Remember that time when the Y*nks were beaten by untrained farmers and hunters?

Remember that time when the Y*nks were beaten by untrained farmers and hunters?

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We won the war, cletus.

Yeah, but you Y*nks took a beating and always took more caulities than you inflicted.

Would be a shame if someone marched through Georgia and destroyed the entire state while they were at it

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Yanks marched into Canada in a sucker punch attempt and jobbed.


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Get new material, Y*nkee,

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The south literally had better military commanders early on and both sides forces were made up of under trained soldiers. Also, that's your victory? Slightly less killed and both forces were the same size.

>Yeah, but you Y*nks took a beating and always took more caulities than you inflicted.
>500 more wounded
>civil war medicine

At the end if the day I have a feeling the Confederates lost more.

WTF are you talking about? This is the civil war not the war if 1812. Even if it was 1812 the Yanks burned Toronto and controlled the great lakes.

Don't play, dumb Y*nkee. Thr confederates only started to lose because of inability to quickly move troops and supplies and lack of industrialization.

>T-the injured people died l-later on

>confederates trying to keep their black bulls alive
>union unleashing them on confederates where they die in the process

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That wasn't even Sherman's March, dumbass. The Union captured the entire Mississippi region before that.

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I pray for the day you cousin fuckers rise up and we kick your ass again, handing over your land to the blacks out of spite

>He doesn't know
Confederate BVLLs hated the fact that Union was sending Negro regiments to fight them and started killing all captured negro PoWs. It got so bad that lincoln had to adress it.

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That was Grant's original idea, he should have forced it through once he became president

>T.butt-blasted nigger
That's a good way to start a second civil war, retard.

>No!!!!!! We only lost because the North completely took away are ability to move troops and destroy our logistics!!!!!! How dare they actually fight a war by using a strategy!!!!! Those Yankees couldnt fight!!!! They just outmaneuvered us that doesn't count!!!

This is the state of confederacyboos.

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The slaveholding estates were meant to redistributed, not fandom farmers. Which was super fair and justified. It probably would have stopped the long term extreme poverty of blacks and let them have their own cities in the South instead of the scattered mess of slums that emerged by the 1960s

They couldn't fight. Y*nkee soldiers were mostly city-slickers, merchants, malnourished Europeans, and old people. Meanwhile, Confederates were hunters, farmers, and hard workers.

lmao nigga how come you lost then

The real evil here was the British Empire. They should have helped the Southerners.

confagerates are seething ITT

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chad city slickers vs virgin hunters

>"You people of the South don't know what you are doing…Besides, where are your men and appliances of war to contend against them? The North can make a steam engine, locomotive, or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or pair of shoes can you make. You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth—right at your doors. You are bound to fail."
- William Tecumseh Sherman

We never lost. We just infiltrated the system and now we control everything and the WASPS of the past no longer have any true power in this country.
t. "Yankee" with slave owning forefathers

Boy I sure do love when illiterate retards who know nothing about the Civil War use wikipedia screenshots and MUH LEE MUH STONEWALL JACKSON as the only proof the Confederate States were superior somehow. Of course because that's all they know about the war.

The South got thrashed from beginning to end in the main theater out West. The ANV's several victories (and many costly failures) did nothing but delay the defeat of the South by a year maybe.


the confederacy never had a chance to win without outside help. they would never have been able to keep up the logistics necessary to drag out the war to a victory. it was a futile attempt by the confederacy, probably hoping the union would let them go

>Confederate BVLLs hated the fact that Union was sending Negro regiments to fight them and started killing all captured negro PoWs.
You didnt disprove you were protecting your favorite farm equipment while the North was thinning the numbers of Northern blacks.

They were basically the equivalent of the scrawny ignorant kid who thinks he's going to put the big guy in his place. He then sucker punches the big guy and getz a bunch of quick shots in. This is followed by having both legs broken, stabbed in the stomache and finally getting pile drived into the pavement. After all this he loses his favorite gimp.

why are southerners so anti-american?

>the WASPS of the past no longer have any true power in this country.
now it makes sense why our country gets shittier by the year

>t. "Yankee" with slave owning forefathers
No, you fucking did and did bad. Some of the families like Patton's went west butthurt and were successful but your average white southerner was fucked. Even the ones that are successful are completely outnumbered by the old northern families. Hell the last "Southern" President's family were New Englanders
t.Actual Yankee whose ancestors founded the Bay Colony


not sending the slaves back to africa was an enormous mistake

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