America is the first country to take the threat of incels seriously
We will lead the world in incel fighting tactics
America is the first country to take the threat of incels seriously
based Air Force redpilling normies on f*moid and incel nature
too bad most air force people don't do much anyway
this would be most effective being shown to the Army and Marines
they will infiltrate incel communities and tell them to shower
>'die' hair
The American military is full of incels, as the Dallas "shooting" shows.
>Incels believe "they are owned attention from 'Beckys,'" the Joint Base Andrews brief reads. "Most Incels believe only men can be Incels as women could engage in sexual activity if they wanted to."
It's like giving your cellphone to a primitive tribe and watching them try to figure out what it is.
>FBI, CIA, KGB, and now US Army are monitoring this board
Hiromoot must be making a fortune selling out personal info to the highest bidder.
Good, incels (especially white incels) are a menace to first world countries.
Most incels aren't white though
Even the crayon eaters in the Marines know that the Chair Force is just welfare for nerds who lack the charisma to pass a tech interview.
Every group of society is in all countries, the average person just tries to push them out
I hope we can take incels out on the streets and shoot them
kurds are the incels of iranians
>the united states air force uses images from a literal deviantart transformation comic in their briefings
Holy mother of BASED
we will combat incels by having state mandated gfs
The asians and brown ones usually don't shoot places up though
Beta uprising incoming.
Day of the rope for roasties and stacys is inevitable.
Incels are made by Russia
>Please don't hand me over to the incel task force user, I'll do anything for you
>elliot rodgers
>virgina tech shooter
neither of them are brown
elliot rodgers was a result of racemixing
virginia tech shooter was just mentally ill
No you're not, it will be yet another act of applause the immense ego of femoids, while male incels still will be treted like a joke.
This. You don't just get to "infiltrate" internet culture. You either understand it or end up looking like a clueless tard.
Where did everything go wrong to the point that incels have any relevance outside of obscure racism forums
>you are considered terrorist and put on watch list if you are virgin in US
clown world
Despite being just 3% of the population, incels make 90% of all school shooters and alt-right terrorists. Coincidence?
>TV program about police
>They think incels are a legit threat