Why are black people so cool?

Why are black people so cool?

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>make a black friend
>he steals your bike

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This is like an American asking why gypsies are so cool

Turn off the tv, turn off the hip hop, come visit Camden

Camden is in London bro

yeah but they're still cool even with all that crime shit

>Muh stabbings and shootings
white people were doing the same shit in Glasgow for decades at similar, if not worse rates than In London

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based paki pilling these freaks
from a jap perspective whiteys and blacks commit the same amount of crime

>Tfw My only friend in elementary school was a black kid named Wesley.

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How many ameriwhites would say black people are cool?

How many Europeans would say Gypsies are cool?

Why? Because Gypsies are multiple times worse than blacks.

they know how to have fun

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I think black people were a lot cooler when their music was instrument based

I don't know much about gypsies but, American niggers are systematically engineered(by CIA jews) for decade to cause maximum damage. They are awful.

You're both delusional. Negroes, like everything else in NA, are a million times worse than whatever Europeans have as an equivalent.

Imagine a people group who never work, never get educated and who all look and sound like ape-esque banshees. All they do is chase clout and commit crimes

oR Acapella

>most work
>most dont do crime
>most are decent people

>been in Europe for centuries
>free education and welfare available so no excuse for their state
>quit going to school after elementary school
>hate whites as part of their culture (confirmed by quad-gypsies)
>never (ever) work
>kids vandalize property
>everyone of them is a thief
>statistically more criminal than Somalis
>even though somalis are first or second generation immigrants and gypsies have been here for centuries
>barely literate
>absolute fucking subhumans

There is no comparison.
Finland has almost the same amount of Gypsies as Somalis and Gypsies are much, much worse.
Gypsies are so bad that Sweden made it illegal to be a Gypsy on Swedish soil, the punishment for it was death by hanging. That's when they first came to Finland.

For Gypsies we have a saying, a normie saying not a Jow Forums saying but something regular people say: "It's a shame when the 99% ruins the name of the 1%".

You should understand that they literally refuse to integrate, to work, to study, to do anything at all that is decent.
When a g*Psy, usually a half or a quarter g*Psy tries to get educated or a job the rest of them ostracize him.

You’re not white.

You’re describing yourself, Zhang.

Its okay to be black

what do you think of rapefugees?

better than gypsies, not a big deal in general

your claim just got invalidated

Are this delusional, Tyrone?

t. dumb amerimutt
Finland didn't take many refugees so why should I give a shit? A couple girls get raped? OH noooo!!!

I'm more afraid of white junkies and eastern europeans overall. I've never had any problem with blacks or arabs.

I don't have a problem with black people but black SJWs complain about white people 24/7 on social media and it gets annoying.

It's a natural swag we're born with, imagine a whitoid trying to make something like this?


Piss off, Tyrone.

You have been brainwashed by kikes
We have gypsies here and they arent that bad, all they do is beg for money.
Niggers are worse.

Their clothes always look new and crisp. I'm not sure if it's because black skin makes colors pop up or if they don't do laundry and just buy new 1€ clothes at the Chinese bargain store/H&M when the ones they're wearing get dirty. Or maybe it's halfway and they wash them with bleach or some other extra-strong product.

your "gypsies" are not the same
you fucking idiot

Stop larping as a nigger

>A couple girls get raped? OH noooo!!!
Jesus Christ, westerners are a bunch of cucks. Imagine writing such a thing

to be perfectly honest i wouldnt give a shit if every last finnish girl got raped and killed by sand niggers as long as they leave me alone

Good thing whites will become extinct, once they are gone we mexicans will be able to genocide niggers


based my niggahh

Old-school apartheid anthropology says they have lower inhibition, which would make them cool to a younger observer.

you're a homosexual that's for sure

forgot to use proxy?

>How many ameriwhites would say black people are cool?
The ones who havn't been around them. The ones that know them from the TV and music only. The middle class and up never have to deal with them. Blacks arn't in their neighborhoods, the didn't have to go to school with them, they don't have ride the bus on the way to work with blacks, they don't have to deal with them every day at work. There's a reason so many poor people are racist to black people. It's exposure

your somalis are not the same as american blacks