All real French died in WW1

>all real French died in WW1
>all real Anglo-Americans died in the Civil War
>all full blooded Germans died in WW2
>your mom will die if you don’t reply to this

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America died in 1948.

Why say dat?

>All Portuguese honorable men died in the Colonial War

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i know my mom will die eventually and it is a fact of life that im having a great struggle with :( i havnt reached that enlightened stage of life yet where i accept these things and it is hard to go on sometimes. fuck im always so sad

9/11 Waco

waco was justified. 9/11 was Bush.

>all real Anglo-Americans died in the Civil War


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not really true

fuck off i ahte this shit

>your mom will die if you don’t reply to this
Pretty sure she'll die one day, even if I do reply to this.


Bad bait desu

so if i have immunity dog saved does that mean my mom becomes immortal

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>all real Anglo-Americans died in the Civil War

my real mom probably died a bit inside already, knowing that I'm a failure


This is goo goo ga ga my nigger



You forgot real Italians died after the fall of the Roman Empire

i'll save you mommy

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I know that feel

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>the state of this board

fuck you


>all real Ottomans died in 1923

all black argentinians died in the paraguayan war

All OPs sons will be gay
