Please, come to Brazil now and impregnate our women. Nearest Brazilian embassy. *good-looking tall Nordic men only, non Europeans (all too brown and too dumb, and Mongoloids are too feminine and disgusting overall), Southern Europeans (brown and dumb), British (most of them look like deformed freaks with rotten teeth and an accent that sounds like they're having a stroke, but the few Nordic-looking ones nice), Slavs (too flat-headed and dumb, Nordic-looking ones are nice so long they're not flat-headed circus specimens) Irish (same as British but they're also dumb on top of that) and Mongol Nordics (just plain disgusting) need not apply
>he thinks i'll listen to his rules she's gonna get BLACKED
Lucas Barnes
Ela não é a Salmão. Salmão já postou fotos dela. Salmão é menos branca.
Ryder Flores
Niggers in Brazil are worthless. We need quality Nordic seeds.
Leo Bell
>impregnate >her
Ayden Powell
Kids are useless and a waste of time and money.
Elijah Jones
I'm only interested in beautiful mixed raced boys curious about sexuality. Tough luck macacaco.
Angel Rogers
i am 161cm male with brown chinky eyes and BLACK hair i'm already coming and you can't stop me
Kayden Ross
kill yourself
Leo Lee
Stop it!!! You're not supposed to invite other male competition to your country, you're supposed to discourage them from coming over so that you have a higher % chance of getting a gf yourself.