Japanese erotic book. These can be bought at convenience stores

Japanese erotic book. These can be bought at convenience stores.
I'm Chinese.

Attached: 33B59BE3-6649-431B-B422-BFC62F01EC25.jpg (520x752, 134K)

you have to go back

so why don't you buy one?

I'm scard.


Attached: 1560919806445.jpg (794x540, 35K)

As if some dink sumbhuman clerk is going to hassle you for buying porn. I'd buy it and start jerking off in the middle of the store.

I thought chinks hated japs

Why don't japs just have sex? It's literally that easy

dick doesn't betray its porn

I though so too but apparently a lot of Chinese people sneak away from tour groups and live in Japan illegally.

i agree

I live in Japan with permission.

Yeah sure, say hello to Xi from me

>It's literally that easy
Yeah... easy...

Attached: 48D9F49F-B05C-4F60-823D-8650552531D4.jpg (505x495, 25K)

Hello. I fucked with three cute Japanese girl.

if it's difficult to have sex in the porn it's not porn
don't you think?

suck a nigger dick

Yikes, we really need to stop treating women like sex objects


the best porn is softcore with no penetration


Back to ledit

>chinese guy was arrested for raping another chinese woman
this is what you chinese are doing in the middle of Tokyo during daytime

Attached: Chinese Rapist in Tokyo.jpg (450x634, 58K)


Meanwhile in Japan...

Attached: 6038b5f4bdd604d2d8b26a13ad137dcb-videowebm.webm (352x640, 583K)

Why is japan technology so slow?

what the actual fuck?
i thought japan was all about honor and shit

Its not japan Its china

is this normal in china?

i dont get whats so special about it.
you can buy them here too, who buys magazines though?


He wasnt being ironic


peak degeneracy