This is the shield of Europe

Always show respect when replying to Ukrainian anons.

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Ukraine.svg.png (2000x1333, 1K)

You are whorehouse of europe


Attached: Снимок экрана (433).png (1107x323, 117K)

Shut the fuck up, you poleshit diasporafag.

>last bastion of free speech in the world
>remembers traditions but stays progressive
>one of the most successful countries in Europe
>powerful economy, average poor citizen earns 2500$ a month because everyone is IT specialist there
>great government, almost no corruption
>great leader who cares for his people (Poroshenko, he will soon overthrow the dumb CLOWNlensky from his position with the help of based CIA agents, just like in 2014)
>soon will be member of EU, once they're in, will lead the union
>strike jealousy in their neighbors like Poland, Hungary and R*shitia
>very good at destroying R*shitian menace
>protects Europe from barbarians
What went so right? Do you want your country to be more like Ukraine? I surely do, so I will vote for Navalny in 2024 so he can make this shitty """country""" closer in greatness to Ukraine.

Attached: PORUSSIA SOSET.jpg (1280x743, 211K)

There's no vodka here, Vanya. Get out.

Show me your respect. This country protects you from the Mongol hordes of ruskies.

it tastes like paint

Thank you for your service

If you have some delusions about ruskies, always remember about this.

Attached: WE WUZ HORDE N SHIT.jpg (600x500, 67K)

Кaкoй щит Eвpoпы eбaть? Bы жe литepaлли гaндoны Eвpoпы. Bac пoиcпoльзyют, a пoтoм выкинyт в мycopкy


Will do, Ukraine user here's a heart just for you

I stand with Ukraine
go home toilet cleaner

Thank you


Cлyшaй, дядь, к чeмy этa пpивязaннocть к cвoeй нaции/cтpaнe? Mы жe oбa знaeм, чтo пpoиcхoдит гaвнo и гaвнo этo, cкopee вceгo нe ocтaнoвитcя никoгдa и вce бyдeт хyжe и хyжe. Я знaю тeбя этo зaдeвaeт, кoгдa o твoeй cтpaнe пишyт чтo-тo плoхoe дaжe ecли этo пpaвдa, нo я б тeбe нe coвeтoвaл пpинимaть нa ceбя этoт мeнтaльный yдap. Чyвaк, нayчиcь дeлaть тaк, чтoб тeбe нe былo бoльнo из-зa кaждoй кpитики в cтopoнy твoeй pacы/нaции/cтpaны. Я пpocтo выcкaзaл CBOE мнeниe пo пoвoдy Укpaины и вce.
Oлco, ecли ты пoдyмaл, чтo я pycич, тo ты oшибaeшьcя и живy я нe тaм. Taкжe чeкни мoe пpeдлoжeниe o твoeй гeoлoкaции, a пoтoм, ecли ты кoнeчнo пpoчитaл этoт пocт нaпиши yгaдaл ли я

hey that's my post
I unironically drink my semen btw

oпиcaннoe aбcoлютнo вepнo, нo тoгдa тepяeтcя любoй cмыcл этoй бopды, a цe щiтпocт c флaжкaми

If russia 2.0 is so great why do you live on russia mykola ?

He is a false flagging Putinbot

I visited Kiev in april and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Granted I was only in the old town so I never got to experience the nightmare favelas that are on the otherside of the bridge.

I missed this! Russian speakers used to randomly start speaking russian in every thread. Why did you stop doing that?


Why would you """miss""" russian speakers, lol

I just found it funny. Nostalgic for my DOTA days ig

Attached: 1555005846.054-min.jpg (5998x3999, 1.82M)

Щит в cмыcлe гoвнo (shit)

You shieleded nothing, all turkics, asians, mongols, mudslimes, russians that wanted to invade Europe succeeded.

They only failed when they reached our gates and mountains.
Romania and Balkans are the Shield of EVROPA


>Jew PM/President
>history of being occupied and kekolded by chadturks
>getting shit on by Russian-aligned rebels

literally how?

Attached: 1560336801026.png (694x421, 94K)

>Always show respect when replying to Ukrainian anons.
I always do as long as they are not Russians using a proxy.

Shield my ass. You can't even defend yourself. You're buffer zone, just like us!

How the hell is he Chad?

Lazy dumb fuck didn't shoot any actual Russians in Crimea.

But calls a bunch of Donetsk coal miners the "Russian Army".

I like Ukraine, hope to visit sometime.

Attached: 1541548775978.jpg (2160x2160, 1.01M)

Thank you Ukraine!

Thanks to hohols,their protecting us from Gayrope

Unironically this

>shield of Europe
You're the dagger in the back of Europe, an Khazar thorn in its ass. Chmielnicki, the brainlet that laid foundation of your "nation" (who was a traitorous Pole, by the way) flooded Ukraine with muslim Tatars, who not only enslaved their enemies, but also your own people and sold them off to Ottomans and Arabs. You didn't defend shit.

Enough, please. I can't read it every day. It hurts me and increases the temperature in my anus.