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Who do we (Russians) hate more: Poles or Bvllgarians, aside of ***Ainians
Ayden Ward
Tyler Rodriguez
having a stable country
Logan Barnes
Having culture
Kayden Jenkins
The question was about whom not what
Ethan Torres
Lincoln Ward
Brayden Sullivan
Andrew Nelson
Russia is both stable
And has a million times more culture than Argentina though
Bentley Hill
Seething russian
Gavin Bennett
t. Russian with a trampstamp
Samuel Morris
ruzkie sub-animal on khazaric leash tries to genocide last christian and white nations in europe again.. how surprising...
Jayden Ramirez
Jonathan Wright
you know when shit hits the fan, russian piggies will be butchered not only inside russian borders but also outside of them? i will be first one to emigrate to the west when russian subhuman destroys my home, maybe even to switzerland, and i am going to make my hobby out of killing all russians and jews living there, including such individuals as you xD
Xavier Brooks
>North poole
Joshua Gonzalez
delete this post. Putin is fucking based, he works hard and saves the white race just so that some cuck like you mocks him with this soulless morph of his face with that of a monkey? This is fucking wrong, man. Like why would you do this? Chadimir Putin doesn't deserve to be memed like this
Ryan Nguyen
>South poole
David Hill
Arent russians and bvllgarians bros though?
Michael Gray
delete this post. Putin is fucking based, he works hard and saves the white race just so that some cuck like you mocks him with this soulless morph of his face with that of a monkey? This is fucking wrong, man. Like why would you do this? Chadimir Putin doesn't deserve to be memed like this
Michael Morgan
I expect you'll be moving West to clean my toilet much sooner than that, polebro. You can bring your emotional baggage and fantasies with you though, I don't really mind as long as you do a good enough job.
Dominic Long
delete this post. Putin is fucking based, he works hard and saves the white race just so that some cuck like you mocks him with this soulless morph of his face with that of a monkey? This is fucking wrong, man. Like why would you do this? Chadimir Putin doesn't deserve to be memed like this
Dylan Miller
obvious samefag
Anthony Bennett
Nolan Perez
What's with the question mark? You seem hesitant.
Nathaniel Martinez
I think our shared hate of uk***ne bonded some poles and russians together at least on Jow Forums
Evan Murphy
The questionmark idicated that your statement was stupid
Asher Gonzalez
Seemed like you were unsure of yourself.
The samefagging is very obvious, just like your butthurt.
Hudson Wright
What if i told you that this entire thread consists only of me and you, and the only reason why you are here is for me to tell you that you were in a coma for 5 years.
Asher Brown
Seething subhuman putinbot leeching off a tax haven like a true parasite
Tyler Morales
I'd say you're a butthurt Polish schoolgirl throughing a tantrum and also trying to change the subject.
Carson Young
come now, samefag
I've spent more money here than you'll make in three lifetimes.
Eli Stewart
oh look it's the russian user with a swedish flag again
Christian Butler
Imagine unironically being so butthurt about a country you have to proxyfag and samefag in every thread you post since you can't actually say anything of substance. Imagine having this little life.
Pathetic. But also sad.
Blake Jackson
xes evaH
Robert Brooks
For the love of God have sex