Why do Americans want to deport this Argentine immigrant?

Why do Americans want to deport this Argentine immigrant?

Attached: 88799998.jpg (720x480, 118K)

Too white.

She is probably an illegal immigrant
>based americans

Send her to Brazil and not Argaytina
We need girls like her around here

Attached: Belen-Sisa.jpg (800x420, 84K)

if she's illegal
the fact that she's a thot or whatever you're implying just makes me more likely to support her deportation

>i don't care about the law or morals anymore because muh dick
This is why men shouldn't be in any position of power of decision making

All she needs is an american husband
And i´m sure that she can find one in less than one week

Nice meme but Argentina is literally the whitest country in South America.


don't (you) me, disgusting nigger