Dont you wish for a simple village life style without all the degeneracy and half a virgin waifu?

Dont you wish for a simple village life style without all the degeneracy and half a virgin waifu?

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>the noses on the left
you fool nobody Moshe

This is known as the iranid nose, they are similer to jewish ones thats why iran has such high rates of rhinoplasty. My cute loli cousin grew a disgusting hook nose like ones in the pic after puberty. She still cute though

>My cute loli cousin grew a disgusting hook nose like ones in the pic after puberty
there is only one course of action here Usman...

for me its a simple village lifestyle with all the degeneracy

I do, but unfortunately that died out half a century ago. Now there is nothing but soulless materialistic urbanite life.

A simple life is better, I think. I was happier growing up on the farm, instead of slaving my life away in silicon valley.

cant you work from the farm through the internet?
or do you have to be in silicon valley?

Yeah but all the villages are being abandoned :(

Attached: Paharikids3.jpg (500x308, 110K)

Kys pedo muslim. Girls don't deserve to be born is muslim shitholes, i feel bad for them, women and girls should be the only type of refugees allowed

I have to be physically present in the office, unfortunately.

Have gay sex

Kinda but I feel like I'd miss the internet a lot. What would I do with all that free time? Milk cow? Talk to people IRL?

You dont have free time if you a grown man working and whatever free time you have is spent in leisure activities.

>leisure activities
Yeah thats what internet is for me. What do villagers do? Talk IRL? I'd be nervous.

No. I know how that is and I'll get bored in a week

But not with a child because i'm not muslim

My village doesn't have cable or the internet and power outtages are frequent. We spent most of the time just playing the river trying to catch fishes or just hang out with each other on the mountains or something. Hiking is too physically demanding


Its ok once Islam takes over Europe you can have your loli gf

"H-hey my fellow villagers haha, how goes the cow?"

Actually it probably offers a lot of opportunities to care for and serve others, more than the internet does.

My fellow villager can say "not good our cow died can you give us some milk?"
Me: "yeah no problem I can give you some of my extra milk"
This is something lost in modern society because we are too alienated, and only talk through a screen.

Sounds nice I guess but I'd still miss internet. I assume you aren't at your village anymore considering you have internet now, do you miss those fishes and mountains?

Its like a family house, we go back every now and then and on Eid but gone are the childhood days. Last time I spent playing dark souls on my laptop all day

Milk is boiled, you cant drink it straight from the cow our human stomachs cant take it

Sound like village life is a lot like firstie life except with more power outage.

Overall I do think there should be more love and community in the first world, starting on the family unit but even outwards from there. Anyway hope you had a happy Eid