Who was the most notorious Nazi from your country?

Who was the most notorious Nazi from your country?

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Josef Mengele "The angel of Death"

There were no nazis in Germany.

Meir Kahane

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Germany dindu 'nuffin, yet still suffered both at the hands of the Nazis and Allis.

No such thing

George W. Bush

95% of Germans were nazis and/or supported nazism in 1933-1945 and Hitler was elected democratically.

Poland never had any nazis or even collaborants. Whole Europe collaborated with nazis, except Poland. The only group of people who collaborated with nazis and soviets after 1939 invasion were our national minorities: Jews, Silesians, Kashubians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and so on.

dindu nuffin we wuz jesus n shiet


It's more the group than the individual that became infamous.
We truly love our German masters, those guys were defending Hitler's bunker long after most Germans surrendered.

For example France established a collaborative Vichy government. No such thing in Poland. When Germans offered such politicians like Witos to establish a collaborative government after 1939 invasion, they refused and were sentenced to death for their refusal. So Germans had to rule occupied Poland directly through "general government" run by Hans Frank

Like that part where they get shot for being traitors. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case of all of them.

Jos Brech

I'm half Bosnian, my great grandfather was part of SS Handschar







Poland never surrendered to the Germans so there was no collaboration on a national governmental level as took place elsewhere in occupied Europe. There also were no Polish SS battalions, though there were SS volunteer battalions from almost all of the German-occupied countries. Attempts to organize Polish SS battalions resulted in immediate, large-scale desertions, and so these attempts were abandoned.[333] Polish Jew, Nechama Tec, an expert on the Holocaust who herself was saved by Polish Catholics, writes that she knew of no Polish concentration camp guards.[334]


This guy, presidential candidate in this years election.

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Here is him in his younger years.

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I never said otherwise, what a curious reaction.
Thing is, we saved most of our Jews. Yours are dead.

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>Germany dindu 'nuffin, yet still suffered both at the hands of the Nazis and Allis.

I hope it is only a sarcasm. Germans were as enthusiastic about Hitler when he was winning wars like Russians are enthusiastic about Putin today when he successfuly steals land of other nations. All Germans were nazis back then, just like all Russians are putinists today.


Poland being the niggers of Europe again.

>just like all Russians are putinists today
30 some percent approve of Putin so not really?

>30 some percent approve of Putin so not really?

More like 98% according to Russian statistics.

That is the most butthurt, ridiculous history rewrite I have ever seen. Even by Polish standards it is way delusional.

Meanwhile 99% of Poland wants to return to the Soviet Union according to statistics. Nobody wants freedom or democracy there. That's why Poland wants to leave EU, they can't handle the freedom and prosperity and want to return to slavery.

Rewriting of history is what you do. We Poles have no reason to rewrite history because we were probably the only dignified and moral nation in the time of war and also a major victim of both totalitarisms. It is you and Russians who have interest in rewriting history because you both are responsible for killing like 100 mln people in Eurasia.

30 according to Russian statistics and 60 after the statistics were changed

>Hitler was elected
That meme again...

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>Rewriting of history is what you do. We Poles have no reason to rewrite history because we were probably the only dignified and moral nation in the time of war and also a major victim of both totalitarisms. It is you and Russians who have interest in rewriting history because you both are responsible for killing like 100 mln people in Eurasia.

Jews also have an interest in rewriting history considering their huge contribution to soviet crimes against humanity and numerous careers in NKVD and other totalitarian organisations of oppression and murder. Moreover, Jews (at least Polish ones) were gladly and actively collaborating with nazis in extermination of their own nation, so no wonder they would want to rewrite history and blame ethnical/catholic Poles for this, because it would be hard for Holocaust Industry to operate for next decades if people realized that machinery of the Holocaust on the territory of occupied Poland wouldn't work the way it worked without massive jewish collaboration

He's about to tell us that jews actually did the holocaust
Take your meds Pawel

Poles willingly sent millions to their deaths during and after the war. If you didn't have a need to rewrite history why are you so blatantly lying about it?

>He's about to tell us that jews actually did the holocaust

Polish Jews were always more loyal to Russians and Germans than to Poles. When Germans and Russians attacked Poland in 1939, Jews (along with other national minorities, such as Ukrainians, Belarusians, Silesians and Kashubians) were the ones who greeted invading armies with flowers. A little Pole was taught from a craddle to fanatically hate everything related to Russia and Germany (ergo: to communism and nazism). In later years of education, young Pole was even more brainwashed in this direction, just like Japs with their kamikaze shit. So it was rather obvious that catholic-ethnical Poles were much less prone to be soviet-nazi collaborants than our national minorities such as Jews who always looked at Germans and Russians with admiration, and were one of main targets of Russian-German secret service operations that were using them to create chaos in Poland from inside. This admiration and love that Polish Jews felt for Germans along with their weak character was one of main reason for which they were gladly establishing Judenrats, closing themselves in ghettos, and using jewish ghetto police to round up jews and send them in trains to death camps. Even death camps themselves were based mostly on jewish labour and collaboration. That's historical facts and i am not interested that they are not compatibile with jewish-hollywood version of happenings.

>Poles willingly sent millions to their deaths during and after the war. If you didn't have a need to rewrite history why are you so blatantly lying about it?

This kind of lie could be created only by a degenerate russian jew which you probably are.

In 1944 Kaminsky took part in the crushing of the Warsaw Uprising, in the Ochota area, where R.O.N.A. committed many war crimes (murder, rape and robbery). According to respected views, the soldiers committed almost 700 murders though numbering only 1% of German forces at the time of the Warsaw uprising. Kaminski thought himself to have direct authority from the SS commander Heinrich Himmler and he did not want to accept orders from general SS Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski, who was in charge of German forces in Warsaw.

The Warsaw Uprising began 1 August 1944. On 4 August 1944, a combat-ready regiment of the brigade was ordered to assist in crushing the rebellion. SS-Gruppenführer Heinz Reinefarth was placed in charge of Kampfgruppe Reinfarth, a pacification unit which consisted of the Kaminski along with the Dirlewanger and several other Ordnungspolizei and SS rear area units. Hitler personally requested Kaminski's assistance, and the latter obliged by gathering a task force of 1,700 unmarried men and sending them (some sources mentioned that they had four T-34 tanks, one SU-76 and few artillery pieces) to Warsaw as a mixed regiment under field command of Kaminski's brigade chief-of-staff, SS-Sturmbannführer Yuri Frolov. Later in 1945 Frolov stated that the regiment had up to 1,600 men and 7 artillery pieces and 4 mortars.

Frolov noted in 1944 that Kaminski gave his men permission to loot: and many did. Kaminski's brigade soon lost any combat worthiness and Kaminski himself focused entirely on collecting valuables stolen from civilian homes. Perhaps 10,000 residents of Warsaw were killed in the Ochota massacre, most murdered by Kaminski's men.

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>jews gladly went in ghettos
>deaths camps were operated by jews

Not but seriously take your medication

Both these statements are true. The fact that you don't realize this is a result of decades of jewish-marxist propaganda in French schools, i guess

Waiting to see how he will tell Poland heroically and singlehandedly saved the world from Nazi Germany.

We didn't manage to save even ourselves, but the historical fact is that Poles created the biggest anti-nazi resistance movement in Europe in terms of range, number of members and number of successful sabotage actions.

Could you post a source for that? Especially when compared to France?

The Armia Krajowa (the “home army”) had 300,000 men and women fighting for it at its peak, by far the biggest resistance movement under the Third Reich, and it temporarily succeeded in liberating Warsaw in the summer of 1944.


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And yet they failed completely. Some other resistance movements had far more success and did not result into becoming yet another puppet state.

It was rather hopeless fight considering that both nazis and soviets were hunting for Home Army people, and they were using a regular military against them.

>all Russians are putinists today
No. Almost all people under 25 hate modern government. And recent retirement reform made him unpopulare among older people.
Putin is popular among babushkas and people who works in state institutions.

By the way, i blame 45 years of soviet occupation of Poland and corruption of our political class for the fact that so little people around the world know about Polish history. If i had a chance from god to rule Poland, the world would instantly learn a lot about our suffering and sacrificies which were unprecedented in history of humanity if i built a lot of nukes and directed them at all major capitals around. Then Poland all of a sudden would be heard and respected. And it would actually be good not only for Poland, but also for the world and next generations of historians. Such shitty nations like Russians, Jews, Germans, Ukrainians and others whose hands are stained with blood and who were responsible for multiple genocides and acts of collaborations with totalitarian regimes rewrite history for needs of their internal and external policy. They simply lie everything they talk about history, to whitewash themselves. Poles have no reason for this, we can openly talk about history the way it really happened. So i think it would be good for the world if we were heard around the world instead of jewish-hollywood bulshit or soviet-russian propaganda.

Bush was a total civnat who was obsessed with being liked by black people. I'd say George Lincoln Rockwell.

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Poland, my toilet is clogged again. Go fix it.

I don’t know who our most famous Polish person is. We don’t have many of them.

Does the land of kangaroo have any famous people at all? I thought you were known only for being a nice place to live.

>Does the land of kangaroo have any famous people at all?

Except of AC/DC and Kylie Minogue of course.


>Advocated for the removal of Jews from Europe
>Was a raycist towards ayrabs

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>95% of Germans were nazis and/or supported nazism in 1933-1945 and Hitler was elected democratically
Here we go again

Vast majority of Russians supported bolsheviks and Stalin too. So nobody can tell that "it was all Stalin's and Lenin's fault". All crimes ever committed by communists were direct fault of Russians as a nation.

By the way, the only reason for which Germans are critical about nazis today and Russians are still defending heritage of communist criminals and mass-murderers is because Germans lost WW2 and Russia won it. It is horrible that the lone fact of winning some major war gives a right to winner to rewrite history and whitewash such butchers like this one:


This Russian guy killed thousands of Poles in Katyn by his own hand, the rest of Poles in Katyn were killed by Jews from NKVD. Why don't Putin and Netanyahu talk about such things today but only about "liberators from Red Army" and "Holocaust"? This Blokhin guy from NKVD was more proliferic mass murderer in history of humanity but somehow everbody since 1945 till today talks only about SS, while completely ignoring scale of crimes against humanity committed by NKVD consisted mainly of Jews and ethnical Russians.

NKVD + Red Army were as evil or even worse than SS and Wehrmacht. That's the historical truth.

ah yes... russians...

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I like Putin he did nothing wrong.

And? USSR is good.

Name one crime commited by USSR.

Genocide in Katyn.

they escaped to manchuria stop lying

Hitl... Ehm Himmler

These people clearly wanted to destoy USSR.

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Soviet Union commited nazi-tier crimes based entirely of ethnicity and nationality of victims. Good example of it is "Polish Operation of NKVD" in 1937-1938. Soviets were searching for people with Polish and Polish-sounding surnames all over the USSR and killing them. This way they killed over 100k random Poles including women and children.


How does it differ from what nazis did? It is an exact copy. Killing people only on the basis of their national roots.

Yeah, Poland did the same with Russian people.

That's a lie. We never did anything like this to anyone.

>Vast majority of Russians supported bolsheviks and Stalin too.

USSR was an authoritarian state, where the head of party seized all the power.

Russia HAS NEVER been a demoracy.

before 800 it was a tribes, maybe this time it was a demoracy lol

after than it was a monarcy till 1917
1917-1991 ussr
1991-1999 eltsin regime, oligarchy (eng queen gave a SIR title to blavatnik thief btw)
2000-2019+ putins regime, oligarchy

>killed over 100k random Poles
I dont believe it, 100k is fucking huge. Even 1k of kidnapped/killed by soviet police would be just fucking huge. And no sources, no people of that time incl polish writers, artists and russian writers(bulgakov, solzhenitsyn etc) wrote about this.

Democracy is shit.
Putin regime? That's shit, he makes Russia better than your western shit-tier countries.

>All crimes ever committed by communists

But communists have never committed any crimes.

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How is it huge in Russian scale? If 100k Russians all over Russia disappeared, you would probably not even notice it.

Western sources being western sources. They always make insignificant things look bigger for their retarded goals.

>95% of Germans were nazis and/or supported nazism in 1933-1945 and Hitler was elected democratical
>Poland never had any nazis or even collaborants. Whole Europe collaborated with nazis, except Poland.
top lol
he only group of people who collaborated with nazis and soviets after 1939 invasion were our national minorities: Jews, Silesians, Kashubians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and so on.

Germanscum is always first one to rewrite history and stain Poles with his own shit. This "guilt-sharing" technique of German jewish-marxist universities and post-nazi elites of BRD is persistent and aims for long-term goals. First organisation that was investing a lot of money in spreading historically false term "Polish death camps" was Western Germany's secret service after all and the operation was carried out for whole period of Cold War.

Here is a short explanation why Jews and Germans cooperate to blame Poles for German-nazi crimes:


-Bolsheviks purposely ruined Russian elections because they didn't have enough votes
-Bolsheviks started a civil war (kinda the only proper civil war in Russian history) which resulted in millions of deaths (more than deaths in ww1). After the war they still had to quell countless peasant rebellions.
-Bolsheviks started their rule with derussification and they never claimed to be defenders of Russian interests, they say they express the interest of world-wide proletarians, they denied existence of nations.

I'm not a proletarian, hence I'm not responsible for their actions.

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Literally our entire royal family + their ancestors

the one who started it all
>German people of Lithuanian descent

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