What are things you've seen that foreigners wouldn't believe?

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UFO, supernatural occurences, stuffs like that

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Jow Forums.


once saw a drunk guy stabbing himself in the eye repeatedly with a broken bottle

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two american tourists over 300 lbs having sex on a pool

Unemployed Germans

only strange stories. I've found a girl without shoes in my garden one day and she looked under shock. She told me police had something implanted in her head and other crazy stuff like that. The strange thing is that short afterwards, a psychologist called me from Basel looking for her. So I gave the girl to this people and never saw her again. But how did they knew where she was? Also how could they have my number?

White people.

A penis with no foreskin

Why would you give her to them instead of the police

Is Switzerland just a scooby doo episode?

As for me, I saw a space shuttle get towed through major city streets.
I also bought explosives on a whim after going to the surplus store to buy a bayonet.

Niggers of various age in the central place of my city, perfectly in front of the city house, dealing drugs and probably a lot more but they're more discret for their others stuff.
Otherwise not much as i'm a big NEET, few storm i guess, pretty impressive when you go the lighthouse.

I'll type it in reddit fashion
>be me
>driving across montana to visit my aunt in the middle of nowhere
>middle of the day, still have 3 more hours to go
>end up in the part where it's nothing but fields of crops
>road starts going through this tall-ass field of corn, must have been like 11 feet average
>stop to take a piss on the side of the road
>get back in my car and notice some of the corn moving in my rear view mirror
>giant fucker, almost 10 feet, like an actual giant stumbles out onto the road, holding a rabbit
>instantly freeze
>turns his head and looks in my direction
>at first i thought he was some sort of freak who was just tall
>then i notice his skin is gray and moldy and he's got blood in and around his mouth
>probably made eye contact through the mirror, I was sitting still for so long
>turns his whole body in my direction and starts walking slowly in my direction, then starts to speed up to a run towards my car
>nope the fuck out of there
>take a couple of wrong turns so it takes me almost an extra hour just to get to my aunt's place
>tell her there's a giant man outside of Conrad
>she blames it on me always bein on that damn phone

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yeah i aint gonna read all that shit, sorry bud


a girls legs and bare behind poking through a wall while she was yelling for men to come fuck her

I was sexually harassed by different girls in school 3-4 times

ass grabbing, heavy breathing into my ear, grinding their tits against my back for a few minutes while I try to get away

Children being ran down by ambulances. Men having their fingers cut off for the silver jewelry they wore because the brigands wanted to save time removing it from the digits. Men moaning in pain and confusion, bleeding profusely from their smashed open heads. People killed for refusing to loan a sum that would convert into less than $100 or an old TV they had. Bodies laying in the very spots fate had taken them, children going to school in the mornings carefully circling around the place where another rich bandit met his end. I've seen things you wouldn't believe.

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fuck i wish that were me

Were they hot?

all three

>cousin's family bought a large clergy house out in the countryside when I was a kid
>very old, run down and needed a lot of renovation
>me and my mom stayed over there for a weekend shortly after they bought it
>we slept on a bed in the dining hall because the other rooms were being renovated
>every night we could hear someone walking around in the attic
>cousin's father went up to check but found nothing
>this happened both nights we stayed there

still mindfucks me to this day, it sounded exactly like someone walking around, must've been a hobo or something

>imagine being abused by three beautiful women
fuuuuuuuck i really envy you. Are all women in Finland like that?

Why would they do such a horrible injustice to you as rubbing their firm perky boobs on you?


she had had her eye on me for a while and I guess she really, really wanted dick

I was really bothered by the experience, she was clearly wearing a bra that was chafing against me, it wasn't some soft fleshy tissue

by the time I came around to her way later I had made an ass of myself and I guess she had already found dick elsewhere

i think that everyone would believe that

Old men drinking 12 pints of guiness consecutively in pubs at 12am on a Saturday morning, only going to the bathroom once.

Mongolian biker gangs