
eagrán punt

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Any Tipp cunts here want to get heemed?

Thinking about returning a very expensive order from amazon so i can get the newer model of that item instead

tá éadóchas mór orm

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So I heard there's a little island off the northwest coast of Ireland that's desperate for fresh blood, ideally the descendants of Irish colonists from America and Australia.


I have to say, the idea of moving to Ireland is tempting, and I'm willing to work in whatever jobs are available there (hell, I might even start farming; I've studied a bit of agricultural science in my time and know how to grow a good pumpkin).

But have any of you ever been to Arranmore? How is the place?

I think I've seen ads on YouTube about it having good internet which is fucking pissing me off since my area which doesn't have to resort to licking the diaspora's hole to stay alive gets fucking nothing

Which kingdom should I lead to greatness?

Attached: eire.jpg (1920x1032, 745K)

fuck off we're full
turning islands that are depressed as fuck by modern economics into holiday homes for rich foreigners is not going to "save" Irish culture

why the FUCK have you done this
