>Eva Braun’s sister, Ilse, remembered Hitler's frequent discussions on Islam, repeatedly comparing it with Christianity in order to devalue the latter. In contrast to Islam, which he saw as a strong and practical faith, he described Christianity as a soft, artificial, weak religion of suffering. Islam was a religion of the here and now, Hitler told his entourage, while Christianity was a religion of a kingdom yet to come — one that was deeply unattractive, compared to the paradise promised by Islam.
>He remarked in October 1941 in the presence of Himmler. “The exhortation to fight courageously is also self-explanatory. Observe, by the way, that, as a corollary, the Muslims were promised a paradise peopled with houris, where wine flowed in streams — a real earthly paradise,” he enthused. “The Christians, on the other hand, declare themselves satisfied if after their death they are allowed to sing Hallelujahs!” Two months later he commented in a similar vein: “I can imagine people being enthusiastic about the paradise of Mahomet [sic], but as for the insipid paradise of the Christians!”
>According to Speer, Hitler wished that the Ottoman Empire had conquered Vienna in 1683: "The Mohammedan religion would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
>Similarly, Hitler was transcribed as saying: "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers ... then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."
Why are Germans so susceptible to be subservient to Arabs?
Lincoln Hughes
germans are the original jihadis
Luis Adams
churchill loved Islam too
Jason Price
Justin Scott
>Jewish lie to attack Islam in the wake of Israel's creation >Christpigs lap it up
My hate for jews and christians is unparalleled..
Liam Hughes
But I thought Nazis were the good guys?
Blake Myers
and yet you're still here for the money you hypocrite afghan rat
Gavin Gomez
Because it was le mysterious orient culture, not because "ugh... muslims spread by the sword, fuckin based unlike those christian cucks..."
Jackson Davis
It is only natural to see Hitler being fond of Islam
Glauer, the one to start the Thule Society, subsequently he was a Muslim and thus probably spoke fond of the religion. Hitler entered the Thule Society along with many members of the Nazi party.
Can anyone explain, why most neo-Nazis hate Islam although Hitler of all people praised it?
Robert James
and proud of it I am afghan I get free money deal with it
Xavier Cook
I know right Especially considering fascists have a lot in common with islamists
Cameron Brown
>i hate immigrants >immigrants are Muslim >I hate Islam Pretty much.
Sebastian Reed
I don’t get Churchill. He has extensive writings about the most esoteric Islamic teachings and praising them but he also hated a lot of Muslim peoples.
Anthony Green
When Hitler praised it, there was a lot of glamorized Orientalism, and very few Muslim migrants into Germany. I read Stormfront and even in the mid 00s (post 9/11) there was a lot of praise for Islam and Arabs especially in contrast to Jews. They would say "no war for Israel" etc (racists still do this technically but not as much). Look up "no war for Israel" now you see lot of stuff from David Duke (leader of KKK).
Nowadays though, there are Muslim migrants into Germany. And thus racists have made it into the biggest new threat, like Jews were before. its easy to like someone in the abstract who is far away from you, an abstract glamorized form of warrior Islam. Its hard to love them as a neighbor.
Luke Green
If Islam was just left in Islamic countries it'd be one thing, but I think most mainstream neo-Nazis admire a sort of pagan-Christian mixture that defines traditional European culture. Being an Islamaboo would mean doing away with a lot of your ancient heritage.
Also as said, their shitty immigrants are brown, Muslim, and cause trouble so it's only inevitable those conclusions are made.
Cooper Rodriguez
guess he liked the ideas of Islam but not its followers.
Cameron Bailey
I fucked your whore mothers 9 months later she made a big shit hello son how are you son?
greetings :)
Anthony Kelly
Based Hitler.
Samuel Jenkins
Migrant crisis. The idea of an invasion narriative changed neo-Nazi views of Islam real fast. Before that, prominent neo-Nazis like William Luther Pierce were sympathetic to Osama Bin Laden. When the Migrant Crisis happened, the idea of "muslims stay in their countries and we stay in ours" broke down when muslims came to theirs.
Isaiah Wood
I transferred my old meme folder to this computer and it has a few islam will save europe memes
I am not a Muslim but I am always confused when Islamaphobes talk about "saving Western civilization". Wtf does it mean? Drag queen star wars marvel movies? Who cares?
I am reading The Great Game right now and according to it Napolean wanted to create his own sect of Islam and use his new Muslim armies to push into British India. He had a quote talking about riding into India on an elephant with a turban and a Quran.
Robert Lewis
Not very confusing at all. Gandhi like Christianity but disliked Christians.