I'm turning 26 tomorrow and never had a gf

i'm turning 26 tomorrow and never had a gf

why is so hard guys?

i'm tired of being lonely

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Just be gay

>Relationships? No thanks, I find much solace in being alone

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literally just lower your standards. if being lonely is you biggest issue than a potential gf doesnt need to be a 7/8 out of 10. go get yourself a 5 or 6 or something. shit get a 3 or a 4 who will do anything you ask of her

Sure complaining on an anime forum will help you, retard. I hope you kill yourself soon.

that sucks dude not sure what advice I could give you, if any. just remember confidence goes a long way and never be nervous to speak to a girl, even if she rejects you it's not a big deal you'll never have to see her again afterwards.

I hope someday you find one user

my standards always has been low, bro
but i still dont have success

Just be gay it's amazing


>literally just lower you standars.
Being this needy..., OP

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>Lowering standards
To submitting yourself that way, just to get a hole...
That's how firstoid women came to be these entitled shits you see out there.
I'd rather to die a virgin than to get someone I dislike.

White women are difficult to approach.

You're not alone, bro. I turned 29 last month and I never had a gf.

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how could this be possible? you probably are a tall, blonde, blue eyed guy. you just need to go outside. in latinamerica you could fuck any girl you wanted. you probably could do the same in asia and africa. in the ortherside, i am just a mutt who are constantly ignored by the girls of all races

Fair enough, just don't whine about it then.

Good poem (watch this):


Just an introvert with low self-esteem. Also got dark hair and brown eyes.

Dude just be yourself lol.

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>dark hair and brown eyes.

are you dumb, girls find meds attractive

>dark hair and brown eyes.
You're not a real Norwegian.

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thats pretty sad thinking about it. i blink and tomorrow im similar position as you. dont give up and try other solutions and ways to improve yourself

Norwegians tend to have the darkest hair in Scandinavia though

Read Visual Novels. 3D bitches aren't worth our time.

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thats pretty sad thinking about it. i blink and tomorrow im similar position as you. dont give up and try other solutions and ways to improve yourself

>tfw turning 28 tomorrow & never had a gf.

really? I mean you live in Brazil, I have 4 girls from there in their teens early twenties sending me their nudes, posing on all four

>tfw when i don't need a gf to be happy in life
feels good bros
this, dubs of truth

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Happy impending Birthday.

Thanks. But if rather be dead.

Just get ripped and go to that carnival bullshit you have every year and atleast get laid

>Find peace in solidarity rather than relying on others for your happiness

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Well I was a virgin until 26 too. I just paid for it.

>No friends
>Never kissed a girl
>Never had a girl as a friend.
>Haven't fall in love since 15.

I'm weird I know, but I don't care to be honest If I get horny I just fap to porn and fixed.

was it worth it? contemplating doing the same.

it's really, really, really overrated


fuck off evil

Here I don't mind as the woman are either out of my league or gross but man this must suck in chile.

South American woman are so beautiful :)