Try to learn a language

>try to learn a language
>native speakers mock you and shut you down when you want to speak with them

T-thanks guys, monolingual for life I guess

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What language?

same here. still cant speak english, only write in it XD

Same. I can't learn German if all Germans speak English to me. Then they go around to make fun of us for being monolingual :'(

>inb4 you're just shit at the language
Well how are we even suppose to learn if you won't help us with what we struggle with

>learn Indian language
>get treated like a wizard for knowing more than a handful of words

Such is the life of the German language student.

how to learn spoken english? it looks so different to the written one.

Fuck, how did you know?

>Same. I can't learn German if all Germans speak English to me. Then they go around to make fun of us for being monolingual :'(

I know that very same pain all too well. You have my utmost sympathies, brother.

You ever try italki? You can meet people on there to help you learn to speak English.

The good thing about english is nobody thinks less of you if your english is shit. Because so many people learn it. And fuck all of us speak another language.

No one here would do that.
We just often switch to english because we don't want to cause myötähäpäeä to you.

you are wrong

I’m starting to think krauts are the worst offenders

>And fuck all of us speak another language
back to China

Definitely, my German professor says if I ever go to Germany and try to speak, they'll immediately switch to English
It's pretty taboo to make fun of someones English in America. Can't tell you how many foreign students I've seen do oral presentations, barely able to speak at an 8 year olds level and get As


If we have to listen to aussies speak we can sure as shit listen to anyone else trying to learn.

It’s easier if they literally don’t speak English. I’m spending some time in KR and the older people here don’t speak any English at all. So if I’m at a bar and there’s some old guy next to me, he’s usually a little drunk/very excited to speak to a foreigner. Same goes for the women at bars; they want to talk to you but they’re embarrassed by their English, so they prefer to speak Korean. It’s been really fucking easy to learn thus far. Also maybe you can find a language exchange online or in person?


I dont get why so many amerisharts are learning german.
No, you are not german
No, you dont have any valid connection to germany
and if you plan on moving or visiting, just a reminder, you are as bad as the "brown subhumans" you so hate.

>moving to or visiting Germany
Agreed, who the fuck would do this


German is an easy language to learn.

You ever think some people are just trying to learn a language not because of any delusions but because they like it? I hope you die, you obnoxious piece of shit.

You're delusional. I'm not at all G*rman but there are tons of German Americans here that have a connection with your country, comparing them to whatever racist term you used makes 0 sense
I think you just have autism and hate Amis, that's understandable but they aren't anything like welfare leeching 3rd worlders

I've met a lot of great German guys who aren't at all like that particular autist so I have a good feeling folks like him are only a particularly repellent minority in Germany. That being said, it does get under my skin when I see idiots like him spew their stupid, aimless venom and demonstrate how their entire worldview is rooted in Jow Forums memes.

>my German professor says if I ever go to Germany and try to speak, they'll immediately switch to English
They do that cause they don't wanna put you in an awkward situation though. It's just polite to be like "hey you can just talk to me without any effort" instead of letting you stutter for a whole minute in an attempt to form a sentence.

You'll have to specify that you wanna practice German, then they'll let you speak German.

Stay in your containment language, mutts.

Seething non-human


grow up
this isn't any different from anybody trying to learn english duh, specially coming from americans

That's true. Americans are the only ones that ever made fun of my pronunciation. In Europe no one gives a shit.

Rot, autist.

>they don't wanna put you in an awkward situation though
german autism demands to avoid any sort of awkward situations that might hinder a productive day.

Yeah basically desu
Except it's not about productivity, just autistic politeness.

I really wish I could work in germany just to experience pure german autism. It would be fun just to fuck with them and just watch their reactions.

You probably won't get much reaction really. Just mild confusion or concealed anger if you're being a dick.

Based poster. If you can't nut up and carry on regardless of shittalking you are a bitch and will never succeed.

not being a dick, just tease them with random innate things that no one in their right mind would give a fuck but triggers them. Kinda like the finns and their bus stop space.

Stop posting in a our thread and asking for help

Some people would definitely see that as being a dick, though.

Explain why my family living in Germany for thousands of years is not a valid connection to Germany

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kys nigger. everyone hates you

lmao muh heritage fag
kill yourself, mutt.

>youre not german! You cant even speak German!

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This is why CHIs won't shut up.

Because culturally you are American. Unless your parents lived in Germany before moving here and brought over a bunch of culture with them that you were raised in there's nothing that makes you German besides maybe what you look like. Even then America is where you were presumably born and raised so it's what informs your world view, languages, ethics and morals, etc. Stop larping.

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Not even the same person, you braindead leaf.

Blame France for that

>t. Angry Jow Forums shitposters and not nornal people

No it isn't you easily brainwashed faggots, people can behave differently than you

Retards by "fuck all of us speak another language" he means pretty much none of us do. Never heard the phrase fuck all?

>I dont get why so many amerisharts are learning german.
>No, you are not german
>No, you dont have any valid connection to germany
>and if you plan on moving or visiting, just a reminder, you are as bad as the "brown subhumans" you so hate.

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This attitude is why Germany looks like this now btw

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This the cringiest shit I've read.
Do you really think the world is like your Jow Forums memes?

In one of his Conan O'Brien interviews, Bill Burr said people kept switching to English when he was trying to speak French in France, but at some point he stopped switching to English and kept speaking French. Pretty funny to imagine.

>you are not german
>t. brddr neudeutscher
ein dürüm mit scharf

This is honestly the best way to go about it. Yes, it's fucking annoying when you're trying to learn a language in another country and people keep responding to you in English, but if you push through it and refuse to speak English back, they'll get the hint. Maybe not for brief encounters i.e. asking for directions, but anything more than that and it works.

This post is rubbish but I got some humour out of it by reading it in an Australian accent

Fuck, this thread make me think twice about learning german.

Guess i'll switch to russian then

russians are always nice about my shitty russian

I'm learning it because a) it's my father's native language, and b) there's plenty of great philosophy and literarure written in it.
It's not really a "muh culture" thing or anything like that. I'd honestly rather live in Germany than Japan, but I don't really think I'd want to become German. It's really just a language, after all.
You speak it at home. I don't.

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