The Middle East is STILL in chaos because of this

The Middle East is STILL in chaos because of this

Attached: difference between sunni and shia.png (501x296, 67K)

The Middle East is in chaos because of American occupation. We need to withdrawal our troops from Afghanistan, the Arab peninsula and cut all funding to Israel.

i am the descendant of muhammed ask me anything

Shia are pedigree elitists and I personally can't wait for Iran to be annihilated, with Lebanon to fall shortly thereafter.

KSA-USA-Israel stronk

>cut all funding to Israel.
AHA! Will never happen, not in a million years.
There's probably a law saying that if you're anti-Israel, you can't be president.

not lebanon! lebanon is cool :/

Lebanon the country is cool but the elevation their Shia have gotten in recent years with Iran playing strongman has got to stop. Also not the first guy you replied to but multiple candidates running right now are strongly in favor of championing pro-Palestine positions, and some past presidents like Jimmy Carter took a much more lukewarm approach to the conflict

Wasn't Carter a shit president, tho?

Also, how accurate is the difference between the shias and the sunnis represented in OP's image?

Fuck off back faggot. Stop false flagging in every thread.

>he thinks he is talking to an american

Like saying the only difference between Catholicism and Orthodoxy is the powers of patriarchs vs the big cheese in Rome.

Yeah Carter freaked it, but incidentally enough mostly because of the Iranians hostage crisis. I'm not a student if Islamic history so I can't tell you too much about it, but I know the controversy was regarding succession and a few important hadiths here and there

Christianity eternally divided itself over THIS?

Attached: filioque.jpg (400x360, 20K)

Ah yes, anyone with a dissenting opinion from me on this highly contentious conflict must be a paid shill

Fucking pussy

stop shilling in every fucking thread you faggot
stop saying WE. you and your people hate israel. americans don't. fuck off.

Oh man I think we misunderstood each other

I'm the anti-Iran, pro-Israel poster. I thought the post I was replying to was saying I was an Israeli proxy or something like that.

We're both on the same team

The middle east is in chaos cause they inbred to the point of retardation and decided to destroy all remnants of their golden age ideals

Muslims seem to be in full invasion of Jow Forums today.

It's not because of that but because they have different visions of prophets, ali and shit, also sunni arabs are mad about islam being their vision and others are heretics and kafirs

>americans don't


easy to confuse each other. let's wear the same color to avoid friendly fire. we would both have been dead if this was real war not shitposting. how about we wear BRIGHT YELLOW.
or whatever. maybe blue.

He is right though, to an extent. Americans who MATTER don't. You would think the young generation, zoomer and millennials are largely anti-Israel and all that but those are mostly bottom feeders and losers who spam about ZOG on Jow Forums or dye their hair purple in their community college campus. Those have always existed, even during the 1960's and 1970's. The ZOG theory is one of the oldest.

Americans who matter, those who are in Ivy League STEM, those who will get into politics in the future, those who will have the power, and have strong family connections, are largely in favor in Israel.


And why wouldn't they? Israel is a civilized 1st world country. What kind of a disillusioned retard would expect us to not support them and support their enemies instead? That's fucking retarded. The real reason anyone hates Israel is antisemitism. They don't give a shit about Palestine. They just hate jews. There are much worse conflicts around the world and nobody gives a shit about Burma or Sudan, etc.

was the site outage earlier from bringing all of the hasbara bots online or something

Based. These LITERAL marxists wont know what hit them

Israel could be a thing to uniting them, but no they rather to differentiated each other because muh heresy

they tried that a few times and go their teeth kicked

Shia are b&r. Sunni are c&b. Simple as.

>What kind of a disillusioned retard would expect us to not support them and support their enemies instead?
See, that's where your problem is. You assume the US needs to pick a side and buddy up to somebody, when in reality we don't need to pick a side and therefore make enemies. It's entirely possible to step back, say "You know what, I really don't give a damn about your problems", and engage in strictly economic interactions with the region. We have the weight and reach to bring everybody to the table IF we aren't shoving them away with geopolitics.

Both can go to hell
Ibadis are based

>you will never have a long conversation about the state of the world with a down-to-earth Omani

Feels bad man

is sunni the most popular one? anyway, i find sunni to be the most corrupt desu. Atleast shia puts the restrictions to true descendants while oil barrens of sunni faith can just be caliphs since it doesn't matter.

i also feel like after muhammad died all those greedy old fucks decided to change up the rules so they could get power. shias are in the right

The Middle East is in chaos because corrupt governments allowed food to become unaffordable after a wheat shortage caused by an abnormally warm summer in Russia.

Carter is to blame for the decline of America's auto industry, China's economic dominance, and the absolute mess central America became in the late 20th century.

based shias. fuck elective monarchy, unironically caused most of our problems.

It's an ethnic conflict more than anything. The religious quarrels are just a front, but you need to get over the Reddit atheism phase to see that.

Yeah and let Iran and Russia create ultra sized empires with puppet states all over the middle east


better than having them under saudi arabia. do you know what that counry is like? evne iran isn't that crazy

saudi arabia demolished all of its historical buidings. tomb of mohammed is an auto renting station today

supporting saudi arabia means supporting isis tier destruction of the ancient regional heritage

More to do with whether the church had authority to make a declaration like that without a valid council, or in other words if the chief pontiff has the ability to make authoritative statements like that. The west said yes, thus there is a singular head of authority over the whole church with certain unique authority, and that seat lies in Rome. The east said no, the chief pontiff is first among equals but cannot make such statements, they can only be made in what they considered a valid council where all chief bishops are present.
The issue is even more complicated than that though and goes back to the first few centuries of the church where there were many districts ruled by different bishops and things weren't wholly unified.
Currently Rome sees the other patriarchs as schismatic but still having valid apostolic succession, while the east sees Rome as a heretical split-off from the other churches and not the singular head authority. Still both sides agree on more than they like to admit, and they agree way more than Shias/Sunnis do.