What is the root cause for the decline of the west?

What is the root cause for the decline of the west?

If you mention Jews in your answer I will cuntpunch you

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internet, cars, extreme capitalism


Shut the fuck up, fairy bread stuffing kangaroo fuck. Stop cherry picking pictures and claiming some time you never existed in as some kind of paradise.


Philosophical materialism.

>what's 2 + 2
>if you'll say 4 I will cuntpunch you

>The west is declining
I can play the cherry pick game too, fag. Its fine, the 21st century west is objectively the most successful and prosperous time period in human history.

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Yes we all know how great it was back when everyone had Polio and you had to make a living cleaning chimneys for 12 hours a day.

Humanism and the breakdown of social hierarchy (i.e. peasants getting freedom)

post to flag ratio off the charts

Pseuds start with muh feelings and muh ideas.

The red pill is actually realising the outside world changes for material reasons. Start with pic related or never understand.

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Just look how great it used to be.

Attached: Men stand in an alley known as 'Bandit's Roost.' Circa 1887-1890..jpg (600x784, 59K)

the greeks because they invented gayness

seething tranny

Prohibiting children to work

wow not like we have hoods today in 2019, as well as ones that look 10x worse than this

unironically jews

people being stupid in general and too easily manipulated. It feels like the world and humanity are just a game to a couple ultra rich dudes

What are you? His husband? Fuck off and don't get involved.

The idea that their technological monopoly would last forever. All wars since WWII have been wh*Tes being buttmad of the emergence of former colonial nations.

Oil wouldn't be a problem if Persia remained under Britain for example. China is simply the highest form of this anger. China represents for the first time a true non-Western country that can overthrow the West's technological dominance. It will never go back to the way it used to be because the rest of the world knows the secret that made the West powerful.

All the social malaise can find its cause in one form or another to this crucial point.

Britain has always had a debauched underclass. It's not a new thing, it's just that society better enables them.

Enjoy your black lung from walking down the street
>wow not like we have hoods today in 2019
No fucking shit. Its almost like things weren't a magical paradise 100 years ago and actually had problems like we currently do.
>as well as ones that look 10x worse than this
lol no

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Western Civilization started declining with the rise of atheism

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Go dilate

I hate this

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Real answer is spiritual corruption. Man's problems are not political. At its core, man's problem is spiritual. It is humanity itself that is corrupt, and the problems we see today are the result of that. The answer is spiritual salvation (Jesus), not politics.

Enjoy your fentanyl overdose

We forgot the ways of our ancestors.

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I will. You make sure that you use that radium watch as little as possible, wouldn't want you to get cancer when the peak of modern medicine tends to involve cutting bits and pieces off and sticking you with morphine.

sad and misguided
almost close to seeing it

A demographic with a penchant for self-destruction, ethnic fetishism and pro-Islam feelings perhaps?

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Specifically cars, I think you’re right

Where do they get these results?

Most American whites aren't real whites though. Also America isn't western civilization.


Source is on bottom left
>Also America isn't western civilization.
If a certain group gets its way this might just become true

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>If a certain group gets its way this might just become true
Not if I have anything to say about it. I love the west and would die for it.

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(((they))) are

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America, more specifically, highly efficient capitalism combined with fervent individualism. Both would be great if everyone had a strong personal identity or at least good taste, but most people do what they’re told - they follow trends in every facet of their lives. Unfortunately, the most lucrative and mass-appealing trends are typically far from the best ones, so we get obesity, athleisure fashion, billion dollar marvel films, soccer mom politics, etc. In the East, trends are still strongly confined by tradition and senior authorities, like they used to be in the West.

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Truth is, you probably won't find happiness in any point in time as you seem to dwell on the negative regardless of the positives.

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>british flag
>muh israel
Fuck off. You don't get to do this. The final death of the British empire will be the greatest day in all of human history.

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Christianity decline

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Rampant cosumerism, need for individualism and the fact that people want everything to be easier due commodities.

pretty much

You are the kikes here you moron. That's why we had to take your little gay empire away from you. You were ruining everything just like they are and we are still fucking cleaning up your messes.


>tfw Brexit could fuck up cocoa prices in West Afirca because cocoa is still traded in pound sterling.

They literally can't think of anyone but themselves.

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>the 21st century west is objectively the most successful and prosperous time period in human history.
*stares at you in central asian*

>but what about west africa

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So it's ok when Brits do it?

tolerance and multiculturalism

Also everywhere else that trades in cocoa. Not cocoa prices are gonna get fucked. It could be short or it could be more mid term in length.

>we are still fucking cleaning up your messes.
>makes everything worse because muh pissrael

Burgerstan. Burgerstan never changes...

But you guys were trying really hard to be white back in the early 20th century. Kind-of still are.


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Every century everyone thinks they have it the worst and the world is going to end. At the 1910 the stock was going to shit, commie revolutions taking over russia, WWI was barely brewing, etc and all where scare shitless.

Germans and their warmongering autism throughout the XXth century.

*singlehandedly proves every single person wrong*

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Da joos


You are responding to a chicano serviceman.

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unrestrained individualism

aim high

Letting muslims enter our lands

I'm going to be honest here
I want to leave the shithole that I'm currently living in right now and I can go anywhere I want to
But everywhere I look it's always the same shit
Is there any modern western society that isn't geared towards total dystopia?

Uh no?

We don't have that many muslims, at least compared to europe.


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We have almost as much as Britain

America has freedom of religion. We are safe from muzzies.

Memri TV is a gift that keeps on giving

Rise of Asia, especially East Asia


>dont give me the obvious answer


less people = less competition for resources, and more resources for everyone

Putting economic capital and output over human growth and spiritual development
thinking winning is the only thing that matters.
putting material things and assets over immaterial/tangible skills that lead to cultural growth like music or great art.

a combination of Uber capitalism raping the spirit of people and the government/social services being ran by retards who have an activist vendetta instead of having a mission to help humans regardless of who or what they are

literally can't understand what this graph is trying to say

you got it

Property tax, central banking, crony capitalism, debt culture, mass immigration

I will never understand this cherry picking BS.
All they ever get to hear about the past is mostly from the eyes of highly successful upper class people. They are deluded into thinking that these times were like these few people saw it.

Try going back to the 1800s and living in the factory slums, literally working yourself to death at 9 years of age.

>central asia

Nothing, the west is fine.

Jews are a codeword for turbo-capitalism although there are hardly any jews in Europe.
Jews in the US are just know how to play the system which is enabled by gun-wielding nationalistic libertarians thinking they're temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

Jews, jewish wealth, jewish groups, Jewish ideas, Jewish involvement
Both the West and East got kiked