you can post ITT if your country has always been the good guy in history
You can post ITT if your country has always been the good guy in history
Other urls found in this thread:
Move tf outta the way Europoor, ey where da dip @ whitey.
not so fast sven hjonkelboergsson
Yes. Hello
Ey fellow good guy, ready to give Germany another spanking with us?
can I join?
Hello lads, true good guy passing through
Pinnacle of innocence
America has unironically been the greatest force for good in the history of the world
you can't be a bad guy if you switch to the good guy's side at the right moment
Why are there so many american flags here? Are they from the south?
Nobody should be in this thread except for Luxembourg
Slovenia, Nepal and Latvia
i've always been the good guy.
that's how it usually goes when sucking anglo cock, right?
SOVTH BRAZILIAN reporting in
Unironically us
Yes, it's my time to shine!
unironically the world would be worse off if we hadn't existed. The world would be ruled by totalitarian regimes, the world would be a cultureless shithole with no art due to lack of freedom of expression. Music would be shit, movies would be shit, vidya wouldn't exist.
Literally the only time we were good was BTFOing the Brits and the Nazis.
10. There
9. Never
8. Was
7. Nor
6. There
5. Will
4. Be
3. Such
2. Country
1. Poland
my country is germany btw
>the world would be a cultureless shithole with no art due to lack of freedom of expression. Music would be shit, movies would be shit, vidya wouldn't exist.
yeah, thank g-d we have (((culture))) today as opposed to those ebil dodalidaryan nadzis
Posting itt
We may not be the "good guy", but we are most certainly the protagonist.
not so fast sven
I just want to say that this Swede who starts pointless threads just to put his wojaks with photoshopped ears into circulation is currently the best poster on this board
I should be the only person in here desu
Well here I am.