Why do Europeans say we drink shitty beer, when the most widely consumed beer in Europe is shit like Carlsberg, Heineken, 1664, etc.? While we have a huge craft beer scene.
Why do Europeans say we drink shitty beer, when the most widely consumed beer in Europe is shit like Carlsberg...
you can't just compare craft beer to mass produced regular beer
Even in Ireland which is known for Guinness, 95% of people drink the flat, watery Guinness Draught, as opposed to the more flavorful Extra Stout. So I would say most Europeans are beer plebs, no different from the US.
regardless you guys use different grain products to make it like corn and rice. Ive never had a american beer like a bud light or beers like those but they look shit
I know, I didn't meant to do that. But yuros always judge our beer off shit like Budweiser, which they probably never even drank before.
I have a pretentious Irish bartender, who doesn't like craft beer or Guinness. He only drinks Krombacher and Stella (which are pretty similar to Budweiser) but says he had Budweiser once and it was terrible.
>Carlsberg, Heineken, 1664
That's not beer.
Corn and Rice is only used in mass produced shit beer like Budweiser and Coors. Still, I think Budweiser is about as good as Heineken and better than the normie beers of Spain and Italy. It's about as tasty as the German macrobrews, I'd say.
Also, I'm going to Denmark next year, which beers should I try besides Carlsberg and Tuborg?
budweiser is actually imported and sold here for like 2-3 times the price of carlsberg, so i never bought one
Spain's normie beers like Moritz are even worse. I know Spain is a wine country, but still.
I don't know why they even sell Budweiser in Europe. It's expensive presumably due to importing costs, and I have to imagine most Yuros are (somewhat rightfully) too pretentious too drink it.
Only Wisconsin has good beer.
My descendents :)
limfjords porter (has won several awards)
grimbergen double ambree
if you're into craft beer try mikkeller i guess
also look at offers online to find good deals on beer
(you can usually get a bottle of grimbergen 33 cl for 10 DKK )
i did, heineken is the pinnacle of beers compared to it
nobody cares about IPA or whatever handcraft shit thats going in
lowest qualities what avarage joe buys in the store counts, and thats better in europe
All 50 states have good breweries. I'm sure all 16 states in Germany have good breweries too.
The most widely liked Breweries tend to come from the Midwestern US (Bell's, Founder's, Deschute's, etc.) but all states, including my own New York, have some good ones.
I find Heineken and Carlsberg to be barely better than Budweiser.
Thanks. I like craft and non-craft, depends on the mood. Some of the traditional Euro styles are crafty to begin with, but then again most people seem to drink boring pilsners.
They opened up a place out here in Los Angeles. They're good.
>Spain's normie beers like Moritz are even worse
lel I guess you don't have the balls to drink Cruzcampo, that's like drinking bleach (neither do I desu)
that's a pathetic move from their side
The ones who buy it just thinks it's cool because it's American
Craft beer scene is huge pretty much everywhere at this point
all beer is shitty, including your gay craft beers
they often sell SOL CERVEZA
a mexican beer
0.9 bucks per bottle
I went back in 2011, if I was there any longer I would have probably stumbled upon it
I drank some beers that some dude was selling on the beach, I wish I could remember what they were. I think they were in a gold can.
I think they've been opening up places everywhere. Like Scotland's Brewdog.
based Lidl has them for 10 DKK per bottle
roughly 1.5 dollars
Soyboy alert
So it's like when clueless Americans pay twice as much for Heineken and Corona?
that looks very based.
How much do beers at bars in Denmark tend to cost? Here in New York it can be as little as 3 USD for a nothing special macrobeer, to 9 dollars if it's some exotic Belgian shit. There are also nightclubs which tend to charge a lot more, but I don't go to those much.
i don't know i never been to one but in bars they're expensive
i only buy in stores because it's alot cheaper
i recently bought a leffe 750 ml for 2.2 USD
I thought Danes were social people
I bought a Leffe Blond at an Alsatian restaurant in France, it was one of the best beers I ever had.
some are i guess
i am not.
nice how much did it cost you and how big was it?
Huh, I always thought they were more of a wine and liquor country while the Belgians handled the beer.
In Franconia we have a different brewery in every village and never drink stuff like this.
I have never even seen someone order an Erdinger.
Maybe its different in the big cities where poor people just want to get drunk and that stuff has the lowest price
Leffe is Belgian indeed. I like Leffe brune.
The truth is that there are only a few countries with a real beer culture, and I will list them here
Czech Republic
Some eastern euro countries have their own meme beers
These are the countries that traditionally have been drinking beer for millennia and have a very ingrained brewing culture. Lots of people here drink stella because it's cheap, but that doesn't stop the fact that a whole world of brewing exists here, and has existed before the whole craft beer craze started. Historically every pub brewed it's own beer, and many still do, and drinking 'proper' beer is just normal bot a hipster activity
every country has a craft beer scene with some autist hipster populating it lol
you actually do Judge a country by the beers it widely consumes, in which case European beers are by far way better.
For example, Stella Artois which you mentioned is a cheap common beer here, and I believe a lot of Germans drink Krombacher regularly.
the reason megahuge international pisswater brands take the lead in European statistics, is that every European region or area (at least north of the Alps) has its own traditional brewery which serves good cheap beer to the everyone around, so the only beers that manage to make it past the "population of one local area" - mark on rankings are the ones that are distributed like soft drinks by mégacorporations.
Saw lots of people drinking Corona when I visited the UK a few months ago. Guess it's a new export. That shit is heinous.
Grimbergen stopped being good when the brewery was moved on our side of the border desu :(
it's Belgian I think
I think my parents paid for it so I can't remember, I doubt it was more than 4 or 5 Euros though. I would guess it was somewhere between 330 and 500 cL.
is carlsberg a jewish brewery?
Guinness Draught is nothing special, though. I much prefer it's heavier brother.
And when I was in Ireland, I asked someone I was chatting with to recommend me a beer, he unironically said Heineken. I ended up getting a local craft beer called McGargle's Pale Ale, was very good actually.
This was their logo until late 80s.
Yeah but Krombacher and Stella are barely better than Budweiser. I actually would choose a Bud over Stella (I like Krombacher, though).
Regarding your last point, can't you say the same thing about the US? Though, much of our craft beer makes it nationwide and even to Europe. Like Brooklyn beer.
Are bars that specialize in Belgian beer common in Europe (outside of Belgium itself, of course)?
Mystifies me too, must just be the novelty of sticking a lime in the bottle. It's also very cheap, I'm sure that comes into the equation
Ireland is a funny one you're right, they have their 'big' beers which are established and taste alright if you like stout, but it's a bit samey. Didn't seem to have the proliferation of types of beer like elsewhere
that's weird. cause danish posters seem more hostile to germany than anyone else.
>huge craft beer scene
we had that when your country didn't even existed
I wish.
We have an amazing bar here in Stavanger though. 500-600 different beers and 20+ on tap.
The logo has a history older than the past century, in fact it’s the mark of Odin and Zeus.
that's funny, Corona in the US is not cheap. The Mexican beer that is cheap (Tecate) is better, but less common.
t. Oettinger drinker
Not really, you can buy the bigger Belgian beers in most pubs but the belgian way of beer drinking (ie treating it like wine) isn't popular, we drink a lot faster
expensive, right?
this, even here we have many pubs that serve local brews at tap, even though german beers are more common in bars and restaurant
I don't know how they do it, but every restaurant and food shop here has corona as an option, but I barely see people drinking it
There are bars that specialize in beers, and usually have a vast selection of belgians among others. I don't know of any that focus on belgians
troede ikke man kunne kobe alkohol uden for vinmonopolet i norge
alcohol in norway is too expensive
How's the Italian beer scene? Have had Peroni and Bira Moretti. Nothing special in my opinion but is there an interest in beer with the younger generation?
This is my favourite beer. Cheap, tasty and all the liquor stores here have it.
it's a shame. I would be more likely to go there if it weren't so expensive in general.
I don't like beer desu.
Sake or wine ftw
Every country has a craft beer scene. Your mass produced trash is just a lot worse than our mass produced trash. You cant choose to compare your craft beer to our mass produced ones. Thats comparing apples with oranges.
Yeah but Euros iften compare our macros to your micros
Very expensive. $10 and up.
Prices and selection:
Do we? Our beer scene might be a little more fractured especially by region but I wouldnt say you can call most of them craft beers.
Vi har jo barer og restauranter.
Man kan kjope ol i butikk. Alkohol over 4,5% finnes bare på vinmonopolet.
England has a big craft beer scene too but the point is the most widely consumed beers are local ones that your pub serves, a locally produced ale (not craft proper ale) > American generic stuff
>pale ales
All fucking trash, macro or micro.
the popular beers like peroni, moretti, poretti are decent in my opinion, but not as good as some of the germans lagers
Beer culture is not big in italy and is probably declining with younger people drinking less
However there are some areas where the beer scene is bigger and there's more local breweries, especially in the north
>craft beer
is it 2015 again?
forgot pic
>Beer culture is not big in italy
you have 10/10 wine so I don't blame you
Craft beer didn't die in 2015 it's bigger than ever
yeah because nowadays brands like Heineken and AB Inbev own a dozen 'craft beer' brands.
our amari are even better than our wines
This did cost me 60 dollaroos and was affordable.
yikes. that would cost about 20 USD here. And probably 15-20 Euros depending on where in the EU you are
Thanks for this one, Belgium.
I can't stand that bacardi. Try Havana Club or something bro
an American vodka I would recommend is Tito's. I'm not sure if it's popular in Europe yet. It also happens to be gluten free, for those of you who think you have gluten allergies.
It's available at least. Never tried it.
better than any american commercial beer t bh
>53 USD
that costs about 20 USD here
there are these symbol banners everywhere on streets of south korea. so westerners who visit south korea for the first time are quite surprised. this is just a sign of buddhism here.
Alcohol is extremely expensive here. We always buy abroad or in the duty free shops when we are traveling
Imagine the chi and karma when you are a white western guy, born into a wealthy piano family.. I do produce a greater chi and logic being this well-made.
You can't even save much if only 1 bottle is allowed. But hopefully you guys have high wages to make up for it
Don't Europeans also love burgers despite calling us burgers in a derogatory fashion?
Do Muslims in Europe really go into bars and order non alcoholic cocktails?
110 norske kroner her
If you have Lidl in the UK that might explain why people are drinking coronas.
>muh pilsner
>muh stout
>muh toilet water
hefeweizen is the only good type where you can get good macro brewed ones in europe (Weihenstephaner, Schneider Weisse, etc) but have to resort to craft beer in NA for it to be good.
craft beer is quite cheap in NA anyway though so who cares
Simple. North American Craft beer is also shit
t. tastelet
I'm pretty satisfied with the NA craft beer scene. But I also like Euro crafts as well as the traditional styles that are not just barely carbonated straw water.
Southern Europe and Latin America have a garbage selection of beer, though. Well, maybe that has improved since I went to Southern Europe last, but I doubt it has in Latin America.
>budweiser is actually imported and sold here for like 2-3 times the price of carlsberg
holy shit I'm not even a full bud hater but fucking why would anyone accept that deal?
They do gambling, smoking, drinking, but when it comes to eating pig they are willed to show their devotion to Allah.