Jow Forums
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International #1073
No water for 12 hours daily
Why yes autistic adult virgins on Jow Forums worship me, how could you tell?
Are / were you an ERASMUS student?
Say some cool sounding nordic words
Ask question
What user? What do you mean that in your country you still piss standing?
Why are japanese brazilians so miserable?
Why the fuck was European culture so trash in the 90s?
Sverigetråden - Sommarupplagan
White women be like: Please be gentle, it's my first time
Teach me about Sicily, is it a beautiful paradise?
This is the best European map ever
Why do Turks have refugee status?
One (1) chance at life
Why do people bully americans on Jow Forums?
Welcome to the Med countries :)
Pisa scores of native students only, discuss
Europeans be like
Lightly banter a white person about food
Macedonians are more European than Finns, Balts, Ukrainians, Turks, Greeks, Caucasians and Israelis
WHY are they so beautiful? Some kind of Eugenics program?
/lat/ + /esp/ = /hisp/
>tfw the most hated race in the world
Welcome to the depression bar lads. No dogs no Irish allowed
Who do we (Russians) hate more: Poles or Bvllgarians, aside of ***Ainians
Which one looks like you?
China loves us now
Your country
Back in 2015, zoomers born in 98-99 were universally hated on Jow Forums for being "fake 90s kids" and Bieber kiddies
Does your country have good frozen pizza?
Italian niggas be like : No, Mama! Please don't throw me out , i'm only 32!
Do you have a air conditioner in you house?
Do Germanic people really do this?
Risk thread: Europe deluxe edition
People here aren't genuinely racist, are they? Surely its just shitposting
Do you love red wooden houses
N_____ T_____
Turkey is the only European country with an above replacement birth rate?
Pronounce it correctly
Culture Pals /cp/
/dixie/ - southern u.s. and friends
Why are americans like this?
What goes on here? Do they see themselves superior to the rest of their fellow Europeans?
What are things you've seen that foreigners wouldn't believe?
/ita/ il filo di umaru
Cringe and gay
I wish White girls age like wine
If i wanted to kill myself could i just go to america buy a gun and shoot myself?
I had two Krapfen for breakfast
Basically i have a friend and he works for the narco disposing of the bodys, he hasnt killed anyone or something...
Tutorial mode
Cringe and gay
The girl whom Jow Forums is obsessed with is now in Korea
Euros be like
/flag/ - /extraflags/
Why can't the white man give the land back? They were here first and its theirs, its stolen
I will push "white" button and immediately kill myself because my only hope is vanishing them
Kurva anyátok
Are they that polite in real life?
I suffer in Russia
Tfw no depressed ukraine soldier gf
How do you pronounce "Naples"?
Ur cunt
1. Your country
What is Cuba like?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
This is how I see Europe
Do women in your country like to smoke meth?
This is Gurbanguly Mälikgulyýewiç Berdimuhamedow, former dentist and current dictator of Turkmenistan...
Why are brits such pussies?
/lat/ hilo latano
Why do Europeans say that Americans have shitty beer, when the most popular beers in Europe are shit like Heineken...
Some of the worst posters on this site by far
Tariq owns Bulgarian smartass
Why gaijin are so pervert?
What's your opinion on Pajeets?
Free Lula
Bro no no no germany isn't evil anymore they stopped being nazis in 1945
German roads
You can go to bed without me babe, I'm gonna stay up all night making gigachad threads
This is my favorite country
The Scandinavian countries would be better off if they just united already
How bad is the pajeet situation in your country?
Why do you think she deserved it?
Chile, why you do this? Why do you stab Canadian tourists to death?
I just wrote down the whole russian alphabet i actually learned some real basic words like Cecтpa and had the idea of...
Are all Russians malnourished?
British Broadcasting Company is the best news site
How do I get a qt slav/russian gf Jow Forums?
Why do we all support Isreal?
Why do they kill each other so much?
Every morning I wake up and a part of me, a small part of me...
Surprising fact)
Was the Lithuanian race a mistake?
Why do they kill each other so much?
Meanwhile in Palestine
Did you know that Venezuela has SIBERIANS?
Japan is not racist
He doesn't drive a stick shift
I suffer in Brazill
1. Your country
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
I fixed Hispanic America
What are some Vietnamese surnames other Nyugen?
/cum/ + friends
Chupa mi pito
>asian hours
American rivers are based
Illegal mexican in canada how are you celebrating pride this weekend?
In your perspective, is there something wrong about being race mixed and race mix in general?
Do you love Japan?
Are Anglos that look like meds the only attractive Anglos?
NO Chicken and Pasta!
Can you guess this woman's nationality?
Give me your opinion of Mexico and Mexicans
What does Jow Forums think of
The US-Japan alliance is the best thing to ever happen
Why do americans like to eat raw meat? Anything less than well done is unacceptable here
Post your face when you realize your country has no culture
IQ of 132
What powers your home?
/fr/ - le fil francophone français
Who will you choose?
Should africa adopt a one child policy?, its extremely overpopulated now and is going to get much worse in the future...
Post your name
What do monarches in Europe actually do?
The dating scene in America
Are Latinas the best girls on the planet?
I have 2k euros saved in my bank right now. Should I finally buy myself a gaming PC?
Pixels edition
User just stop polluting already, pleasee
Why do some Indians walk around with dots of paint of their forheads?
Was the Irish race a mistake?
Question for americans
Defend American population on Jow Forums
/lat/ - hilo latANO
I suffer in northeast brazil
What country are you a boo for?
What is a stereotypical American name?
Colombian girl in Spain
I live in a time when I can witness naked white women
Do you love Britain?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Teenage love? Never had it
Are you a manlet for your country's standards?
How prevalent is mental illness in yoir country
Why yes, I am a citizen of the USSR. How can you tell?
The venezuelian next door just murdered his wife and committed suicide
What's your country's favourite way of cooking eggs?
Trisk thread -continued
Why Nordic girls are so swarthy?
I worship nobody but Allah and believe in nothing but Qur'an and Sunnah
Orange man more like corn man haha
Post wholesome news from your country
Is average Colombian dude looks like this???
Inheritance "law" in your country
/der Beck/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why do Spaniards deny their Norse heritage...
I suffer in Italy
Indians explain this shit
Which one looks like you?
Honestly I feel very bad about poles ethnic cleaning at wolyn
As a white european, i'd like to apologize to all the africans, because of what we have put you through the years
Why do people pretend Ukraine is third world when it's so full of life and enjoyment?
You better tell me what the fuck you on about bitch. Youre confusing
Post the part of the world you find most interesting
A Jewess hits you on the shoulder and says "fuck me Aryan boy" while giggling
Western Armenia? Of course give it to my Kurd brothers
Sweeping pro-market economic reforms being pushed by the new government
Euros be like
Why do white American women do this?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo
Let's talk about slangs in the same languages
When was the last time you kissed a woman?
Sverigetråden - Kampupplagan
We HAVE to defend European culture!!!!
What is a healthy weight for a tall (190cm) individual in your country?
Why is the US president like this
Why yes, I do use the term "lad", despite my lack of british heritage
How do I stop being a deer in the highlights and come up with good comebacks...
What's the correlation between glorifying nazi germany and being an autist?
Muh heritage thread? Muh heritage thread
Why are white American girls the only one's willing to have children young...
What is this phenotype called?
What do you call this in your country?
Euro gets angry for being called a euro instead of whatever country he's from
Nobody told me french girls looks like THIS
Why are all Baltic people so butthurt and obsessed about Slavic People, especially Russians...
My very blood strikes fear into the heart of the so called “pure” European
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Risk Thread
/cum/ + friends
Eva Braun’s sister, Ilse, remembered Hitler's frequent discussions on Islam...
Why do Asian men let this happen?
Are you gonna be on fire next week?
Honest thoughts on Siberian Russians?
Does your country have weight problems? I got so fat that my penis got smaller
/dixie/ - Western turkey + friends
I have """problems""" in the first world
/carib/ + island friends
Ah yes. Rome. The eternal city
Do the Americans love us, the French ? What about the Canadians outside of Quebec ?
Japan is literally the perfect country
I relapsed. Didn't last long I know
Dear Russians and Ukrainians
Americans actually do
Which one looks like you?
/v4/ and friends
Why is jungle fever affecting this board so much?
Why do these people pretend they aren't Russians?
Post the country you adore the most
Imagine being so perfect girl from Penza
/ita/ il filo
What is this man?
Memes about comfy gaming, hitting the gym...
First time drunk
Why Brazil is not very smart?
Why are Euros butthurt Blizzard wont have language specific servers?
Explain this, UK
Imagine living in a country where this is considered beautiful
/luso/ - Fio Hetero e Feminista
I just want a cute Russian twink bf
The Monkeyzilian´s saga
I am BROWN but I love WHITE women
Why is this board obsessed with Asian girls?
/esp/ - Laser de tierra a espacio
So are we just gonna ignore a bunch of white people moved to middle eastern lands and started oppressing its natives
This is what mutts actually look like
Why haven’t you married a cute Chinese doctor yet?
Western tourist beats the shit out of nip scumbag that tried to overcharge him for a beer. Very satisfying to see
1. Your country
Asians invented fork and spoon 4000 years ago
/deutsch/ - türkei ausgabe
Do you want to find love in Japan?
In my COUNTRY there are fewer white people every year. I am told I should celebrate this openly...
/lat/ - hilo latino × hilo hispano /hisp/
What food does your country have?
F-Fuck gays
Wh*te women? No thanks, I'd rather date pure east asian girls
My testosterone? High
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Would I pass as local in youre cunt
This scares and confuses the Western devil
No judge. I didn't run over that woman with my car. I just gave her a surprise ride on my windshield
Fuck you Jow Forums for reminding me I have shitskin br*wn eyes and I will never be white
Pajeets, please explain the differences between people from various areas of your country...
How do you call this in your country?
Last member of a dead species sings his song
Sverigetråden - Midsommarupplagan Del 2
What's your favourite type of Domino's Pizza®?
Why are danish women so powerful?
Jow Forums btfo
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why are wh*Tes so spiteful?
/fr/ - le francofil
Faces of Jow Forums
How long have you ever worked per a day
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Why are Europeans against the idea of a united Europe capable of competing economically with the USA and China to put...
Post something
Why don't you marry a traditional ukrainian girl?
Would you date a catalonian girl?
Why do American folklore is so scary?
You wake up in Ashgabat, the glorious capital of Turkmenistan...
Do americans really?
If you live in the following countries your country is worse than Macedonia: Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia...
Is dating a brown girl acceptable in your country?
I just got my Bulgarian EU citizenship. Tell me where to move for girls, sex, drugs, and 24/7 parties:
Wtf Jow Forums
Is 16cm small in your country?
Do you like our nuts? :)
How do thirdies like Italians, Spaniards and Greeks cope that Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Slovenes...
Post your country's version of the Cyberpunk 2077 parody:
Classifying races based on colours is unbelievably stupid
How would you summarize your country for a clueless foreigner?
The weather today
Which is better in your opinion? Japan or Korea?
At least you arent a mutt manlet
Average American posting on Jow Forums
What does color on your flag mean?
I wrote a poem:
/ita/-il filo
Remember friends, when you see a Jow Forumstard
Post a celebrity that looks a lot like you
It's 30°C but I'm wearing a denim jacket and I can't take it off because I have a motherfucking stain on my shirt's back
This is the Hiroshima now
I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world
Sverigetråden - Midsommarupplagan
How do you say:
The eu caused the 2008 global financial crisis
Why do Ukrainians always look better than Russians?
Does anyone else feel their country is incredibly misunderstood by Jow Forums?
/fr/ - le francofil
If you had nukes, would you nuke finland?
This is what happens to racists in Russia. They said the N-word and thought they can get away with it
What are the best parts of Gemany?
What land would your country be annexing it weren't so full of soft cocks?
Yes i'm having my breakfast rn, how did you know?
/ita/ il filo
Do you prefer Western women or Eastern women?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2208
/mena/ /مينا/
Nooooo stop using drugs! It’s dangerous for the society and it is VERY BAD FOR YOU!
Well Jow Forums?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
It's over jjokbari scum
How are German immigrants treated in Australia?
Why does Ireland have a low IQ compared to other western europeans?
Taller gf? shorter gf?
Why do Europeans say we drink shitty beer, when the most widely consumed beer in Europe is shit like Carlsberg...
/flag/ + /extraflags/
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Why are Americans ready to go to war over a drone?
Do you know what it is?
Could anyone stop them in their quest to completely dominate Europe?
France is the future!
Do your countrymen like Russia?
Climate Change
What is it like living in a BIG country?
Jow Forums - ITT: compliment the country above you
Post maps
Am i missing out or nah...
Haven't you people noticed how Finland has been increasingly commended for their excellence latey?
My breakfast today
Why yes, I am a 23 year old man living at home and making my parents' lives a living nightmare
The comments
Daily reminder you are posting on a board censored by Russians...
Why are they the biggesy crybabies on Jow Forums?
Does Japan help your country a lot, Jow Forums?
Mfw sweden replies to me
/skandi/ - midsommarutgåvan
Where do you usually take women on a first date?
How do we get the leftypol weeb trannies off this board?
Kurva anyátok
Roastie hate thread
1. Your country
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Why are wypipo so gay?
/balk/ - Early Morning Anime Edition
Bolsonaro threw a hat from an evangelical preacher to a crowd
ITT: Bad Architecture
I propose a split
They are trying to occupy the streets again
In Norway, military inspections are traditionally performed by penguins
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Kill all russhit pigs
Why do Americans love Israel so much?
Which ones are more annoying? Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses?
Why do americans do this shit?
Opinions of Mexican-Americans?
Mfw Americans defend circumcision
The Middle East is STILL in chaos because of this
Your country ?
So apparently now If you write cuck in app caps it gets replaced with KEK like how s oy gets replaced with onions
Favorite Immigrants to your Country?
Tfw no Japanese schoolgirl gf
What did you do while the site was down?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. Your cunt
Western tourist beats the shit out of nip scumbag that tried to overcharge him for a beer. Very satisfying to see
Is France the next superpower?
I hate that Peruvian poster that is just a genetically superior version of me
/lat/ - hilo latino
How's your mental health?
America is the first country to take the threat of incels seriously
This is considered ugly in China
Just smoked this, imagine not being allowed to do this legally...
What happen here?
There should basically be only three countries in mainland America: Canada+USA...
I'm afraid of Americans
Climate change isn't rea-
Filipinos trying to surrender
I think America owes Europe an apology
How do I get white American gf ?
/cum/ + friends
Reminder that Japanese women are smarter than Japanese men
Post commieblocks from your cunt
His country's official language is another county's language
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Why swedes look like that?
What is identity politics?
Fight between East Asians (China, Korea, Japan) must be stopped
We rate each other only by our shoes
Global peace index 2019
I think western countries need more male immigrants
What do you like about women in other countries?
Why do white men have small dicks?
Try to learn a language
Said I went to the japanese district
What is the 4th of July, no googling
Americans are unironically scared of them now
Was your town ruined in the 60 and 70s?
The whiter you are, the more american you are
Why yes, I'm in charge here, what gave it away?
Hey Italy!
1. cunt
Wypipu be like:
Remember that time when the Y*nks were beaten by untrained farmers and hunters?
How are you going to celebrate Midsummer tomorrow?
/ita/ - il filo
I'm a white American learning spanish. Your thoughts?
What is the best country for a man who wants to be rich?
White incels love Asian women
Why aren't you sleeping?
South italians aren't wh-
Asian women are simply superior
0 Mexicans in London a few years ago
I live in Moscow and i am obsessed with German girls...
Imagine if a nude blonde girl was in the middle of an indian street
Woah this is deep
I wish i were born a Nordic man
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
South Germany is Med
What sound do they make in your country?
I visited wyoming last summer and now I wanna move there so fucking bad, Its low population, rural, and beautiful...
You will never live here
Are Indians still allowed to use noble titles?
Jow Forumsernational couples on Youtube
Why are Americans such hateful pieces of shit?
Germans are starting to chimp out again
My ideology? Plutocracy
There are boys with cute European accents browsing Jow Forums right now
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Is this "freedom" or debauchery?
Sverigetråden - Ekonomiupplagan
When i am in Spain i always buy these things, they sell them on markets as snacks
Imagine marrying a Latina with beautiful brown skin, long silky hair...
/ita/ - il filo
European caffe opened near me
How do Israeli flags feel about the Holocaust
Girl on left is hotter so she deserves it. Only virgins will disagree
Anyone into collecting newspapers?
Idk why I even come to this board. 90% of threads are just people bashing on America
Does this happens in your country?
Don't like America
LOL whites are so fucking stupid
Jow Forumsernational legs
Xpozed aka /balk/
Arabs are stealing our white women
/fr/ - Le fil Français
Wtf is wrong with germans
I spit on that flag
I want to kill myself
/deutsch/ besser bekannt als /deutsch/
I would volunteer to help Portugal subjugate its rebel colony
What’s the annoying part of your country that claims it wants independence but would fall apart without the rest of...
Korean netizens respond to racist Australian tv segment on BTS
ITT: post art from your cunt
Post good french music
Do you still think German is hardcore?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Countries to work in Europe
Greece-Cyprus vs Turkey
Germans are being violent
Region Tier Lists for Your Cunt
How do you call king in your language?
Do Japs not realize that medieval europe was infact a very dark and shitty time period in European history and not very...
Tfw King
Germans should have finished the job
1:Your ethnicity
This is what happens to racists in Russia. He said the N-word and thought he can get away with it
The only reason why your country isn´t a total shithole is because the russians were merciful with you psychopathic...
/v4/+a többi
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Serious question for once:
Do you think that racism can be cured by having sex with ethnic women? I think so
1. your cunt
Why yes. I think asian women are better than w*the roasties
Can you tell the difference?
/cum/ + friends
/pay denbts/ /ehemals/ /deutsch/
Why are the Portuguese unable to come to terms with a fact that Slavs have surpassed them in purchasing power and...
Do Latin Americans think of themselves as western?
Is there any videogame that allows me to atleast virtually avenge the crimes of 1968?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1939
/ita/ il filo
Are White blonde girls hot in your country?
Who do you want to have interracial sex with?
What causes this? I blame race mixing
Post recent news headlines from your cunt
I honestly am praying every day I am drafted to the front lines for an invasion of Iran
Why is Europe so leftwing?
Are spaniards white?
Who are closer to the Ancient Aryans culturally and genetically? Europeans or Iranians/Afghans/Pakis/Indians?
Russia built thirty underwater bombs that can be detonated to create 500 meter-tall radioactive death tsunamis to...
Why are white people sooooo obsessed with stuff like climbing mountains and hiking...
How do we make them less racist? They self haters and wish they were white...
What's the most Reddit country? (protip: it's not the US)
1. You country
I've never been outside Europe and I never plan to, there is nothing worth seeing outside this continent...
Why yes, we are from Southern Italy, how could you tell?
Sverigetråden - "Allt är "bra", hur är det själv?" upplagan
Why is Poland so leftwing?
Name the most obscure country you know
Simply stated, there is no doubt that Iran now has
Israel is a warmongering sta-
Why are you not learning Russian?
What is Jow Forums‘s thoughts on Brexit?
Does this happen in your country?
Did you know that Latin America has black people?
I am going to become a mormon this year. Is this common in your country?
You are now imagining having to live in america
You are now aware that whales racemix
We have the most handsome president in the whole world
Why are americans such warmongers?
Tutorial mode
/fr/iends #franco
Name one country
For me, it's West Baltid women
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
I want a Japanese gf
Water distributor just told me that water service is gonna be get EVEN LONGER NOW from 8 hours to 12-16 hours a day...
Why yes, I prefer women of Chinese, Korean and Japanese background. What gave it away?
Your country
What could've been
Saw a girl make this dumb face today
/ita/ il filo
What is Tinder like in your area, Jow Forums?
Catalonyan government apologizes to Mexico
/v4/ + Chileans + Columbians
/balk/ aka xpozed
>suddenly young westerners love japan now
This is Valentina Tereshkova, she is the first female cosmonaut ever. Say something nice about her
Hair thread
Post russian qt's
Foreigner mentions they liked the Latam dub of something
Modern definition of western Europe
Why is this shit happening everywhere?
This is what korean women think of men around the world, is this accurate?
Midsummer is the worst time of the year for shy people
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden - Midsommarupplagan
Why are they so poor
Which is better? Greece or Turkey?
Practicing making risotto to impress Jow Forums italian girl
Seems pretty accurate to me
When does the school year end in your country? here it ends on the 20th of June...
G*rmanic ""warriors""
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
1. your country
My swedish discord friend...
Do you Believe in Britain?
Give me your (You)s and tell me how strong you love my country!
Imagine having to actually require brainpower and hard work to be a developed, wealthy nation. Yuck
Why are white people browsing this board?
Post kots
Don't trust them
İ get jealous when i see diaspora Türks with their EU plated cars here
I'm japanese and have been so curious why korean culture got so famous for last few decades...
Why didnt they just go fishing lmao
So. What's the concensus on Catalunyans?
GODS....i wish that were me
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
I finally got a gf, a job, passed my driver's test and also am close to getting my degree
My favorite sport? oil wrestling of course
What makes asian girls so perfect?
Let's face the ugly truth
Why was life in the ussr so good?
Can americans please vote for
What phenotype is this?
Blood and soil
Japanese erotic book. These can be bought at convenience stores
Would you dare to live on Mars and never return?
Italian Pizza
Give me one reason why we should allow people to be sm*kers
1. cunt
I just received my Bulgarian EU citizenship. Tell me where to move in EU:
First for Dhanush edition
/ita/ - il filo
Why Danish people so Racist?
Sverigetråden - Sommarupplagan
This is Kosovo, the poorest country in the Balkans
What the fuck is wrong with Kpop fans?
That hurts bros
/cum/ + friends
We Japanese don’t give u qt Japanese girls to filthy gaijins
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship