Why do latinxs love reggaeton and trap so much?

Why do latinxs love reggaeton and trap so much?

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fun to dance while drunk

Only the ones from triracial countries do

This, something that nost dweebs on this site simply wont understand, ever.



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Fuck it, I rather listen to Argentinian disney musicals tha listen to that crap.


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kys subhuman

lmao imagine such shitty music that only can be enjoyed while being on drugs


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Hello C Tangana

>Whoring around

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lol, instead of wallowing in an environment of promiscuity and vices I'd much rather build the fortitude of my spirit through the valuable and intricate life lessons I get from the mangas I read
keep your "fun" for all I care, societal collapse isn't the kind of fun I'm into

It's repetitive nigger music for equally trashy lower-class niggers

Imagine a reggaeton club + shisha lounge in one.
The levels of browness will probably make electricity fall out and roads turn into dirt

People have danced and socially drinked for ages and society was stable, you are just an autist user


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fuck off freak

>implying we don't have those

Have some fun in life once in a while mate, we all gonna die sooner or later anyways. though I don't smoke nor take drugs, moderation is key, just some rum with the lads every now and then

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>fuck off freak

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pedazo de incel


Not true. Check the Spotify top charts from literally ALL Spanish speaking countries

I want to experience one

Spaniards are triracial now

Nues culpa mia si la gata tuya quiere bailar

>getting intoxicated in some shitty club in order to suppress your subconscious emotions and forget about your problems instead of facing them directly
Yeah that's what some actual pathetic incel shit would do

no hablo

you're projecting a little bit too much.
going out =/= being a drug addict

Not really, it's actually normans the ones who do that consistently

There's a bar in mi city with two plants. In the bottom one there's usually rock and reggae and in the upper one reggaeton and dancehall, and also you can rent shishas. Weird mix but works

Dancehall bugs here are probably the most degenerate people I've ever met and trust me I've met degenerate people in my life. Reggaeton fags seem decent in comparison

because low iq

Missed the point


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What is the difference between dancehall and reggaeton? Dancehall is for black people?

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They are not even remotely similar. I only know that only the trashiest people I've had the disgust to meet like that type of bars/"""music"""

Really? I lived in B/quilla and only San Andres people went to the dancehall bars there, and they were nice people,.

Try going to Casa Babylon or similar bars in Bogota. You can sense the ganjah stench from like 3 blocks away. As you get closer you'll start running into the worst ñeros ever the closer you get to the place itself