Ah yes. Rome. The eternal city

With its charmingly filthy streets, piles of garbage towering high, graffiti sprayed everywhere and every other house looking like it's standing on its last leg.


Attached: 7JtEBfJmj7f91EKots.jpg (1160x774, 240K)

Anything is better than a slavshit like you
no amount of larping can change your slavshit genes
nuke all slavshit lands
from bulgaria to belarus
from russia to montenegro

mashallah 100% based

sl*V(e)s are the worst imagine an islamic country but also all women are whores and multiply murder and aids rate with 100

thats a sl*V(e) country

hows your vacation going, giuseppe?

>dat flag
Is that the Brazilian embassy?

Looks like Pidorsburg, at least as valueless.

Did a slav working on a strawberry field fuck your girlfriend or something?

>muh dig mufagggaaa bix noods kurwa maaaaaaać

No need to be mad toothpaste. I bet it was a very pleasurable experience for her.

nothing wrong with those
honestly the only thing i dont like in the pic is the overhead wires

ax be nafri......

Russians are larping as Slavs though. They are actually Finno-Mongols.

>>no amount of larping can change your slavshit genes
learn 2 read retard


>Third world country has shitty living conditions
What a surprise.

>hurr durr look I already knew it guise
nice damage control faggot

There's nothing to be ashamed of, both Finns and Mongols are superior to Slavs.

50 iq roach

0 iq nafri

>piles of garbage towering high
I have been seeing it since late 90s or so and the city has not been buried in garbage yet.
Aren't they just making that guise only before cameras?

>graffiti sprayed everywhere
It was covered in graffiti even during the Roman Empire.

romans are filthy animals, they dare to shit on neapolitans but they are the same. now we have to keep a bin under each condo but since we have to recycle and keep different garbage seperated people throw their garbage in other bins. I have to fight everyday with these idiots and they pretend to be in right but i'm the one who gets fined. These people deserve to burn alive

Apart from what the delicate Italian above me said
Italy does have problems. A lot. It's sweet and sour to deal with such a country, and the fault is not southerns' nor northerns', no people nor politicians but ALL of these. We all are messy and selfish, yeah we do are creative, but not taking care of what we have. That's the result

>Jow Forums accepts that Italians, whilst respectable in many ways, are not Übermensch
fucking finally

I haven’t even imagined that he was born and grown up in this messy place.

Attached: 3F1CEF8F-8386-4D5D-9E05-2DFDB5262588.png (863x1441, 441K)


if the number is correct, the 906 brought me to hydromania an aquapark some years ago when I was in high school

Budapest doesn't look much better outside the very centre

Who cares

if you want to go there now you know what bus you will have to take

Looks like SPB minus the garbage

Mongols are degenerates. Oh shi...

non sai un cazzo un marea di Romani hanno origini napoletani

se vabbe mo non scaricare tutta la colpa solo sui napoletani e accettalo

As of it wasn't a dystopian cesspool when it was the capital of ancient Rome.

based and redpilled
Hungarians are not Slavs though