You wake up in Sofia

You wake up in Sofia.

Attached: 1537068834890.jpg (850x567, 266K)

wtf how did i get to bucharest

Wow, that's worse than Ukraine. What are you morons doing with all the EU gibs???

How much those children get paid for keeping up that arcs

>oh shit Sofia, I can’t believe I left my dick in your pussy all night! Here, let’s go to the clinic

are Bulgarians brown?

its almost as bad as that pic of malo konare

>What are you morons doing with all the EU gibs???

Attached: bp2.jpg (700x525, 51K)

no those are romas, but as a whoel were turkish rapebabbies

Sofia= best city in Eastern Europe, 2% unemployment, average wage 900e higher than Saint Petersburg

If Sofia was a Russian city it would be the 2nd richest after Moscow. Sofia = good , other Eastern Europe = bad

Attached: Better than krasnoyarsk.png (1917x927, 2.16M)

Why is their skin so brown?

Not even 100% natives from Bolivia have skin that dark.

they are from india

why didn't you post SkyFort

In Romania I saw a "bike" trail next to the road. It was divided into four tiny 1/3m lanes and the "bike" sections had the burgundy/white bike symbol painted every 1.5m. I struggled to understand why such a thing would be made



IDK, wasting EU gibs?
Do you really need pic related every meter and a half to tell you that you are on a bike path?

Attached: images.jpg (274x184, 11K)

First of all we don't even use all the Eu money available to us.
Second, that stuff costs next to nothing.
Third, why do you think that's made with EU money?

How bad is the gypsy problem in Bulgaria?

>Third, why do you think that's made with EU money?
Because you have more important infrastructure problems than a lack of bike paths? I can't see any reason why you would spend your shekels on this shit. I am not knocking your country. Romania was wonderful and the people were friendly, there is no need to get defensive

I'm not getting defensive, I just don't get why you would think that, and I still don't.
Yes there are more important things, but the gov spends money on all kinds of stupid shit, and bike paths aren't even that expensive I don't think.