Spanish Fascism was Multiculturalism

The Nationalists extensively used Moroccan infantry in the Spanish Civil War. They were not even deemed "irregulars" to connote that they had a limited and specialized role; they were literally called "Regulares" by the army.

Meanwhile, the Republicans they were fighting against were all Spanish and only had the support of other European volunteers.

Having foreigners kill your countrymen, is this what it means to be a fascist? Also, what happened to the Moroccans in Spain after they helped Franco win?

Attached: 2motiyb.jpg (837x998, 63K)

They had extensive breeding sessions with the local women, as payment for service/loyalty.

Same situation as Indians serving in WW2, they got to hit up all the QT white European women.

>what happened to the Moroccans in Spain after they helped Franco win?
He kept some as his praetorian guard, the rest went back to Morocco and kept their Spanish ranks in the independent Moroccan army, like that butcher general Mizzian. The first thing they did when Morocco won independence was shower the Berbers with napalm.

Do people still like Franco in Spain?

Depends who you ask/where you go. My family remembers how he got into power and how terrible it was, but will admit that in the end his vision helped save spain for a while longer.

Although the general consciences in a dislike and in major urban centers hes down right vilified

That is not too surprising, Franco seemed like a scummy leader

Franco wasn't a fascist

Well if Franco wasn't actually a "Fascist" he was a nationalist. I don't see why nationalists would be composed of foreign fighters

Franco was a traitor, both to his government, which was complete shit and useless, and to his nation, giving fucking moros commendations for murdering peasants.

>Having foreigners kill your countrymen, is this what it means to be a fascist?
they were communists, they deserved to die.
If you're not willing to kill your own countrymen to defend your principles then you don't really believe in them.

t. Bolsonaro tard

>You know my opinion of Franco... We ought to keep these Red Spaniards on the back burner... They're lost to democracy, and to that reactionary crew round Franco too... I believe you to the letter, Speer, that they were impressive people. I must say, in general, that during the civil war the idealism was not on Franco's side; it was to be found among the Reds... one of these days we'll be able to make use of them... The whole thing will start all over again. But with us on the opposite side.
How will he ever recover?

>if you don't like communists you're a bolsonarista
kys retard
the only good thing about bolsonaro are the memes, he's an useless retard otherwise

He's a pretty controversial topic. Kinda like their own version of Hitler (and even more discussed about than germany's fascism).

>had the support of other European volunteers.
Also Mexicans

i cant believe how stupid Jow Forums turns out to be. He literaly delayed women's progress for 4 decades resulting native spanish population growing fairly well

based moroccan cousins of mine SLAUGHTERING sp*niards, not only at annual but in the civil war too

fuck sp*in, rereconquista soon

Hey, no need to diss my bros like that, they're honorary blacks.

they're not my nigga, sp*niards literally invented the term "white" to distinguish themselves from people like you and me

>the term "white"
you r wrong Moor

Attached: Casta_painting_all-1000x1409.jpg (1000x1409, 328K)

>like you and me
Because they are related to you?


Moroccans weren't allowd to stay or marry Spanish women. It was a fascist-catholic dictatorship, 1 race, 1 religion, 1 culture

fuck spa*n
because we're both non-white, retarded thpianiard

they speak my language and follow my religion, they are Spain there, you filthy Muslim, and all the Magreb is controlled by Spain and France so you better shut the fuck up.

fact: arabs are whiter than spainiards

proof: mexico

why did they use them for rape then
what happened to the kids of those rapes?

>He literaly delayed women's progress for 4 decades resulting native spanish population growing fairly well
Then why is Spain now having the highest divorce rate and the lowest fertility rate in Europe?

Attached: 61CBE0A5-E359-4099-8765-AFB5180754ED.png (1500x1162, 508K)

This is why i always found the argument of "IF the NAziz won, everyone would have LARGE families!!!"
When in reality, even with conservative family values, the Euros still prefer to have nearly no kids

Cannon fodder and employing mercenaries has little to do with ideology also the moroccan infantry was less than 1% of nationalist forces im sure the republic had similar semitic (((people))).

Have sex

They assimilated quite well. Wouldn't look out of the ordinary for Spain lol