Basically the same language

basically the same language

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Spanish and Italian sound more alike.

you guys are retarded or what

brazilian "portuguese" need not apply

Can't understand a fucking word of what they say

Portuguese is just spanish read with a french accent

I thought so too until I went to Spain and nobody understood me, i basically ad S to every my sentences

retard thread

and that's the error, if one version of portuguese sounds like italian, it's not the portugal version

you are really dumb or a mouro with proxy coping

Italian is the only good romance language (unless you count English)

t. dario brando

t. Rafael dos Guglielmo

Italian is actually lexically closer to French, with 89% lexical similarity, a percentage comparable to that of Spanish and Portuguese, which also share 89% of their lexicon.

Rich coming from a Swede when your language is basically the same as Norwegian and Danish

Wrong. Norwegian and Danish are basically the same as Swedish.

It doesn't matter which way you look at it, it's the same language in the end

Absolutely. We're the NORTHERN BROTHERS

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is Danish really the same? I heard some comparisons and Danish sounds absolutely disgusting. not worse than Dutch, but still pretty bad.

Imagine the heaviest southern, podunk mississippi accent that you can, now multiply that by three, and you have what Danish is to Swedish

It's kind of like French. As in the danes are just swallowing half of the word

Tf are you saying

Genovese-ligure is very similar. Otherwise... Meh

> French

Yeah. Not like Brazilian Portuguese sounds a lot like Italian despite the influence, to be honest, but if one is closer, it's definitely yours.

but you have some quirky way of phrasing things that makes it more difficult to follow french than spanish

Portuguese ans Spanish definitely share more than Italian and French. But lexicography is a bit irrelevant if the phonetics is all out of wack.

Spaniards probably have an easier time understanding Italian than Portuguese because we're not vowel whores like the two of them.

It's sort of easy to understand written Italian to me, but I only get the gist of it when it comes to spoken Italian. Not to mention, people jokingly say we sound Russian/Polish so It'd be almost impossible for an Italian to understand spoken Portuguese properly. Evan Spaniards can't.

Italian sounds beautiful, i wish i spoke it instead of this slav sounding language

for me the order from most comprehensible is:
catalan > spanish > french > br portuguese
portuguese is pretty much impossible to decifer, it might as well really be russian

This is kinda true because Portuguese uses a lot of strange sounds coming from frech. Italian and Spanish use the almost the exact same phonology desu


> lexicography is a bit irrelevant if the phonetics is all out of wack.
This. Romanian has like 70% lexical similarity with portuguese and I can't even read romanian, much less understand it spoken.

>Spaniards probably have an easier time understanding Italian than Portuguese because we're not vowel whores like the two of them.
Speak for yourself, Manuel. We don't drop half of our vowels like you do.

Euro pt is ugly compared but it's still better than germanic languages.

>french over br portuguese
Are we talking about spoken or text?

>Italian and Spanish use the almost the exact same phonology desu
It's the latin 5-vowel phonology, basically. Spanish's influence beyond that was basque and Arabic, neither of which have anything too sublte going on vowel-wise.

Portuguese/Galician kept some of the pre-latin phonemes (celtic and probably pre-celtic) which Spanish even had at some point in order to be kept as a poetry/song/high-society language.

>Speak for yourself, Manuel. We don't drop half of our vowels like you do.
You guys do drop some. More than Italian for sure. Generally speaking, we drop all vowels except the stressed syllable's, whilst you guys only drop the vowels after the stressed syllable. Brazilian Portuguese is definitely easier to get into than Portuguese, even though you guys use as much (if not more, depending on the regions being compared) phonemes than we do.

Portugal thread..... here comes the brazilian mongrel subhumans running and writing absurds

But non, is right bout Euro Portuguese not sounding close to Italian.

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>Are we talking about spoken or text?


Shut the fuck up macaco

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> you guys use as much (if not more, depending on the regions being compared) phonemes than we do.
iirc you guys usually have 2 or 3 more phonemes than we do. For example, we only say L before a vowel, if it's after we turn into a U (we say Gabriéu instead of Gabriel).

>some of the pre-latin phonemes (celtic and probably pre-celtic) which Spanish even had at some point in order to be kept as a poetry/song/high-society language
Any theories on why spanish would've dropped those phonemes?

>eu vou xingar os brasileiros só para os outros europeus gostarem de mim
Mata-te retardado

>Euro pt is ugly compared but it's still better than germanic languages.

If the envy monkey say's it, then to the garbage it goes.

Está calado macaco porque é que achas que ninguem gosta de vocês? é pela quantidade de merda que escrevem.



Seu imbecil, a questão aqui é que ele não falou nada demais, você só quer atenção seu incel de bosta

>it's a brazilian and portuguese user insult each other
Why can't you get along? We had some rough times but we are now buddy-buddy with all our Latinamerican brothers.

Attached: 1559499992965.jpg (197x163, 7K)

Vão discutir para o luso, burros do caralho

Thread about Portugal uhehuehue's madness.
Disgusting people.
I'm out.

I was talking about vowels (are consonants even phonemes?)

I think you guys have a couple of vowels we don't use in our standard Coimbra-Lisbon, like the "e" in "Parabéns" not being the same as the "e" in "tem", although that also probably shifts with your regional accents.

>Any theories on why spanish would've dropped those phonemes?
I know that at some point they had a huge push for having read-as-write unambiguous language, although that could've been a consequence and not a cause for it. I think it was always more open than Portuguese, even in old Spanish.

Tens de estragar todos os fios, pá? Já não há pachorra. Fios de linguística e gastronomia são terra santa de paz. Ide espalhar merda para o /luso/ com o resto dos macacos de ambos os continentes.

This is the comment section of every popular, Portuguese video.

Porque os incels de bosta de Portugal sentem a necessidade de xingar a gente direto só para ficarem legais nos livros dos europeus loiros de olhos azuis

cuck panasca invertebrado, é insultado em todas as threads engole que nem uma puta, não admira este país ser uma sombra do que foi e cheio de negrume em todo o lado.

Com aquele teu compatriota retardado que é fanático por feminismo e Emma Watson? Nem fodendo

>importar insultos em inglês do Jow Forums
Ao menos chama-me corno.

É sempre igual com esses filhos da puta.

Eles são merda ressabiada que odeia Portugal e a Europa, mas a culpa também é vossa que lhes respondem.

Can't understand a shit of Portuguese. Written is a bit easier.
Spanish is a lot easier, especially written.

lmao, portuguese and brazilians are funny as shit

you guys should create a bait thread every weak or so

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>you guys should create a bait thread every weak or so
Man, there's more than one per hour.

For a reason no one likes brazilians anywhere.

that's absolutely fucking disgusting, why would you make me think of that?

Portuguese and spanish are similar, spanish and italian not.

I really cannot understand that meme.

>Joke (eng)
>Broma (esp)
>Scherzo (ita)

in italian Burla also means joke

>Piada (Portuguese)

Not the best example, is it?

Nope, sounds more like Romagnolo

That's actually pretty close-sounding. Can't understand jack shit, but it sounds just like my grandpa's friends.

That >proposta is text-book Standard Portuguese.

Burla it's something like bully in spanish.


Burla means Swindle/Fraud (as in the crime) in Portuguese.

Descobrimos o Incel

cala-te a boca paneleiro

Chucha-me o coño

burla comes from latin and means making fun of someone in italian
it's not really used very much, it's something you would hear an old tv presenter say, but there are other expression we usually use

Allora, quindi, pomodoro, bisogno... Italian has many common words that are unfathomable to Spanish speakers.

same. this before studying spanish. now spanish is the mmost comprehensible. the least one is french

In the interest of completion:

Galician = Brazilian > Castillian > Catalan = Italian >= French > Romanian = Chinese

Now, I must say that the only contact I had with Galician was just across the border, so it's hard to gauge how I would fair closer to cities or to the very North. I've also studied a bit of French, so I'll probably understand it a bit more than the default.

oh yeah if we count romanian then romanian is the least comprehensible lmao

Genovese is way more similar. And due to facts

>I was talking about vowels (are consonants even phonemes?)
All sounds are phonemes, doesn't matter how they're written

Even to Italians? Interesting. It must be a one-way street like Spanish/Portuguese.

I've read about Romanian, and I love that they (partially?) kept the latin case system, which made things sound very official and posh, in theory at least. In practice it's just Slavic giberish with the ocasional Italian word here and there to me.

My bad, then. I was meaning the vowels only the whole time, then.

same, slavic gibberish with the ocaasional understandable word. french is too quick to me, but i understand a lot if i read it. romanian is a mystery in its written form as well

>Slavic giberish with the ocasional Italian word here and there
Also, I realize that's what Portuguese sounds like to foreigners as well.

most romance speakers say brazilian portuguese is easier to understand than pt portuguese

true but you can read it and understand

It's all from latin.
spanish, italian, portuguese, french and romanian. But portuguese like galician it's probably more of celtoid, more cold.

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galician being celtic is a meme. to me it s just a dialect of portuguese

the interviewer sounds like a drunk italian speaking some northern dialect

It's not celtic of course. But the cold accent is not really from latin.

Most of the Celtic heritage in Portugalicia is cultural and not really linguistic.

It's not really a dialect of Portuguese. Portuguese and Galician are co-dialects of the same language. In some places in Galicia what they speak is closer to Portuguese than to the standard of Galician that Spain has put in place, so even "dialect" might be stronger than it needs to be.

We like to think standard Argentine entonation resembles Italian. Have you guys ever heared it?

Romanian kind of sounds like a drunk Apulian man