Why do Americans love Israel so much?

Why do Americans love Israel so much?
Is that why they mutilate their son’s cocks as well?

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serious answer, no memes: youtube.com/watch?v=Fo77sTGpngQ

it's christians who believe israel will be the most epic multiplayer map when Battlefield: Christ comes out

they are fucking brainwashed, americans are a lost cause since retards use their freedom to speach to expose their lack of education on internet

shut the FUCK up macaroni
*tackles you*
*draws my wakazashi*
*holds it to your jugular*
don't insult me again, friend

you mad muhhamed? Isreal will destroy you

france isn't friend with america anymore, you can count on your larping dogs to sustain your heresy tho.

>he is so butthurt he created a separate thread about that

fuck off ahmed. why would i support your people if israel is the only civilized country in that region. they defend themselves against your terrorist bunch

are you the same user on my team then from that thread?

be that way. france always has played hard to get

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you are not even french
you have to go back

i'm whiter than you cletus and definitely french even tho you can't believe it since you fell into poltard conformism.

You didnt say you were ethnic French. I'd be willing to bet you're a "lightskin" algerian or other north African Muslim that believes left wing news outlets

Might as well ask why does the fish swim? and why does the crow fly?
Dont hate them for its in their mutted nature

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then what are you doing hating on jews at 5am in the morning? you are mentally ill, son. you are much more Jow Forums that i'd ever be.

love israel me


israel best ally

it's 6am actually, and this is the hour i usually wake up, i'm not a neet who wakes up at 1pm

i didn't hink i had to precise that i'm not north african either but of course africans are living rent free in your poltards mind i should have take care about your weak feelings

Evangelical Americans believe that the rapture will happen once Israel has secured the holy lands, so we are literally on a crusade in the middle east.

>Actually engaging the Shartoids
Americans are like cattle friend, the more you whip them the more loyal they get.
Stop having hopes for them

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Jordan belongs to Israel

pls whip me daddy

Do..do you think Jow Forumstards support Israel?

How many layers of irony are you on, asshole?

i think that's the problem, i still have little hope for them, but when there's hope there's life

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>the saudi slave calls anyone cattle
Has there been a single second in your country's pathetic history where it wasn't cucked or owned by another force?

poltards sustain whatever is in their agenda one day is to shit on israel the other day is to shit on france the other day is to shit on commie etc

>people sustain whatever is in their agenda
wow, it's almost like everybody does that

Arabs are so cucked by their failures to subdue Israel they're looking to their biggest regional rival to turn the tide in their favor. Absolutely pathetic, I wouldn't indulge him any further.

Do you still get erections when you flash back to memories of your history teacher angrily listing off the defeats your people suffered at the hands of Jews?

not really, you have flags that can make rational statements without falling into complete retardness

you sound like a dozen poltards now. come on ahmed. it is 6 am the first thing you do you are hating on israel on an anonymous anime board. that's pretty pathetic 2bh.

>flags making statements
so every flag is one poster now? kek what a dumb fuck

Plenty of Americans don't like Israel

>hating on israel
quote me when i'm bashing israel tho, i'm actually facepalming at american heresy and i'm not even trying to act funny or ironic, i already know the amount of shit i'll get back but i don't give a single fuck

>being so full of yourself
Get off your high horse faggot. Nobody cares about your opinion or your pseudo moral ground


yes those are flags making statement, this is a flag board on 4channel if you didn't figure out

>france isn't friend with america anymore

But I still love you

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you care enough to give countless (You)s to one french flag

he thinks all american flags is the same person

but it didn't occur to you that people can have different opinions regardless of their flags?

he is not real french de souche anyway

maybe in some decades when more people will think that way it will change but for now that's not the case, and when your friend warns you about something stupid you're about to do, and when he is retrospectively right you still give him tons of shit, friendship with america is over.

American-Israeli political relationship has to do with religious pretext for legitimacy in Conservative politics. Many politicians justifying Manifest Destiny reasoned it was directed by God and was the destiny of the American people and the land they would conquer was the bounty for the "virgin" land which had already been inhabited for millennia by pre-columbian populations which British Colonists saw as savages.(This cultural xenophobic trait a symptom of the fact Britain is an island and the extreme xenophobia against Irish who most British continued to see as cannibals, savages, and 'white negroids' well into the 1800s, was deeply ingrained in their national consciousness and historical perspective.)

During the first half of the 1800s religious idealism and Romanticism that became synonymous with political rhetoric used by campaigning conservatives (Democrats for much of the time I'm describing now)appealed to Homesteaders, Evangelists, business leaders, railroad and steamboat trust owners and more, as they all aligned themselves under this banner of religious justification. For a multitude of reasons, both socioeconomic stemming from the central role of churches in community and cities in the North, and Political necessity, religion and religious legitimacy of the state remained central to our country, even if the Constitution was designed to be secular.

This religious idealism and multi-denomination Christian pluralism that dominated America all throughout the 19th century created a Western environment that would foster pro-Zionist beliefs from Westerners prevailing views on the Old Testament, Judeo-Christian values, and Semitic sympathy. In 1899 Theodr Herzl wrote the book that singlehandedly reignited the concept of a Jewish national Homeland located in Palestine. Jews, being highly literate and close throughout most of Eastern Europe, quickly became enchanted by the mythical state Theodr Herzl described in his book.

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Worth it just for the chance to call you a faggot.
Trying to talk to people while telling them "oh you're so wrong and I'm so right, but I have a little hope for you that you will see how superior my ideas are to yours" is something only smug faggots like you believe ever work.
Learn how to interact and socialize you fucking autist

>but it didn't occur to you that people can have different opinions regardless of their flags?
i literally said some can have rational statements tho without falling into retardness

>Learn how to interact and socialize you fucking autist
says the anglo that socialize with people by calling them with african names.

They don't , most mutts don't care about us
There's a commandment in the Torah to circumcise all sons and all male slaves look it up

Seppos are extremely sensitive. They can't take legitimate criticism and respond with simplistic shitposting

>calling them with african names.
So you're imagining things now? I couldn't care less if you're a French or an African.
All I'm saying is that you're a faggot who interacts like a vegan who thinks he knows better than everyone and nobody likes that

I unironically think that was planned and orchestrated by Mossad.

>who thinks he knows better than everyone and nobody likes that
that's not the problem tho, the problem is that you anglos can't stand rational statement when people dare to have some kind of criticism, your only response is muuuh you're black lover or whatever, that's just stupid but maybe what you really wish for is that everybody must follow your anglo narrative to shape the future world, pro tip, nobody wants to become america.

Why do Americans love Israel so much:
Is that why they mutilate their son's cocks as well:
Not really, mostly tradition and ignorance as a result of it being a common practice in the anglosphere a while ago.
Lots of people here are the same in that sense so sometimes after the first son the rest aren't because the parents decide its a dumb tradition after hurting their child.

>the problem is that you anglos can't stand rational statement when people dare to have some kind of criticism, your only response is muuuh you're black lover or whatever
you seem to be oblivious from the fact that everyone on this board can't stand a bit of criticism.

not really, i already stated the fact i already knew all the shit i would get for not falling the 4channel conformism but if i can't start to interact with people on an anonymous board where should i go ? on plebbit ? that's the same but even worse.

Towards the end of WW1, the Brits took advantage of this rising concept of Zionism, and seeking to challenge French influence in the Middle East following the expected defeat of the Ottoman Empire, signed the Balfour Declaration. It stated the intention of Britain to establish a Jewish homeland. By the 1920s most Jews were describing themselves as Zionist and after WW1 many began to actively migrate to Palestine after the Balfour Declaration and after Palestine became part of the British Mandate of Palestine.

Americans sizeable population of Jews in the first decades of the 1900s created an awareness amongst most Christian Americans of the statelessness of Jews and their desire for statehood. Many Americans began to associate Israel's desire for statehood and desire to liberate themselves from Britain and establish a "Western state" in an "empty Desert" was very familiar to the Americans whose grandparents had colonized the Great Plains under similar religious pretexts. British xenophobia and general Christian-Islamic tension also facilitated this growing sympathy. This is getting long as fuck but basically Hitler happened, more Jews went to Israel, then the Soviet Union and the Cold War was just getting started and the US and the Soviets were acting quick to establish footholds and political relationships in the aftermath of WW2. Truman was like FUCK all these Arabs are gonna be disgusting socialists, let's make Israel a thing and took advantage of Zionism, American Christian pretext, xenophobia against Arabs, Socialism, and the Soviets. Or the Jews used him and this all happened backwards idk lol.

We cut our dicks off cause puritanz + Jews that schvey'd us goys into believing this covenant bullshit that politicians went along w/

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>your only response is muuuh you're black lover
You might be legitimately mental. I didn't even say that once. I am black myself, you dumb faggot.
Stop deflecting already, and making up things I didn't say, and just accept my criticism of your mannerism and speech. Being a smug faggot is a sure way to make everyone you have a discussion with to dislike you. Knock off the "I have hope that you will see how right I am" bullshit.

>you anglos can't stand rational statement when people dare to have some kind of criticism
That's not an anglo trait. Also people like you trying to mock Americans and claim superiority is clearly gonna warrant them shitting on you back. Get off your high horse, you're fucking blind.

nice try Zhang mainlander posing as Taiwanese

i dodn't say it was YOU i said you anglos is the way you answer to criticism, you should remark i didn't even answer those post and only interact with people that tries to make rationnal statements like yourself, but aparently you confond criticism and unironic hatred.

>not really
I've seen every flag on this board lose their shit at least once.


good image going to spread this around on pol so everyone can hate the mutts as much as i do :3

control the money, and you control the slave.

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kys traitor. we whites have to stand together. You realize that there are several billion niggers out their waiting to breed white women?

Evangelicals are traitors and they would put million of American lives for Israel.
Thank fucking God they are in a decline in the US.

To who was he replying to

Christ ran away to Asia after he “died” and is buried somewhere in the mountains between India and China. Jesus was Bodhisattva, a compassionate being that post poned his nirvana for your cause

>No memes
Posts VICE

You still our b*tches tho

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>it's christians who believe israel will be the most epic multiplayer map when Battlefield: Christ comes out

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christian zionists might be the worst religious group of people on this planet

this honestly
95% boomers

But rapture isn't biblical and is a delusion formed in the 19th century.

This. Not too different from s*lafis or ikhw*nis.

they believe the state/country of Israel has to exist for the second coming of christ. they're weird cunts.

>lack of education

Thank you.