My very blood strikes fear into the heart of the so called “pure” European

My very blood strikes fear into the heart of the so called “pure” European.

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me too

Attached: 23ndme.png (309x825, 25K)

My sister

post pic

This is how I would look as a man. I look like a d bag

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are you really all dark and swarthy like this?

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You look like the guy from Wizards of Waverly Place



me too

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Do you have a sister? I can bless your family with powerful mixed children. Strengthen your bloodline with my superior Celto-Germanic seed

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You are a subhuman china swede.

I’m curious as to what states you guys are from

parents are both from new jersey but ive lived everywhere

disgusting mutt

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I am half Armenian.

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Yeah it's full of cholesterol

How much do these cost

I am from Michigan ()

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Filling it up with more

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do you have kids?

Nope I am infertile* but I have an appointment at fertility clinic coming up this August. We'll see how it goes.

*not to be confused with sterile

is it your fault or his? are you too old?

Attached: infertile.png (346x157, 6K)

come home frenchwoman

if you think about it housewife is legal NEET
shiet now i want to be a housewife or househusband but its very unlikely
god i wish i was a woman

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I wouldn't mind being a househusband either but tbqh it just goes against nature

Fancy taking a thick ANGLO shaft, dear Elizabeth? Give Buck House a call if you do, Her Majesty has my number

Husband literally means 'master of the house', it means you can do whatever the fuck you like. If you want to make the bitch work whilst you sit on your arse eating Doritos and playing Fortnite, you can

I can't because she's irresponsible. I still like her cooking and sex so that's okay.

According to the one drop rule, I am White.

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Medical infertility is defined by CDC as inability to become pregnant after 1 year.

Its been almost 2. I'm 31, started trying at 29. Don't know whose fault it is yet, could be both. That's what fertility clinic will diagnose. I did have at least one early miscarriage (rip) which makes me feel like its my fault. Maybe its just terrible luck.

Does she like a cheeky finger up the arse when she's in cowgirl? I know my ladette gf does

Even nature knows whites should not reproduce

>I did have at least one early miscarriage (rip) which makes me feel like its my fault. Maybe its just terrible luck
Was the baby that of a huwite man? If so, commiserations. If not, no comment.

is it true that all nafri have sub sahara african blood?

Yeah, that is a bit old to have a child. Our bodies weren't meant for this modern society.

My mom gave birth to me when she was 28 though and afaik I'm relatively healthy. Good luck.

I've never tried it but I know she wouldn't mind because she likes butt stuff. I don't want to get a poopfinger in the middle of sex though.

More importantly, my Gallic chum

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You say this as a joke but there is a legit fertility crisis all over the West, which does not effect the developing world at all:

>sperm counts among men in the west have more than halved in the past 40 years and are currently falling by an average of 1.4% a year.
>Western nations – although not developing countries – appear to be facing disaster.

I've seen all kind of things blamed for it, from microplastics to birth control pee (!!) in the water.


i can officially have the nigger pass now

>I've seen all kind of things blamed for it
>birth control pee (!!) in the water
So basically you're at fault for a decade of pill-popping

tl;dr jew pharma?

You deserve it, Jean-Clement Mugudamba

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I took a few year of birth control, doctors will shove it at you. I was on welfare/medicaid for a while (NEET) and even though I wasn't sexually active (waiting til marriage), nor do I believe in contraception (Catholic), the doctor nagged me to take it. So I did for a few years til I got married.

Anyway thats just one theorized cause they throw out, there are others but scientists don't know why. I'm more scandalized that apparently we are drinking random drug filled pee at all. Whatever it is, it effects Western men in specific.

Most of our "SSA" is actually archaic ancestry(Pre-OOA) that we and other African share. However, the average Nafri is around 8% Black.

There are some populations with higher amount of SSA like the Zenata, the Sahrawis and the Tuaregs (i'm talking about the True Tuaregs here) who are 20% to 70% SSA due to mixing with their slaves, others like the Gnawa and Haratins are 50-100% SSA because they're descended from Black slaves freed by France.

I really want a qt Tunisian girlfriend
Just a qt Tunisian girlfriend to pump full of pure ANGLO seed

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They look like men in makeup

Obviously that's not true, but if you'd like me to save my thick and salty ANGLO load just for you then I will do

>not having any sex
>still taking birth control


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She pushed me to take it because I had painful cramps.

Did the birth control even help with that? I think most times women having painful periods is due to endometriosis.

Yeah it did, it made my periods seem almost like nothing honestly. Went from very painful and heavy bleeding to kind of light bleeding and not painful at all.

lmao just shut off your ovaries bro trust me im a doctor

Drink a lot of water, months before your period, that's helps with my cramps, or hot tea, hot water usually helps.

made a mistake( not months) I meant after your last period ends.

they give it to literally everything that bleeds over here.

ITT: mutts

I'd love to marry you user, but my father wants me to marry a pious muslim man. Are you muslim, user?

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my nigger

What's up, brother?

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