Is there any videogame that allows me to atleast virtually avenge the crimes of 1968?
Is there any videogame that allows me to atleast virtually avenge the crimes of 1968?
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freedom in your ass
Had they removed the whole criticize WarPac states they could have gotten a guy like Hungary's Kadar instead they got Husak
>Muh freedom
Get fucked.
>hahaha we invaded a small country that thought it's allied with us, we are so stronk
It's still ruled by a Slovak.
Criminal government had to be stopped.
Khruschev didn't dare to invade Gomulka's Poland as he threatened he would order the Polish Peoples Army to fire at the Red Army if they entered Polish territory,
>Criminal government had to be stopped.
You mean how they criminally didn't beat anyone over the head for not praising communism 24/7
> the crimes of 1968?
It was a liberation, you moron!
Russia never invades, Russia liberates!
Also, I demand Czhech to pay for helping Germans - you produce a lot of German weapons on machine plants situated in Czhechoslovakia during WW2.
you were our colony and you rebelled
Freedom is Jewish.
Why are Russian flags on here so anti-bolshevik while also being pro-USSR? Do you enjoy bullying your neighbors that much?
>moskals revealing the true thuggish nature of Russia
Just can't help yourselves, can you?
Czechoslovakia was pretty much the most loyal WarPac state prior to Dubček
Novotný looked like a chad though
If Russian army did not liberate you in 1945, you would be slaves to the Germans
Pretty based though
>"prepare for the final retribution for White Mountain, for the return of the Czech lands to the Czech people. We will expel for good all descendants of the alien parasitic German nobility."
>If Russian army did not liberate you in 1945, you would be slaves to the Germans
We would've just waited for the Yanks :^)
Realistically you most likely would not be able to expel all Germans if that was the case. Poland would not have gotten the Oder-Neisse if it was up to the Americans.
Ah yes, slaves to people with whom you allied and wanted to stab in the back almost immediately
If Barbarossa’s plan had succeeded, Yankees would not even entered war, and Britain would have signed peace,
and so? West did the same with Czechoslovakia in 1938.
Are you proxy-chochol ?
>would not be able to expel all Germans if that was the case
They would've left anyway. After WW2, it was a warcrime bonanza.
>Barbarossa's plan
Would've stretched Germans very thin and there is no way they would be able to hold all of Europe. Not long term.
No, that's just what I heard is the go to insult for russian scum