Are spaniards white?

Are spaniards white?

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to non whites they are considered white. to actual white people they are considered brown.

She looks Russian

very white

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Those people look like white Americans
America might by 56% white, but they're true whites and not some arab wannabe white like SHITberians

I wonder why

Not gonna argue with the comment, but the flag is just truly insulting. Brazilians calling anyone shit?

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That depends on your definition of "being white". If you mean "Europeans with white skin", then most of us are. If you mean "Germanic transparent ghouls who melt in sunlight", then fuck no, anything but that.

No, they aren't

would I pass as a local in your country, Jow Forums

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At least people can point out our country on the world map, irrelevant ugly indio

You look like a mass murderer

Never close the top button if you don't wear a tie idiot

more Spanish girls

No, we are arabs because arabs stole our land thousand years ago

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What's with latinos always making "is Spain white" threads?


I find it preferable not to be recognized on a map than to be a deep hole of shit

The fact that you’re even asking this question tells you that Spaniards are not white. No such questions are asked about Poles or Germans


blablabla look at me I'm a fashion expert from the Netherlands

Sure thing mohommad paki.



>If you mean "Europeans with white skin", then most of us are. I
Even by that definition you aren't

lol, are you new here? Literally every single European country has its whiteness questioned.

We aren't
t. Spanish passport hodler

It's literally the same Brazilian and Mexican obsessed with Spain's whiteness every time lol.

Yeah, but no one has their whiteness questioned like southern euro countries. They make up the bulk of the questions. Elsewhere on the internet, people also wonder whether or not they’re white.

Shut the fuck you inbred retard, it's you who started this nonsense in the first place

When people think of a spaniard, they think of someone with dark skin and dark hair. When people think of a German or pole, pale skin and light eyes/light hair come to mind. Tells you all you need to know really.

Yes but some look like moors.

I heard that Spaniards have some Arab DNA since the Iberian Peninsula was part of the Arab Caliphate.

Why yes I am an arab bedouoin or a berber salam aleikum

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this is russian girls who support Spain in WC2018 or something

I know what I'm talking about fag.
This isn't a fashion sense just common non-autist sense, have you never had a formal event or formal-casual event?

when i think of english i think of this

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That's not him, dude.

holy shit he's still alive

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The Arab Caliphate was "Arab" in culture and language, but the population in each place stayed the same. Locals converted to Islam in order to pay less taxes, or declared their loyalty to the Caliph as dhimmi. That's what the Egyptians did, the Berbers, the Syrians etc, who saw more potential as Muslim subjects than as Roman ones, so the Muslims conquered dozens of countries in a short time. Do Americans believe that the Arab population increased 300-fold in a few decades? That once your ruler capitulated to the Muslims, you and everyone else around you magically became Semitic?


those girls aren't spaniards



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I heard it. Not sure if it was correct.

> average
why do you lie

Look around


They're Arab monkeys

thats Russians wish Spanish shirts


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They are too pale

i think so, they are too pales to be spanish, could be but is not probably

>that is pale in Spain

That’s just too pale, we are dark brown like mexicans

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If incels were to step outside of their room for once, they'd understand that that shiny yellow ball in the sky can actually darken people's skin.

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they are ariberians like us no white blood in our veins

Cameron clearly is tanned, probably after sunbathing in Majorca while Rajoy has cancer

>it’s just a t-tan, I s-swear!
Lol, Sunlight wouldn’t make your skin full on dark

There is no white race.
There are Anglo and Germanic ethnicities that are the "whitest" per se, but there is no otjer defijing factor. You can't go by skin because there are light skinned Asians, you can't go by bone structure because Caucaus region countries are the same and they have such a huge mix of genes for eyes, hair, and skin color.

I'd say the defining trait is skin tone.
Tone is not color. Tone is inder the skin. You can see your tone by looking at the color of your veins and by how you react to the sun.

If you are pink and burn you are white I guess. Everyone else were at one point not white until Americans randomly decided what white even is.

Have a great day/night anons


"White" is a New World autism nowadays

Spaniards are spaniards and thats it


tough break

Don't try.
You are arguing with retards incels who try to pigeonhole themselves into an imaginary group to which they try to give positive characteristics, which they do not possess, to try to trick themselves into not committing suicide.
While the Mexican who due to his failure in life tries to discredit the Spaniards due to his belief that the cause of all the ills of his nation and ultimately of him due to his collectivist view of things. But he is another failure more incapable of coming out of his spiral of hatred. You won't find here successful people .

Based. But Ignore him the next time.

where do you think latino comes from