Jow Forums
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International #1074
What went so horribly wrong?
Some parts of USA are as north as saharan desert
I love Italy
Are Poles happy to get rid of the Jews?
Japanese women are getting bred everyday by Korean BULLS because of kpop
Nooooo, don't just delete that torrent after the download has finished! You need to seed!
Tfw wanna km but too scared of the pain of cutting deeper than this
How black people were treated in the 70s in New York
Does Germany spend enough on its military?
Say "Have sex" in your language
ITT we read the CBT wikipedia article out loud and rate each others reading skills
How do real estate developers try to relieve housing shortage in your country?
Cringe Thread
I want to meet a cute norwegian erasmus student and smell his hair
1. your city 2. do you live in a first world city
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Rudolfupplagan
/ita/ - il filo
Your country
Good morning, sunshine!
European cuisines rankings 2019
Imagine a world with 1.4 billion Swedes instead of Chinese
These were basically white communist ethnostates right?
I sat at a cafe in Stockholm and I accidentally stamped on a Japanese kid because I thought it was a big insect
I love russian women, american women, brazilian women and italian women. They are very hot...
I love Nordic summer. The sun is up all the time...
Why do brown people commit more crimes than whites anywhere in the world?
How's summer been treating you anons?
Ir*land hate thread
The perfect girlfriend doesn't ex-
Why do Europeans say we have shitty beer, when the most popular beers in Europe are shit like Heineken and Carlsberg?
How do you call this in your country?
Zoomers are by far the worst generation to ever exist
Have you thanked us for creating modern civilisation today, Jow Forums?
Be actor from lombardy
/ITA/ il filo
Why do American girls have such pretty hands?
ITT: rarest international couples
1. ur'e cuntrey
Could she pass as local in your country?
What were these spaniards doing in paris?
What went wrong?
Imagine spending 9 months in a womb just to be born in these shitholes
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
This is East Asia
Which country is actually the most soulless?
Are you ready guys?
Victory following Armistice Day brought about a huge emotional letdown and economic readjustments...
Have you noticed your governments subtle attempts to provoke sinophobia among your nation?
He's unable to understand texts written in his """"""""""language"""""""""" a millennium ago
What's this called in your country
Used to get really dizzy and headaches from 6 shots
Why yes, I'm bilingual! I speak my native language (french) and english fluently. How could you tell?
Would you rather be a poo or an arab?
Kurva anyátok
The "Big Six" of Europe
Post powerful images itt
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - chattupplagan
Did you know sweden has AMERICAN DRESSING?
White women be like
In 1994, a 6.7-magnitude earthquake rumbled through Los Angeles at 4:30 a.m. The shaking woke residents...
Why is AMWF and WMAF great? AMWF children become smarter and more beautiful...
What the fuck is going on in the UAE?
Girl on left is hotter so she deserves it. Only virgins will disagree
Lets have a thread where the flag has to change in every post
Japanese Jow Forums makes me laugh
Why yes, my name is [insert Western name here] Nguyễn, nice to meet you!
/fr/ - le francofil
How do arabs survive this?
Europe Weather today
8ch Bans
Muhajir pajeetiod tried to make friends with me
Asia will be Anglo by 2100
Based asian girl tell the truth
Explain why don't you have a slavic gf yet
Post yfw you realise that the swedish empire was real
"Social Justice Warriors vs. Logic Thug Life Compilation #7"? nice, let's watch it
we do not have a will to return islands to Japan and Ukraine we invaded after ww2 said a Monki
I SOLVED india's public defecation problem
/brit/ (formerly /anglo/)
Explain this, America
How do you draw a circle?
Why is it impossible for Jow Forums to have a reasonable discussion about China...
Post some pieces of your favourite painter from your cunt
/lit/+Jow Forums = /lint/
In Japan as an exchange student 10 years ago (2009-2010) in international school (teaching in english)
Koreans and Japanese simply cannot be the same people...
What are national minorities in your country? We have this picrelated
Why is it wrong to want a whites only nation?
/cum/ + friends
Political Joke
There is NOTHING I want more than to be bullied...
There's unironically nothing more aesthetic than beautiful White women getting banged by Black Cocks
Roll for your waifu
I want to go to Finnland or Brazil and do this with a cute boy
Does this happen in your region?
Is rapprochement with Russia in the best interests of Europe?
I don't want to work
/mena/ /مينا/
My application for a Spanish passport was declined, should I just hero myself and be over with it?
Will this man save Turkey from Kerdogan?
Please attach a cover letter
/fr/ Le francofil
Is your country ruled by Orthodox church
Post stories from your cunt
British comfort food is the best cuisine there is
Why American video game is piece of shit?
France, how do you guys view him currently?
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
Pooin at work lol
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
/ita/-il filo
Hilo /lat/ANO
No water for baths, in pipes, etc because water crisis
Economics is a science. Capitalism objectively works. Communism killed 200 million innocent people...
Is this accurate?
You wake up tomorrow in the flag above you
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You're not a real country if you've never had a civil war. Builds character
Map thread
/cum/ + friends
How can I get a Japanese gf
What's wrong with Americans and food?
Rightful Pakistani clay
Kurva anyátok
I applied to 2 masters' degree for next year, i have zero contengency plans if I'm rejected...
1. Your cunt
Jannies look like this?
Russia has a lower murder rate than the US for the first time since the early-1980's
"Japan" evaluated by Korean men
I hear this place Is a paradice for rich pedos,Is that truth?
Do americans really?
Europe is full
The Chinese must return to the white colonies
You wake up in Galicia, Spain
Wake up
Interesting Arabs are becoming increasingly irreligious
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
If they could see the United States today what would they say?
What’s up with square jaw and masculine looking white woman??
Korean study thread
What countrys have the least amount of whores...
How do I stop being a severely depressed piece of shit...
Why are the United States and Japan the only two countries on Earth that give a shit about baseball?
Daily reminder that south part of South Korea was Japanese land...
Why are euros afraid of Russia? It's so tiny lol
Why do Canadians do this?
Just ate 15 krispy kreme doughnuts alone
This is potato. Does your country love potato?
Mexicans are you proud of nicholas j fuentes?
Why don't these two countries get rid of all trade barriers and borders between each other...
Why do Americans want to deport this Argentine immigrant?
How do you have a side chick without your gf finding out in your country?
/lat/: Hilo latino
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
I'm turning 26 tomorrow and never had a gf
What are they proud of?
What's your stance on the paranormal, Jow Forums?
Saw a picture of myself today
The Brazilian race
What are your cunts mythical creatures?
Hi I'm south american and I'm a shitposting faggot who will parrot this post with a soyjak because I'm esl and can't...
Welcome to mcdonald. what will your have sir?
Islam is
Pretty Based TBH
Why do Europeans say we drink shitty beer, when the most widely consumed beer in Europe is shit like Carlsberg...
What's the most Jow Forums country?
Québec is latin america, change my mind
Why are women shit in everything?
Why do Americans not build many skyscrapers nowadays?
Remember this?
Why is Europe so against vaccines?
Why do they hate each other so much? They seem pretty similar to me
Is there even a point to white women anymore?
What is your favorite part of the USA? Where would you want to live?
NOOOOOOOO you can't drink ocean water! y... you'll die!
I heard IstanBVLL is based and REDpilled now? Can any Turk BVLLs confirm?
Thank Brazil everyday, eurofags!
How common are anti-depressant usage is?
Canadians are too polite to wake up sleeping passengers
I paint pepes
ITT: Jow Forums approved youtubers
What nationality/ethnicity have you been mistaken for?
Tfw no Jow Forums gf
Why are they so poor?
The bad guys won in world war 2 nazis were like so COOL trench coats based red pilled and the good guys, fuck jews!!!!
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /Innsmouth/ ehemals /deutsch/
/v4/ + The glorious states of Chile, Colombua and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le francofil francophone
At least you're not a manlet
What the F*CK is wrong with Americans?!?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Do we all hate the Chinese?
What's his problem?
Why is a rich country like luxembourg so low iq
Should have germans finish the job?
Why are white people like this?
Spanish Fascism was Multiculturalism
I want a med gf
He has a biblical/jewish name
Moroccan media has started brainwashing people with black race-mixing propaganda. It's over for Arabs...
Why are they low IQ?
Hehe failed
Half-Puerto Rican girl nearly dies trying to eat spicy hot wings
Jow Forums, I need your help.. no bs; I genuinely need help. I want to teach English there too...
Van Halen
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
What is it about Mexican girls that makes them so perfect...
Most toxic posters on Jow Forums
Why are americans like this?
Tricolours are without a doubt the most boring flags in the world
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Jobs of Jow Forums
To the gays of Jow Forums
Post some traditional food/beverages your country is really good at
What is your favorite part of Germany?
Average french girl
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
What's Jow Forums's stance on DUDE WEED legalization?
Honest thoughts on Russia?
I made a food
Is it socially acceptable for straight guys to only have male friends in your cunt?
What can America do to slow/reverse the countries declining power? Is it too late?
In the Balkans we think of Mexicans as white, and by "white" we mean exactly as Spaniards...
China will collapse and America will become second Brazil, and Russian century will begin
How can you not accept to take the Nordic pill already?
I've had enough. tomorrow neighbour's dog DIES
1) you're a country
/cum/ Canadians USAians Mexicanx
/ita/ - il filo
Do you buy many things from China?
Have you ever experienced culture shock?
I support the Austrian poster 100%
/balk/ - bruh look at this dood edition
Basically the same language
I fucking love fascism
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Für alle auBer Tuxçhen
Is the rise of Orthodoxy in America the most important event of our time?
Am i autistic for eating plain bread as a snack?
Kurva anyátok
American traveling in Italy here
3 points short from C2
Here you go bro, peak of Balkans gastronomy
1. your cunt
Me online:
What could she have possibly thought it was weird about the US? can't find the video lols
How do you say "All Americans have to die a horrible death" in your language?
Drunk as fuck right now, drunk like 3 bottles fo whiskey and 4 bottles of beer
Have sex
1.Your province/state flag
/danmarktråden/ 2.0
/luso/ - Fio Hetero e Feminista
How do you say "I got raped in Sweden" in your language?
Heritage Thread
I dont like reggaeton...
I mean, look at this. Is this even real?
Wakie wakie user
How important is height in ur cunt?
3% of Russians own 95% of Russia's wealth
/mex/ hilo
Hi, I'm new to Jow Forums. Are frens a thing on Jow Forums or do the different countries all hate each other?
/geiles Gedicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
I just realised that I'm a 22 years old KHHV
Is this image racist?
So did he kill himself yet or what?
Sweden has the highest rape rates in Europe
Unpopular opinion: Every race has its own energy and built in "rhythm"...
Do they really?
Why yes, I do prefer East Asian women. How could you tell?
Finnish men are antisocial Asians with a small Asian penis and do not really meet the sexual needs of Finnish women
I asked my family to fill out a blank map of Europe and compiled their results
Akp loses with 13k votes 2-3 months ago
I know they have too much invested in denying it, but Ireland would be better off as the fifth country in the UK
Today is the day of gay parayde
Why do Latin Americans like Jow Forums shit so much?
Why is there so much rape in Sweden?
He works more than 55 hours each week
Prussia was ruled by army
Jews bad
I keep my face clean shaven
This is how Macedonia has progressed
Just how cute are the boys in Europe?
You wake up in East Germany
Does this happen in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
Why do latinxs love reggaeton and trap so much?
Have your country ever witnessed Heat waves/Droughts?
/vidjospielä/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why do we cause so much seethe the world over simply by existing?
How should I behave in Spain to not be an annoying tourist?
As a Portuguese girl I feel like you're too rude to my country
What percentage of the Ukrainian female populace has yet to lose their virginity?
190,000 jobs created in Ontario he says
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Century of East Asia
"It was me,"
Why is Russia not considered a 1st world country on this board?
/fr/ - le francofil
Which country has more virgin girls, Ukraine or Slovenia?
Tell me about you
So user, why have you not yet converted to Islam?
/fr/ - le francofil
The greatest genocide in human history is happening before your eyes
I fuckin love capitalism
/herschelbad/ ehemals /deutsch/
"What did you just say in your language, user? It got me SO wet just now..."
Black births map of France
Next to 2 major world economies + South Korea
Why are French girls so open to having causal sex with strangers?
Why white people can get big muscles easily??
Lebanon has no Arab genes. Very few speak Arabic in Lebanon
/ita/ il filo
Powerful Jow Forums pictures itt
Post bundas from your country
Which one would you/do you:
"""japanese cuisine"""
Why are redheads considered universally so unattractive?
Based China
Your country
Explain this Sweden
Favourite food from other countries
Countries that LARP as f*rst world
Finnish government to reintroduce stricter Mandatory Swedish for older students
/neu/ /deutsch/ehehmals /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Prideupplagan
The only country I care about in the world is Japan. Their language, culture, people, history...
Redpill me on chinese women
The Mediterranean breakfast :)
/v4/ + agents
I've been looking at a lot of finnish women lately and I don't know exactly what it is but they mostly seem to have a...
W-where am I?
Banter a frenchman a bit
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Female Supremacy World Wide
Why are spanish girls so beautiful?
Is heterosexuality legal where you live?
/ita/ il filo
Kiev right now
USA is a shithole even for software developers
How do Western EUropeans feel about expanding into the Eastern countries starting 2004? Was it beneficial or not?
Spam Omegle with Kara Boğa Cooypasta
Euros be like
Wow very cool, thank you France!
This is how Swedish Vikings look like
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
What advice would you give women traveling to your country?
/fr/ - Le fil Français
Country name ends with *stan or *land
Why is Mexico so poor compared to the rest of North America?
Where does your language fall on The Chart?
Minorities living in Russia (Tatars, Chechens etc.)...
Americans be like "Wood? Yum"
/cum/ + friends
No civilization
/tr/ - Re-election Edition
What does Jow Forums think of my country (Northern Ireland)?
What is life in a bordertown in the US, is it dangerous? is there a lot of smuggling, illegal immigration, other crimes?
Are there any non-plastic K****n women left except her?
Imagine being Western European. All those glorious historical achievements of your ancestors and your homeland...
Culture Pals /cp/
Start more than half of European wars
When will this country sink? And what would happen to the people if it does sink?
Whyte peps be like "tried to sunbath for 5 minutes, I really wanted that brown skin color...
Is your cunt paying reparations?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do Jewish girls always huge boobs?
Female cashier smiled at me
"where do you see yourself in ten years?"
Italy is blessed by God, go literally anywhere, its beautiful
Why is German culture so irrelevant? No one in the world learns German unless he needs it at work...
'Go out with you user? BWAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAH. Go away loser!'
Who was the most notorious Nazi from your country?
Where do your countries trash tourist go?
Kurva anyátok
Ur cunt
My girlfriend was born in 2001
/flag/ - /extraflags/
Women have been mean and abusive to me all my life :(
Do americans
1. Your cunt
Has anyone encountered this phenomenon of thirdies getting irrationally sore over exonyms...
/mena/ /مينا/
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2209
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Is Brazil a failed country and a sign of America's future? I'd be interested to hear what knowledgeable people think
How and why most Russians disappeared from central asia?
Varg fans look like this?
Be Ameriburger
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for whit-
Post your country's royal palace(s)
Since he is technically an African American can he say nigga?
Why don't you Spaniards fuck off so we can enjoy our vacations?
American "humour"
Do you really have to pay like hundreds of dollars for an ambulance in america?
IQ thread
Do whites realize that we're the niggers of China/Korea/Japan?
Where do I find this phenotype? I want this kind of girl
Post a song you like that's in a language you don't speak
This completely and utterly flummoxes the american
Your cunt
A British tourist has been arrested after swimming naked in the moat of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo...
Guess the map
Most hated posters on Jow Forums RISE UP
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Sister wants to "travel" in europe
Westerners be like
Can we all agree that Korean is the best sounding far eastern language?
In america, all the women look like this
Why are the japanese like this?
Sverigetråden - tänk på döden
Be me
Why are they always so angry?
Why do Americans hate Iran so much? I don't get, Iranians seem like nice people
ITT: Rarest flag you've seen on Jow Forums+discussion
"Hurr, Cringe! Durr, Cringe! Cringe!"
Street walk videos
Faces of Jow Forums pt2
Why are mexican posters so gay?
Have sex
How's everyone's day been? Just finished work at my tribe's casino, could be worse though
Do you prefer Indian rice or Japanese rice?
Post your city's central business district
Why does anime look African?
Post your country's "never forget"
Your country
PCs of Jow Forums
Should we bring the Indian dot back into fashion?
1. Flag
Map thread
Why yes, I teach English in Japan
Why are Americans like this?
What is the root cause for the decline of the west?
/cum/ + friends
/fr/ - le fil francophone français
This region should be like four countries instead of 25
Did your country spread it's religion peacefully?
Here’s your bill bro
Your race
What the fuck is wrong with Americans
Are regular fights in public school a thing in european countries? We had at least one daily at mine
Aged 20, Chesler married a fellow student and travelled with him back to his native country of Afghanistan...
Imagine being this retarded
The greatest trick Asians ever played was convincing wh*Te boys that Asian girls were better than white girls
Was she overrated?
1: your country
Latino niggas be like, "Hola...
Why do everyone loves italy so much?
Girls are on Jow Forums RIGHT NOW
Are we basically a race for most intents and purposes?
Fuck mestizos tbh
Am I crazy if I think the UK feels more culturally similar to the US than Canada does...
Why do Asians care so much about what their parents think? They treat their parents like gods...
Top 10 handsome countries
Is the water safe to drink in your country? you guys like, talk to girls or whatever?
Do you want to have children?
Would this be considered fat in your cuntry?
Finally, a place for fellow enlightened thinkers to share lobster cleaning tips
Why do latinos like soccer so much?
What is this body type called?
America will not go out with a bang but a whimper
Post skylines from your country
How can I impress Spanish girls?
Mfw Russian and Ukrainian birth rates
Who was your country’s last monarch
Your country
I am transgender
ITT: post the typical school lunch from your country
Latinoamerican right wing nazis
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are homosexuals ok with normalizing pedophilia...
Wrestling girls
Sverigetråden - Falla av
Is the police useless in your cunt?
I eat raw oats with whole-milk yoghurt
/ita/ il filo
United States nearly nuked itself
Meditate my sons
What the fuck britain?
I just learnt about America
/nacktschicht/ ehemals und morgen wieder /deutsch/
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
When will the
Ethnically and religiously homogenous (10% Coptic)
Is Denmark (Copenhagen in particular) fun?
Wow!!! Nordic girls are like this?
United States height map
Tell me about the biggest crime the perfidious Anglo committed against your country or your people?
I don't want to die here. Should I flee to Canada or Mexico?
Which parts of Germany are most based?
You can post ITT if your country has always been the good guy in history
What Jow Forums drives?
Where can I move to that has tropical rainforest and coral reefs but isn't a third-world shithole?
Yellow fever Austrian thread
Be me
Why do shitholes like them so much?
Imagine not being germanic
You wake up in Toronto
How do we stop Iberians from bullying Germanics?
Seriously sick of seeing Romanians in England, why don’t they fuck off?
I suffer in Portugal
/fr/ - le fil francophone français
I hate this shit so much
Post police uniform from your country
What is it with non-whites and white girls?
Peru national team
Why did God make Hispanics so short? Is it so whites would have an easier time to look down on them?
Post shit from animecons in your cunt
Who would win?
This is the shield of Europe
They all seem really down to earth
Why do mexicans think its okay to sell drugs to our children?
Sverigetråden - Havsupplagan
Do you reckon he knows ?
Do you consider Croatia your friend?
ITT say something nice about a country or nation that has historically oppressed your own
What did he do for France to deserve this?
/ita/ il filo
Perfect europa thread
Just got a new Mickey Mouse comic!
Does nudists exist in your country?
What's your country's perspective on women with big boobs?
How are you holding up Jow Forums ?
Your cunt
You wake up in cs_italy
/fr/ - Le Fil Français Frais
Bong thread
Bolsonaro wants to kill their habitats
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Faroe Islanders
How is dating brown girls seen in your country?
In which European country could I found girls like pic related?
Tell us weird sexual habits from your cunt
You wake up in Sofia
How common are people who look a bit Asian-ish like Bjork in Europe?
There are 'muricans browsing right now that were shoved in lockers by jocks and never went to their prom in limo
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
Question to Euros
Do people respect Asians?
What is life like for people in the russian far east?
Do African-American girls like European guys?
Redpill me on the kurds
Guys WTF is wrong with my left arm?!?!?!
What went wrong?
Why everyone says canadians are "nice"or "too gentle" ,the leafs are fucking dick people
Does Jow Forums like chocolate? What’s your favorite?
Swedish universities
Americans, serious question, how big is the race mixing scene in the US?
Lets play a game Jow Forums
Why have you not gotten yourself a nice European gf?
/cp/ - Culture Pals
/deutsch/ ehemals /deutsch/ ehemals /deutsch/ ehemals
Average face of country by 2050
N-NOOOOOO!! We are European!!
Why do Westerners hate Indians so much?
Putting Portugal on the map. Soon all the girls gonna want Portuguese cawk
Scientists used 17,000 "Lost" wallets to study honesty in different countries
If there is no Star Trek character from your country it's irrelevant
What is the worst thing you have ever done?
Are argentineans white?
Live in Germany
European cuisines ranking in 2019
What are your thoughts on Chinese replacing English as the lingua franca?
Reminder that Japan is not Asia because Asia has been imbibed by Eurasian Soviet culture while Japan has remained...
/ita/ - il filo
What is up with acid attacks in Britain? Why is it such a huge part of their culture?
How delusional is your cunt/your neighbour cunt's perception of national history?
1. Cunt
User, what do you mean you haven't been to New England?
Post something nice about the country above you
How it feels like being a Brazilian on Jow Forums
/luso/ the fio lusófono
Do the British really do this?
Would you?
Are butts appreciated in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
No one likes you
They don't eat cheese for dessert in his country
Guess nationality thread
IQ scores from consciption day in Denmark. Notice anything?
you're cunt
So why does Jow Forums hate Dobson
I suffer in Sicily
Who else wearing boxer shorts while posting on int?
Gigachad he... he believed in me. It's up to me now
Is it acceptable to date a brown girl in your country?
Europe 2053
Do americans really do this?
Blue = Manly men
/sag/ South Asian General
/fr/ - le fil francophone français
I want our military to BRING BACK this uniform
Two 13 year olds sentenced to life in prison for murdering an elderly woman with a hammer so they could rob her and buy...
Unless you come from once of the following countries you do not have a historical and current "beer culture"
Are jews and Italians the same people?
/ita/ il filo
What advice would you give to white women visiting your country?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship