, Germany

explain this, Germany

Attached: 101016.png (671x668, 563K)

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Love Life

fault of the mother to pay for those pieces of shit
they obviously didn't get enough beatings when they were little

It costs £9k for them to travel to Berlin? Where do they live?

Wtf guys
I thought germany was first world

kek, paypigs deserved to be milked dry.

>planning a trip to Africa
I sure hope nothing happens to them there...

Attached: white woman planning a vacation to morocco.jpg (1242x598, 81K)

Thinking clearly isn't your thing.

>A rural region of Moroccan is all of Africa
Based yank tier retard.

Yes, because the rest of Africa is perfectly safe for sheltered millennials.

Attached: sad frog unimpressed coffee.jpg (250x246, 12K)