Do americans really?

do americans really?

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I can't stop drinking 1l of milk a day

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honestly, I'm too lazy to walk to the bathroom for my water.

This seems like a solution.

they really wake up at 6 in the morning? they do??

>only 1L
gomad or bust

Don't they drink after 6pm?

>10 liters of water that turns the friggin frogs gay is good for you, goy

you don't want to wake up every 20 minutes to pee, do you?

Is there really any evidence to suggest drinking that much water is good for you. Sounds like bollocks.

A gallon of water is too much, you’re flushing out the salt and other essential nutrients in your bloodstream

They sure do.

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I can drink 2 cups of tea just before sleep and don't wake up all 6-8 hours.

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If your piss isn't clear then you don't drink enough water. Simple as.

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Piss being clear is clearly not the point of piss

females have smaller bladders

wtf is wrong with americans?

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>being this mad because you got reminded you don't drink enough water

Dumb Americans. How dare they break their sugar addiction to improve their health?

What the fuck's the point of this? Do they not just regularly drink water throughout the day or do they have to drink a gallon of water everyday?

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I once didn't drink anything for 3 days in summer and I was fine. Very thirsty but fine.

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>you improve your health by drinking American tap water

why do they drink out of africa-tier plastic containers that leech xenoestrogens


That container is a gallon. 3.785 liters

Nobody is criticizing drinking water, you literal retard. They are laughing at those cheesy hourly marks on those giant jugs that look like bleach containers.

its going to be hard to explain this to a spaniard, but we have this thing called jobs

There's nothing wrong with breaking your addiction but writing stuff like "GUZZLE it down" or "Think HOT body" makes it look stupid. Also this


thats a lot isnt it? probably 3L how do you drink 2L from the same bottle all day? its gonna be hot and warm

it's more about how they have to force room temperature water down in a jug instead of just drinking cold water in a cup throughout the day

"GUZZLE it down" is pretty hot though

I don't see the correlation
Starving africans don't and they use the exact same jugs to carry puddle water
I'd be embarrassed to drink out of a refilled plastic bottle at my job.

Room temp water is much nicer than iced or cold water.

this. cold water lowers your body temperature and I only drink it when it’s absurdly hot out

see this guy?now you know why pff

I never advocated drinking from a milk jug, i just dont chill my water. When i have pellegrino bottles i keep them on the counter instead of the fridge.

>tfw I used to drink 7 liters of water a day

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you dont want to be dehydrated
remember, always stay hydrated

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Tea is water + antioxidants, drink a few litres of that instead.

I drink very little water. I get most of my fluids from eating veg and the occasional apple.

nah thanks, don't want brit-teeth

Me too

3.7 litres is fine

>people drink 10 cups of coffee daily
>"4l water? nuh uh too much for me"

I don't understand this meme
can't americans just drink water without any sugar in it? they have always to make these play

I think a lot of people trying to lose weight drink lots of water to cope with hunger pangs, too.

that is the smallest pepe i've ever seen

they haven't taken the wheat bran pill

Can't you just drink when your body tells you you should drink?

Are americans incapable of thinking independently?

What is the goal these keep referencing?

Americans find it difficult to consume anything that isn't made with high fructose corn syrup, drinking a jug of water within 24 hours is a big achievement

I think this image was taken by a recovering alcoholic who was drinking water instead of alcohol.

I use a nalgene bottle

Nice strawman.

I see.

Imagine thinking drinking water only is a challenge.


>americans need to motivate themselves to drink water

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niggers just drink when you're thirsty. all this arbitrary shit is completely bullshit, your body literally tells you when to drink

Why don't Americans just drink tea or coffee? If you did that, you'd never have to drink plain old water.

I don't even remember the last time I drank a glass of water

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Drink when you're thirsty. Anything more is BS

Wtf how can you drink so much without bursting

fucking hate canadians i swear

TIL that in America, drinking water is considered a challenge

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>Think HOT body
Do they think drinking a gallon of water a day is gonna achieve anything else for their body but having to piss every hour? Like it's some form of diet or something?

I mostly drink tea throughout the day tbqh
but most Americans can't drink such things without sugar or cream or milk added
I think you end up peeing a lot of the salt out of your body resulting in less water retention overall and a lower body fat % look.

I've NEVER seen anyone with these weird note jugs, and I've lived here for 30 years.

water retention makes you look fat

>Water 15?

I don't get it
do amerisharts need motivation words to drink water?

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they need it to drink water instead of soda

Yes, we drink a lot of water.

Don't these people realise water is one of the fundamental building blocks of all life on earth and not some magical fantasy drink that contains vitaman health or whatever other delusion they made?

I don't think its motivation I think it's part of some fad diet.

Whats the point of this i don't get it?

Like nigga what is next motivate yourself to breath?

You don't carry around a breathe pebble?

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