I visited wyoming last summer and now I wanna move there so fucking bad, Its low population, rural, and beautiful...

I visited wyoming last summer and now I wanna move there so fucking bad, Its low population, rural, and beautiful. I could probably just spend my days riding horses and shooting guns the laws there are perfect for that.

Attached: Wyoming-Grand Tenton Loop.jpg (1600x1067, 819K)

second highest suicide rate in the country

Check the internet speeds before you go anywhere in flyover country. A lot of those rural areas still use shit like dsl or even dail up.

being a tourist is different from being a local regardless of the place you go to

I would love to do that but I have fucking IBS

being so far away from a bathroom all the time would be hell on earth

Attached: 82881F88-20B5-4050-8A83-1B4BB9AFA18D.gif (305x320, 890K)

You're missing the point entirely, little zoomer retard.

>second highest suicide rate in the country
yeah so is greenland, because low population messes with the suicide rates, can't get an accurate number
I know, but my life would be a lot better living there.

The world is going online. If you don't have broadband you might as well be dead.

t. Idaho

The grand tetons are amazing
try leaving the city sometime.

Attached: where i be 3.png (1903x918, 3.7M)

>you might as well be dead.
not seeing the problem

Reminds me of central Norway. :)
I wish you good luck on your adventures, fren.

yeah and you also have people thinking the same about third world country
i'd recommand trying living there for a season a checking out whether its as good as being two weeks in a tourist resort

It's all cool and all, but how are you going to make money?

I know one girl from intpals, she's from some little town in Montana, she said she was thinking about suicide every day.

I lived there for a year before I ran out of money. It’s a great place to retire to if you can retire at like 30

it really depends on where in Montana, East Montana is flat endless grasslands

>flyover country
I have never heard anyone of reasonable intelligence use this phrase.

You wouldn't last a week without modern internet, so shut the fuck up.

>aquire latina wife
>aquire land in wyoming
>have 12 kids
the dream

sounds boring as fuck though

That sounds great, but only if you have the money to effectively retire, I doubt there will be many jobs. I've been searching for somewhere peaceful in the UK, but it's next to impossible unless you go to the extremes of Scotland, everywhere is so fucking crowded and noisy.

Yeah, that's what Wyoming needs, mutt kids running around. Not enough gang members out there.

depends on your definition of fun.

Acid attacks.

It's too white

Within 3 years you'll be doing meth

What exactly would he be missing from the city that's not there? Night clubs?

lol just shit on the floor lmao
literally shit on the floor, who's even gonna stop you rofl

you're probably talking to a woman user, they can only have fun if they're socializing

Being a flyover fag I doubt you run into many people of intelligence in the first place.

t. Suburban boy who just experienced rural Americ for the first time and just assumes it is like the suburbs but more isolated.

Meawhile states like MT, ND and IA have >103 average IQ. And states like NY, MD struggle to maintain 100 and Cali is like fucking 95.

My favourite American region. If I could I'd move there in a second.

>State by state IQ breakdowns
Lol that must be why the non-oil related parts of flyover country do so well.

Liberals should send 200,000 people to become residents in Wyoming and turn it blue. Then we would claim two senators in the Senate.

>Lol that must be why the non-oil related parts of flyover country do so well.
It's funny because you're suggesting that we don't do well.

Meanwhile rate of violent crime in ND is 166, MT is 250. NY is 389, CA, 650. And you get to do what you want on your own land without so many big city liberals complaining about your unpainted shed or your landscaping. Only real problems are the indian lands. Those native americans drink, rape and cause problems. Stay away from the reservations. That's part of the reason states like SD and OK don't look great from many states. Actually, just stay away from any non-whites. Native alaskans are brutal, stay away from saint lious' violent niggers.

But in most measurable aspects, "flyover" country is simply the best places to be.

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