He lives in an overcrowded shithole

>He lives in an overcrowded shithole.
>He has never seen the Milky Way

Attached: photo-1515705576963-95cad62945b6.jpg (1000x667, 190K)

feels bad man

Chile has a pop density of 22 people/km2. It's ok. First of all, it should be forbidden for a country to have more than 100 people/km2.

If you weren't that lazy you could take your car, drive outside of Santiago and and admire the sky. Chile is known to have a great sky.

i'm scared of space anyway i'd rather have a starless nightsky

Feelsbad for euros

Imagine being so poor that you can't afford holidays

>he prefers looking into the abyss

>euros be like wow! i'm in the wilderness!

Attached: euro wilderness.jpg (1024x675, 213K)

I literally live in the Milky Way.

this is a long exposure shot that is not visible by the naked eyes, brainlet.