Unpopular opinion: Every race has its own energy and built in "rhythm"...

Unpopular opinion: Every race has its own energy and built in "rhythm". That's why different races enjoy different genres of music.

Attached: Races.jpg (685x962, 351K)

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What race am I?

Based. Nogs and chinks will never understand Stan Rogers.

The music I like is mostly made by Nordics, Anglos, Germans and Japanese. While you could argue that the first 3 belong to the same race, the Japs definitely don't fit in there. How do you explain this?

Shitty taste race.

you need to get laid asap

I think it is more a fact of culture, but ethnicity (stop using the word "race") might have a part in it.

say that to the billions of wypipo listening to rap and hip hop

Yes im a fag but whats my race

weeaboo faggot.

The music you like is correlated with your personality type. Different personality types occur in different races at different rates.

Attached: 69f.jpg (354x286, 15K)

they all look awkward as fuck bobbing their heads to it. it's unnatural. they're only doing it cause the jew brainwashed them.

I only listen to Nordic metal music

I only listen to black, latino and native music.

Why does black music dominate USA and things that come from black music dominate world wide? except chinkland

>blaming jews
typical amerimutt, eh

you have mental problems

And why do i listen to this type of music?

>Yes im a fag but whats my race
White trash

Because you're a contrarian tryhard faggot. I doubt that music truly gives you any passionate feelings.

Genres represent the way that certain person sees the world
I enjoy classical, heavy metal and bossa nova

Why do boomerd conservatives try so hard to justify why they like country instead of rap? no one cares

Im not a contrarian thats just the only music that doesnt bore me
I might be around 50% white


Do americans really listen to that?

Everyone except me

>t.Franz Boas

So why are Asians the best in classical music, why did Rumba crosses the Atlantic twice, why are African-American and Latin music so popular in the western world?
We could go on for hours ^-^